Onslaught is World of Tanks’ competitive game mode and offers thrilling 7v7 matches in Tier X vehicles against opponents of similar ranks. 

The mode features a pre-battle lobby to change team composition before the pre-battle countdown, unique Role and Tactical skills to gain an advantage in battle, and a rank-based matchmaking system. Roll out, collect Rating Points to climb through six ranks, earn progressive rewards, and claim your spot among the best.


Game Mode Basics

Tier X Vehicles

The mode is available for Tier X researchable vehicles (excluding SPGs), as well as Collectors' and some special vehicles.

Pre-Battle Preparation

Once the map is loaded, players can change their selected vehicle or its configuration.

Points of Interest

After capturing a Point of Interest, you have one chance to use the corresponding Tactical Skill.

Role Skills

Depending on the role, each vehicle has a special skill with three charge levels. The higher the charge level when the skill is activated, the stronger the effect will be.

Ranked System

Win against evenly matched rivals to advance through the divisions and ranks.

Changes to the Platoon System

After Qualification is over, you can play in a two-player Platoon or a Super Platoon of seven players.

Changes to Maps

Unlike Random Battles, Onslaught mode is only for Tier X vehicles of seven players per team. To account for this significant difference and to increase the competitiveness of the mode, some of the available maps have been updated. The full list of Onslaught maps and implemented changes can be found in this guide.


The matchmaker considers each player’s position in the Ranked System to find opponents with similar ratings. It will assemble teams of equal strength based on their division and rank. As a result, players will clash in intense battles, fighting on an equal playing field to see who comes out on top.

  • Solo Players and Platoons: Players who enter battle solo or as part of a Platoon may be matched against either a team of solo players or a team consisting of one Platoon and five solo players.
  • Super Platoons: If you enter battle as part of a Super Platoon, you will fight only against another Super Platoon.

Mode Features

Combat Modifiers

There are mode-specific modifiers that change the parameters of the vehicle. Combat modifiers have been introduced to make Onslaught more interesting and enjoyable. They also allow you to try out different tactics and maneuvers.

The modifiers affect the following parameters:

  • Vehicle hit points
  • Consumables cooldown time
  • Dispersion at 100 m
  • Time remaining visible
  • Proximity spotting radius
  • Damage randomization
  • Inner module damage
  • Engine fire chance

Detailed information on the changed parameters can be found in the modifier pop-up in the Garage.

Fog of War

In Onslaught, information about enemy vehicles will remain hidden until they are spotted, but you will know the names and ranks of your opponents from the start of battle.

Pre-Battle Preparation

Before the battle starts, players will have the opportunity to change their selected vehicle or its configuration.

Keep in mind that only repaired vehicles with a full crew and loaded ammo can be used in this mode.

As part of the Pre-Battle Preparation, you will be able to see your starting position, as well as the starting positions of allied vehicles. Your vehicle's position will be highlighted in orange.

Once the countdown ends, or you confirm your selection, you will not be able to change your vehicle. However, your allies will be sure of your choice. When choosing your vehicle, pay attention to the vehicles your allies have selected as well.

Prestige Points

Earn Prestige Points in Onslaught mode to improve your rating and progress, as well as charge your special Role Skill during battle.

Combat Actions

Prestige points are rewarded for basic actions in combat, such as:

  • Causing damage
  • Spotting assists
  • Destroying tracks
  • Causing critical hits
  • Destroying enemy vehicles
  • Spotting enemy vehicles
  • Blocking damage with armor
  • Capturing a base
  • Defending a base
  • Losing HP
  • Stunning assists
  • Causing damage with Artillery Strike or Fire Cover
  • Improving allies' performance with Inspire
  • Restoring allies' hit points
  • Capturing Points of Interest
  • Using the Divisional Radar
    Tactical Skill
  • Passive earnings in battle

Vehicle Role Skills

Depending on the role, each vehicle has a special skill that can influence the battle to your advantage. Press the 7 key (by default) to activate your skill.

Role Skills can hold three levels of charge. At least one charge level is required to activate a Role Skill. 

The charge level depends on the number of Prestige Points. The higher the level, the stronger the skill's effect. By activating a skill, you spend all of the charge that you have accumulated. Certain skills have a charge at the start of battle, and some of them cannot be activated for several seconds.

Skills Overview

  • Light Tanks
  • Medium Tanks
  • Heavy Tanks
  • Tank Destroyers

Recon Flight

A recon aircraft will fly over the selected area within a few seconds. The detected enemy vehicles will remain spotted for a short period of time. A special icon is displayed for a player detected by the skill.

This skill becomes available a few seconds after the battle starts.

At the beginning of battle, the Role Skill's charge level is 2.

Versatile Light Tanks

Active Recon

The view range will be increased. The timer will reset when an enemy vehicle is destroyed upon your spotting.

At the beginning of battle, the Role Skill's charge level is 2.

Wheeled Light Tanks


The gun reload time and gun dispersion after firing, during movement, and during hull and turret traverse are reduced.

The timer will reset when you cause damage by ramming or shooting from a short distance.

At the beginning of battle, the Role Skill's charge level is 1.

Assault Medium Tanks


Your crew and others in allied vehicles receive a crew efficiency bonus.

Vehicles cannot have more than one Inspire effect activated at a time.

Versatile Medium Tanks

Fire Cover

The selected area will be attacked by an artillery strike in a few seconds. Targets affected by the Artillery Strike will be damaged and stunned.

Allies in the affected area will be stunned but will not receive damage.

Sniper Medium Tanks

Sleight of Hand

For a magazine loading system: The remaining magazine reload time will be reduced.

For an autoreloading system: All fired shells in the current cycle will be reloaded faster.

This skill can only be activated during the reloading process.

Support Medium Tanks

Field Repairs

Creates an area around your vehicle that restores hit points for you and your allies.

Assault Heavy Tanks

One for All

Provides a crew efficiency bonus for each allied vehicle of another role in battle.

The bonus multiplier cannot be lower than 1.

Breakthrough Heavy Tanks

Bounty Hunter

Passive action:

  • The gun reload time will be reduced for each enemy vehicle damaged by a shot.

Upon activation:

  • Resets the number of enemy vehicles damaged by shots.
  • Your vehicle will restore hit points for each enemy vehicle damaged by a shot.

Versatile Heavy Tanks

Focus on the Target

Reduces gun dispersion after firing, during movement, and during hull and turret traverse, as well as reload time between shots.

At the beginning of battle, the Role Skill's charge level is 2.

Support Heavy Tanks


Reduces incoming damage. Increases your top forward and top reverse speed.

Increases engine power and damage from ramming to enemy vehicles.

When this Role Skill is active, your tracks will be destroyed by a single shot.

Assault Tank Destroyer

Clean Shot

The gun dispersion after firing, during movement, and during hull and turret traverse are reduced.

While this skill is active, damage by shooting reduces the gun reload time depending on the percentage by which the enemy vehicle's hit points have decreased.

Destroying an enemy vehicle significantly reduces the gun reload time.

At the beginning of battle, the Role Skill's charge level is 1.

Versatile Tank Destroyers


Dispersion at 100 m becomes equal to 0.01 m. The timer will be reset for damage caused by shooting from a long distance.

If your vehicle has not been spotted at the moment of the shot, the damage caused by your shell will increase.

At the beginning of battle, the Role Skill's charge level is 2.

Sniper Tank Destroyers

Second Wind


Your vehicle's engine power and top forward/reverse speed will increase.


Restores the vehicle's durability, depending on the hit points lost while Acceleration is active.

At the beginning of battle, the Role Skill's charge level is 1.

Support Tank Destroyers

Points of Interest

These are areas on the map which, when captured, allow Tactical Skills to be used. Depending on the map, the location and number of Points of Interest may vary.

Tactical Skills

Artillery Headquarters

Capturing the Artillery Headquarters unlocks an Artillery Strike. In a few seconds, your selected area will be hit with an artillery strike. Targets affected by the Artillery Strike will be damaged and stunned. Allies in the affected area will be stunned but will not receive damage. The Artillery Headquarters can be recaptured in a few minutes. The default activation key is 8.

Comms Center

Capturing a Comms Center unlocks the Divisional Radar Tactical Skill. Upon activation, all enemy vehicles remain spotted for a short period of time. The Comms Center can be recaptured after a few minutes. The default activation key is 9.

Rules for Capturing Points of Interest:

  • Points of Interest can only be captured by one vehicle at a time.
  • The time taken to capture a Point of Interest depends on its type.
  • If the capturing vehicle takes damage, the capture progress will be reset. The capturing vehicle will have to wait several seconds before attempting to capture the Point of Interest again.
  • Points of Interest cannot be recaptured until their corresponding Tactical Skill has been activated.

Onslaught Ranks

The Ranked System in Onslaught consists of 6 ranks and 22 divisions. Earn Rating Points to advance through the divisions and ranks. These points are earned for victory in battles and lost for defeats, draws, abandoning the battle before it ends, or rank inactivity.


The main ranks are split into five Divisions: E, D, C, B, and A. Divisions are separated at an interval of 100 Rating Points.

Prestige Ranks

The Champion and Legend ranks only have one division, so matchmaking is carried out based on Rating Points earned.

Champion Rank

Earn at least 2,000 Rating Points to reach the Champion rank

Legend Rank

Be among the top 15% of players on the Leaderboard to reach the Legend rank

Rules for Reaching and Remaining in the Legend Rank:

  • To reach the Legend rank, you must already be in the Champion rank and score more Rating Points than the bottom player in the Legend rank. Alternatively, if a slot becomes available in the Legend rank, it will be given to the player in the top position of the Champion rank based on Rating Points earned.
  • The number of players in the Legend rank is 15% of the total players on the Leaderboard.
  • The first player to reach the Champion rank will automatically be placed in the Legend rank.
  • If other players outpace you by Rating Points earned and you find yourself at the bottom of the rank, you may lose your position in the Legend rank. Alternatively, you may lose your rank if the number of slots within the Legend rank decreases.
  • The Leaderboard will update every five minutes, and at this time, players may transition between the Champion and Legend ranks.


Player activity in the Champion and Legend Ranks is tracked on a dynamic Onslaught Leaderboard in the game client.

A player's position on the Leaderboard depends on the number of Rating Points they have earned. If several players have the same amount of Rating Points, the player who has played more Onslaught battles will take the superior position. The Leaderboard is updated every five minutes.

Game Mode Inactivity

Players in the Silver rank or higher will lose Rating Points for prolonged inactivity. When a player is placed in one of these four ranks, each battle will reward them with a certain number of Activity Charges. These charges are rewarded for any outcome in battle, but will not be given to players who are inactive or leave a battle early.

Up to 14 charges can be held in a player's Activity Bar, and they deplete at a rate of 1 charge per day. If a player doesn’t hold any charges at the end of an event day, some of their Rating Points will be deducted, depending on their current Rank.

Activity Charges earned per battle:

Rating Points lost per day of inactivity:

  • Silver Rank:1 charge
  • Gold Rank:1 charge
  • Champion Rank:1 charge
  • Legend Rank:1 charge
  • Silver Rank: 20 points
  • Gold Rank: 25 points
  • Champion Rank: 50 points
  • Legend Rank: 75 points


Onslaught is a seasonal event, and each year consists of three seasons.

Every season features a unique visual style that sets the tone for customization items and rewards. In addition, the event rules, gameplay mechanics, and available maps may change between seasons.

Seasonal Rewards

Each year offers two reward lines offering unique customizations for rank progression and heaps of in-game rewards for Weekly Missions.

As you advance through the ranks, you will receive a special progressive 2D style for Onslaught mode, as well as additional copies of the style, Dog Tag Engravings and Backgrounds, badges, and stripes.

The badges and stripes are defended rewards. They will be removed at the start of the next season.

Weekly Missions

By participating in battles in the mode every week, you can earn additional rewards spread across five missions. Missions are completed consecutively and do not expire or lose progress until the end of the current season.

After completing all missions, you will receive a token that can be exchanged for any piece of improved equipment as a reward. If you do not select any improved equipment by the start of the next season, you will automatically receive Increased Shell Resistance.

Daily Reward

Players in the Champion and Legend ranks will receive an additional daily reward of 25 and 50 bonds, respectively. This reward will be credited to the players' accounts every day throughout the season during ceasefire.

Rental Vehicles

All players with a Tier X vehicle receive three rental vehicles each season. They will remain on your account until the end of the season.

Annual Rewards

Participate in each of the three seasons, collect Onslaught Colors, and get valuable rewards based on the results of the rating year.

You can get up to six Onslaught Colors each season, depending on your rank at the end of them. The quality of your Annual Reward will be improved with every three Onslaught Colors you collect. The remaining Colors will be compensated for with bonds at the following rate: 1 Onslaught Colors = 500 bonds.

By collecting all 18 Onslaught Colors within one rating year, you will get the maximum Annual Reward. You can get the Onslaught annual 2D style, tokens for selecting Improved and Experimental Equipment, badges, stripes, and a special reward vehicle with an annual 3D style.

Hybrid Beast 2D style
Special reward 2D style awarded for achievements within the Year of the Manticore.
"Hybrid Beast" 2D style
"Iron Manticore" medal
Awarded in the Onslaught mode for collecting Onslaught Colors.
  • 3 — Iron Manticore
  • 6 — Bronze Manticore
  • 9 — Silver Manticore
  • 12 — Gold Manticore
  • 15 — Year of the Manticore Champion
  • 18 — Year of the Manticore Legend
You will receive one of the medals depending on the number of Onslaught Colors you have collected.
×1000 Bonds
A currency that can be used to purchase improved equipment, directives for equipment, and rare vehicles.
Experimental equipment
Reward for collecting 6 Onslaught Colors. You can select one piece of experimental equipment from the following list:
  • Fire-Control System T3
  • Mobility Improvement System T3
  • Survival Improvement Suite T3
  • Accuracy Improvement System T3
Experimental equipment
"Bronze Manticore" medal
Awarded in the Onslaught mode for collecting Onslaught Colors.
  • 3 — Iron Manticore
  • 6 — Bronze Manticore
  • 9 — Silver Manticore
  • 12 — Gold Manticore
  • 15 — Year of the Manticore Champion
  • 18 — Year of the Manticore Legend
You will receive one of the medals depending on the number of Onslaught Colors you have collected.
×300 Components
A currency that can be used to upgrade experimental equipment.
"Silver Spikes" 3D style
"Silver Manticore" medal
Awarded in the Onslaught mode for collecting Onslaught Colors.
  • 3 — Iron Manticore
  • 6 — Bronze Manticore
  • 9 — Silver Manticore
  • 12 — Gold Manticore
  • 15 — Year of the Manticore Champion
  • 18 — Year of the Manticore Legend
You will receive one of the medals depending on the number of Onslaught Colors you have collected.
Unique Crew
Four unique crew members trained to 100% with the Brothers in Arms perk and enough XP to train two other perks.
"Golden Claws" 3D style
"Gold Manticore" medal
Awarded in the Onslaught mode for collecting Onslaught Colors.
  • 3 — Iron Manticore
  • 6 — Bronze Manticore
  • 9 — Silver Manticore
  • 12 — Gold Manticore
  • 15 — Year of the Manticore Champion
  • 18 — Year of the Manticore Legend
You will receive one of the medals depending on the number of Onslaught Colors you have collected.
Improved Equipment
A special line of items with better characteristics. Does not grant additional bonuses from specialized slots. You can select one piece of improved equipment as a reward.
  • Stealth Exhaust Unit
  • Innovative Targeting
  • Improved Final Drive
  • Improved Compressor
  • Increased Shell Resistance
  • Improved Configuration
  • Experimental Optics
  • Innovative Loading System
  • Venting System
  • Wear-Resistant Gun Laying Drive
  • Stabilizing Equipment System
"Champion's Wings" 3D style
"Year of the Manticore Champion" medal
Awarded in the Onslaught mode for collecting Onslaught Colors.
  • 3 — Iron Manticore
  • 6 — Bronze Manticore
  • 9 — Silver Manticore
  • 12 — Gold Manticore
  • 15 — Year of the Manticore Champion
  • 18 — Year of the Manticore Legend
You will receive one of the medals depending on the number of Onslaught Colors you have collected.
"Onslaught 2024–2025: Champion" badge
A commemorative badge awarded for collecting 15 Onslaught Colors.
"Legendary Creature" 3D style
"Year of the Manticore Legend" medal
Awarded in the Onslaught mode for collecting Onslaught Colors.
  • 3 — Iron Manticore
  • 6 — Bronze Manticore
  • 9 — Silver Manticore
  • 12 — Gold Manticore
  • 15 — Year of the Manticore Champion
  • 18 — Year of the Manticore Legend
You will receive one of the medals depending on the number of Onslaught Colors you have collected.
"Onslaught 2024–2025: Legend" badge
A commemorative badge awarded for collecting 18 Onslaught Colors.
"Legend of the Manticore" stripe
A special nickname stripe awarded to the best players within the Year of the Manticore in Onslaught.
