Coupons is a program of personal bonuses that you can get while purchasing goods in the Premium Shop.
Coupons can provide the following offers:

A certain percentage discount on purchasing a Premium Shop item.

A fixed discount in your country's currency on purchasing a Premium Shop item.

An in-game bonus on top of your Premium Shop purchase: gold, valuable in-game items, vehicles, and even access to special missions.

Cashback: a certain percentage of the money you have spent on purchasing an item in the Premium Shop will be refunded to your account in gold.

Some coupons can combine multiple offers, for example, a game bonus and a discount.
How to Get Coupons
Coupons can be found in Premium Shop bundles, received with bonus codes, or obtained as a reward in various in-game events, contests, etc. Check the game news and Wargaming emails to stay informed about ways to get more coupons, or if you have received them.
Where to Find My Coupons
To view your coupons, go to the My coupons tab on the Premium Shop menu panel.
Each coupon has a short description of the bonus it provides and a timer with the expiration date. Hover over the coupon to learn more about the bonus and the conditions of using it. Also, the button GO TO ITEMS is displayed—click the button to view the full list of items that the coupon can be applied to.
How to Use a Coupon
Items that coupons can be applied to are marked with an icon .
To use a coupon for your Premium Shop purchase:
- Select an item and click PURCHASE.
- Select Apply a coupon on the right part of the screen—all available coupons for this purchase will be displayed. Select a coupon. If it is a discount coupon, the item price will be immediately displayed with the discount.
- Select a payment method and click PROCEED TO PAYMENT. You will be redirected to the corresponding payment form.
- Enter the requested payment details and confirm your purchase.
Upon receiving the purchased item, you will get an in-game notification and an email to the account registration address.
While the purchase is pending, the applied coupon is temporarily blocked until the payment is completed. If your payment is not processed within an hour after you click PROCEED TO PAYMENT, the block is lifted and the coupon becomes available again.
Please bear in mind:
- All coupons are single-use.
- Only one coupon can be used per purchase.
- Most coupons have an expiration date.
- If a coupon with an in-game bonus is applied to a gift purchase, the bonus game items will be credited to the buyer's account, not to the gift receiver's.