[Streaming] Holiday Ops 2023: Watch and Stand a Chance to Win a Panhard EBR 75 (FL 10)!


Sit back, relax, enjoy the Wendy Cup stream, and you might just be the lucky winner of a VIII Panhard EBR 75 (FL 10) ! Special Commander "Wendy Han" will also join the barracks of a few lucky viewers.

Catch the action as WG staff and CCs race around Cliff and Fjords for bragging rights to be champions of the Wendy Cup.

Pick a side and watch the stream to cheer your team to victory!

May the best tankers and luckiest viewers win!


[Live Stream] Go! Go! Wendy Cup

  • ANZ server
  • HK server


Streaming Schedule




December 15

 Twitch (SEA)         |        Twitch (Thailand)

 Twitch (Japan)      |       Twitch (Korea)

 Twitch (ANZ)        |        Twitch (Mandarin)

18:00 UTC +8


Racing Rules

  • Qualifier
    • Map: Cliff
    • Group A run 2 laps, pick fast 4 to enter final
    • Group B run 2 laps, pick fast 4 to enter final
  • Finals
    • Map: Fjords
    • 8 finalists run 3 laps to compete, only top 3 can get final reward.

Cliff Opposing bases on this map are separated by cliffs and rocky ridges. A variety of cover allows for focused attacks in crucial directions.

Fjords Huge mountains and narrow valleys offer great advantages in a battle. You can engage in a fire duel across the gulf or enter a close quater battle at the nearest port town.


Tune into the big race and stand to win prizes for yourself or help your chosen CC win a prize for themselves.

  • If a WG staff wins: The staff's regional viewers will be entered into a lottery for the giveaway.
  • If a CC wins: The CC can either choose to keep the prize or conduct a giveaway for viewers.

 Grand Prize
APAC Special Commander "Wendy Han" +  VIII Panhard EBR 75 (FL 10)  

APAC Special Commander "Wendy Han" + 3D style "Tramontana" for the Panhard EBR 105

APAC Special Commander "Wendy Han" +  II AM 39 Gendron-Somua  

 All CCs
Bonus codes (WoT Premium account 1 day) x5 to distribute for streaming

APAC Special Commander "Wendy Han"

Participating CC list

Region Name Channel Group A/B
SEA Navaho  Facebook A
SEA iTerran  Facebook B
SEA anhk9tb (K-Nine)  YouTube A
SEA Returner  Facebook B
SEA Lee_Shawran  Youtube A
KR T_rash  Twitch B
KR ratten_slaughterer  Twitch A
KR SiQ_Queen  Twitch B
KR mangomurkgosipda  Twitch A
KR _cherry_picker_  Twitch B
ANZ Ziggy  Twitch A
ANZ StewieJP  Twitch B
Mandarin XuanGaming03  Twitch A