の性能について紹介していくぞ!Tier VII車輌からは自動装填装置が搭載されており、正面装甲も硬い。近距離戦に慣れている戦車長にとっては相性のいい車輌になっているはずだ。

「SMV CC-56」は旋回式砲塔を備えており、砲塔と前面装甲は優秀なため近距離戦は苦にしない。ただし砲塔の旋回可能範囲は左右30度、合計60度と限られているため、射線管理には注意が必要だ。一番の見どころは独特な自動装填装置を備えた105 mm砲と、良好な俯仰角(-10/+20度)だろう。
自動《再》装填砲を搭載した他のイタリア高Tier車輌と異なり、Tier VII以上の駆逐戦車が搭載しているのは自動装填砲だ。しかし、その構成はフランス車輌やチェコ車輌でお馴染みの自動装填砲とはひと味もふた味も違う。
「SMV CC-56」の自動装填装置には単発ダメージ320HPの砲弾を3発搭載されている。装填時間は17.26秒で、連射間隔は驚異の7秒!ユニークな特徴を持つ自動装填装置を使って新しい戦術を試したり、相手を翻弄するには絶好の車輌となるだろう。
・全搭乗員のスキル:+5% / +6%
Gun Rammer
・-10% / -11.5% to loading time.
※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.
Enhanced Gun Laying Drive
・+10% / -11.5% to aiming speed.
※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.
Vertical Stabilizer
・-20% / -23% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traversal.
※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.
・照準サークルのサイズ:-5% / -7%
Improved Rotation Mechanism
・-10% / -12.5% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traversal, as well as during turret rotation.
・+10% / +12.5% to hull and turret traverse speed.
※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.
Spall Liner
・+50% / +60% to HE-shell and ramming damage.
・+50% / +60% to to protection of crew from injuries.
・-10% / -15% to stun duration.
・-20% / -25% to additional stun duration.
※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.
・車輌HP +8% / +10%
・サスペンションの耐久性 +50% / +65%
・衝撃によるサスペンション損傷時に車体が受けるダメージ -50% / -65%
・サスペンションの修理速度 +15% / +20%
Modified Configuration
・Prevents one fuel tank fire, ammo rack explosion, or engine destruction in one battle.
・+100% / +150% to ammo rack, fuel tank, and engine durability
・-50% / -65% to the damaged ammo rack penalty and damaged engine penalty.
・-50% / -65% to the chance of engine fire.
・+25% / +35% to repair speed.
※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.
Additional Grousers
・+15% / +20% to hull traverse speed.
・+10% / +15% to maintaining speed.
※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.
・+7.5% / +10% to engine power.
・+4km/h / +5km/h to top forward speed.
・+2km/h / +3km/h to reverse speed.
※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.
Binocular Telescope
・=+25% / +27.5% to view range of a stationary vehicle
※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.
Coated Optics
・+10% / +11.5% to view range of a stationary vehicle
※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.
Camouflage Net
・Reduces the detection chance of a stationary vehicle:
+5% / +7.5% to heavy tanks and SPGs.
+10% / +12.5% to light and medium tanks.
+15% / +17.5% to tank destroyers.
※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.
Low Noise Exhaust System
・Reduces the visibility of a stationary or moving vehicle:
+3% / +4% to heavy tanks and SPGs.
+6% / +8% to light and medium tanks.
+5% / +6% to tank destroyers.
※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.
Improved Radio Set
・+1.5s / +2s to the duration an enemy vehicle is visible.
・-1.5s / -2s to the duration your vehicle is visible to the enemy.
※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.
Commander's Vision System
・-10% / -12.5% to concealment of moving enemy vehicles.
・-15% / -20% to concealment of enemy vehicles behind foliage.
※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.
Field Modification
Module Durability Increase
・Damaged ammo rack penalty and damaged engine penalty:-50%
・Dispersion of the damaged gun:-20%
・Hull traverse speed:-4%
・Turret traverse speed:-4%
Light-Alloy Mounting Points
・Hull traverse speed:+4%
・Turret traverse speed:+4%
・Damaged ammo rack penalty and damaged engine penalty:+50%
・Dispersion of the damaged gun:+20%
Suspension Arm Tuning
・Dispersion during movement and hull traversal:-3%
Improved Sight
・Dispersion during movement and hull traversal:+3%
Turbocharger Tuning
・Reverse speed:+2km/h
・Suspension repair speed:+5%
Anti-Reflective Headlights Coating
・Reverse speed:-2km/h
・Suspension repair speed:-5%
Loading Mechanism Tuning
・Reload time:-3%
Aiming Mechanism Tuning
・Reload time:+3%
PTO Tuning
・Engine power:+5%
・Aiming time:+5%
Electric Aiming Drive
・Aiming time:-5%
・Engine power:-5%
Heavy-Gauge Nozzles
・Top speed:+2km/h
・View range:-3%
Sensitive Optics
・View range:+3%
・Top speed:-2km/h
Reinforced Support Rollers
・Suspension durability:+30%
・Suspension repair speed:-10%
・Hull traverse speed:-5%
Lightweight Support Rollers
・Suspension repair speed:+10%
・Hull traverse speed:+5%
・Suspension durability:-30%
All-Terrain Suspension
・Effectiveness of maintaining speed when crossing all terrain types:+7%
・Hull traverse speed:-5%
・Suspension durability:-10%
Lightweight Suspension
・Effectiveness of maintaining speed when crossing all terrain types:-7%
・Hull traverse speed:+5%
・Suspension durability:+10%
Parallax Adjustment
・Aiming time:+5%
Aiming Gears Lapping
・Aiming time:-5%
Additional Noise Insulation
・Stun duration:-10%
・Additional stun duration:-15%
・View range:-3%
Periscope Electric Drive
・View range:+3%
・Stun duration:+10%
・Additional stun duration:+15%
Reinforced Turret
・HE damage:-15%
・Stun duration:-8%
・Protection of the crew from injuries:+20%
・Hull traverse speed:-5%
・Top speed:-2km/h
Lightweight Turret
・Hull traverse speed:+5%
・Top speed:+2km/h
・HE damage:+15%
・Stun duration:+8%
・Protection of the crew from injuries:-20%
Auxiliary Safety System
・Durability of internal modules:+30%
・Repair speed:+5%
・Turret traverse speed:-5%
・Dispersion during turret traverse:+5%
Lightweight Mounting Points
・Turret traverse speed:+5%
・Dispersion during turret traverse:-5%
・Durability of internal modules:-30%
・Repair speed:-5%
Reinforced Suspension
・Suspension durability:+30%
・Terrain crossing capacity:+15%
・Hull traverse speed:-5%
Lightweight Suspension
・Hull traverse speed:+5%
・Suspension durability:-30%
・Terrain crossing capacity:-15%
Aiming Gears Lapping
・Aiming time:-5%
Parallax Adjustment
・Aiming time:+5%
Ejector Tuning
・Concealment after firing a shot:+6%
・View range:-2%
Right-Angle Periscope
・View range:+2%
・Concealment after firing a shot:-6%
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この車輌は近距離戦を最も得意とする。戦闘で活躍させるためには、「改良型照準器」で射撃性能を高めよう。「SMV CC-56」は常に危険と隣り合わせのため、「改良型装甲材」を用いて車輌の耐久力を上げておくのも良いだろう。
可能な限りハルダウン戦法で攻撃しよう。砲塔は260 mmの装甲を持っているので、同Tierあるいは一部の高Tier車輌の攻撃にも耐えることができる。
搭乗員/習得順序 | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
車長 | ![]() |
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砲手 | ![]() |
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操縦手 | ![]() |
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装填手 | ![]() |
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- 車長: パーク「第六感」
- 砲手: スキル「速射」
- 操縦手: スキル「スムーズな運転」
- 装填手: スキル「弾薬庫保護」
This Skill enhances firefighting abilities.
Effectiveness increases with skill level.
Brothers in Arms
This Perk improves major qualifications and all Skills for the entire Crew. The Perk is more effective when combined with Improved Ventilation, Extra Combat Rations, Chocolate, Case of Cola, and Strong Coffee.
This Perk comes into effect after it reaches 100% for the entire Crew.
Band of Brothers
This Perk improves major qualifications and all Skills for the entire Crew.
This is a Perk. Perks only take effect once it reaches 100%.
This works even if another crew member has acquired the "Brothers in Arms" Perk.
This Skill increases Maximum View Range. Recon is more effective if observation devices are damaged, or when combined with Situational Awareness, Coated Optics and Binocular Telescope.
Effectiveness increases with skill level.
This Skill provides additional XP to all Crew members except the Commander.
The amount of Experience increases with Skill level.
Eagle Eye
This Perk allows the Commander to identify critically damaged modules on targeted vehicles.
Eagle Eye comes into effect after it reaches 100%.
Jack of All Trades
This Skill enables the Commander to master every qualification and replace knocked-out Crew members.
Designated Target
This Perk makes targeted enemy vehicles visible for two more seconds.
Designated Target comes into effect after it reaches 100%. If two Gunners have the Perk, the effect is not cumulative.
Clutch Braking
This Skill increases vehicle rotation speed. Clutch Breaking is more effective when combined with Additional Grousers, Lend-Lease Oil, Removed Speed Governor, 100-octane Gasoline, and 105-octane Gasoline.
Effectiveness increases with skill level
Preventative Maintenance
The Perk reduces the chance of engine fire by preventing gas or oil leakage in the engine compartment.
The Perk comes into effect after it reaches 100%.
Controlled Impact
This Skill decreases ramming damage to your vehicle and increases ramming damage to an enemy vehicle. Controlled Impact is effective only while both vehicles are in motion, except when two allied vehicles collide.
The effect increases with Skill level.
Situational Awareness
This Skill extends View Range. Situational Awareness is more effective when combined with Recon.
The effect increases with Skill level. If two Radio Operators have the Skill, only the higher rating is effective.
Call for Vengeance
This Perk enables a Radio Operator who survived the destruction of his vehicle to report enemy positions for another two seconds.
Call for Vengeance comes into effect after it reaches 100%. If two Radio Operators have the Perk, the effect is not cumulative.
Signal Boosting
This Skill extends Signal Range.
The effect increases with Skill level. If two Radio Operators have the Skill, only the higher rating is effective.
This Skill extends Signal Range of allied communications within vehicle's radio coverage. If two Radio Operators have the Skill, only the higher rating is effective.
The effect increases with Skill level.
Adrenaline Rush
This Perk accelerates gun loading if the vehicle has less than 10% of its hit points left. Adrenaline Rush is more effective when combined with Gun Rammer.
Adrenaline Rush comes into effect after it reaches 100%. If two Loaders have the Perk, the effect is not cumulative.