Join the Indonesia Community Tournament!

Para Pemain Indonesia! ini Waktunya Tiba untuk Unjuk Gigi! Silakan Mendaftarkan diri kalian Untuk Turnamen Komunitas Indonesia yang dihost oleh Ephys dan Nagato, dan dapatkan WoT Premium Account dan Kostumisasi untuk Menghormati Negara Kalian!

Indonesian commanders, it's your turn to step up to the plate! Come register for the Indonesia Community Tournament hosted by moderators Ephys & Nagato, and earn yourself some WoT Premium Account time and special customizations in honor of your nation!

REGISTRATION ENDS: 15 AUG 2020, 23:59 UTC +7
MATCH DATE: 17 AUG 2020, 15:00 UTC +7

Join Tournament

This tournament is open to players physically residing in Indonesia ONLY – teams with players from any other countries will not be permitted to enter.

Watch your countrymen in action and cheer them on–the tournament semi-finals and finals will be streamed LIVE at the links below on 17 August, 17:00 UTC +7 (time subject to change). Don't forget to tune in!

Tournament Information

  • Maximum Tier Points: 40
  • Maximum Tank Tier: VIII (tech tree vehicles only, no SPG)
  • Team Roster: 5 players (no reserves)
  • Game Mode: Encounter, Single Elimination BO3
  • Prizes (per team)
    • 1st place:  7 days' WoT Premium Account +  3x Garuda decals +  9x Indonesian Flag emblems
    • 2nd place:  3 days' WoT Premium Account +  3x Garuda decals +  9x Indonesian Flag emblems
    • 3rd place:  1 day WoT Premium Account +  3x Garuda decals +  9x Indonesian Flag emblems

Terms & Conditions
