Tank Commanders,
Get ready to hunt down some tanks! The
Strv 103B
is an awesome tank destroyer at the end of the Swedish tech tree.
- [In-game] Enjoy free x5 EXP daily missions and discounts on credit costs of vehicles as you work your way to the Tier X. The Strv 103B is a Swedish X tank destroyer with devastating firepower and great mobility.
- [Premium Shop] Looking to accelerate your progress? Look for our Fast on Track Bundles!
The missions are at the bottom of this article. Check there for mission details!
[Premium Shop] On Track to the Strv 103B
Event Start: 20 June, 2020 (Saturday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)
Event End: 27 June, 2020 (Saturday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)
Remember to login to the Premium Shop to see all the items on sale.
- The Best Buy bundle contains customizations, WOT Premium Account Time, and an additional Tier X mission for Crew EXP Personal Reserves and Consumables!
- FAST ON TRACK - Strv 103B!
- Fast On Track - Strv 103B! - Best Buy
[In-Game Specials] On Track to the Strv 103B
Event Start: 20 June, 2020 (Saturday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)
Event End: 05 July, 2020 (Sunday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)
Tech Tree Discounts
50% OFF: |
30% OFF: |
On Track Mission Details
Event Start: 20 June, 2020 (Saturday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)
Event End: 05 July, 2020 (Sunday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)
Don't miss the free x5 EXP daily missions for each vehicle along this featured tech tree! To claim, win a battle (Random, Team or Stronghold) and rank within top 10 by EXP in your team.
- Mission: On Track — Crew XP
- Mission: On Track — Damaging push
- Mission: On Track —Push through!
- Mission: On Track — Strv 103B
Play a battle and rank within top 7 of your team by EXP earned.
- Must use the following vehicles:
- Random Battles Only
- x2 Crew EXP
Deal 15,000 damage in any number of battles
- Must use the following vehicles:
- 10 times per account
- Random/Grand Battles Only
- 6,500 EXP
1x Personal Reserves: +50% EXP (Duration: 1 hour)
Deal 150,000 damage in any number of battles
- Must use the following vehicles:
- Once per account
- Random/Grand Battles Only
1x Binocular Telescope
Play 5 battles and rank top 10 in EXP earned on your team in each battle.
- Must use the following vehicles:
- Repeatable
- Random, Grand Battles Only
1x Personal Reserves: +300% Crew EXP (Duration: 1 hour)
1x Large Repair Kit
1x Large First Aid Kit
1x Automatic Fire Extinguisher