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[JP] TOKYO GAME SHOW 2014 Day 3 Review & Day 4 Programmes

21/09/2014 Onground Events
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Public Day of Tokyo Game Show has finally opened! We are reporting on the battle events and special talk show of World of Warships held at the Wargaming booth on the 3rd day!

Please check the link below for the stage programmes event merchandises!


09:30 Open

Although the weather was not ideal today, it didn't stop the crowds from paying the event a visit. After all, it was the first day the event was open to the public so it was not to be missed! Some of the visitors rushed straight for the Wargaming booth to get a trial play ticket for World of Warships right after the gates opened.




12:00 Maid special battle stage in TGS

The United Maid Army had lost against the Media Alliance yesterday, but it seems like they have trained themselves overnight after the previous stage. Their opponents today will be chosen from the audiences. As the audience team did not have a good coordination like the media team, and there was no handicap this time. However, one of the participants have been playing WoT for more than a year, so this battle is looking to be tough for the United Maid Army!

Both teams tried to attack each other but to no avail. In the end, everyone bunched up together in the corner until the time ran out! The battle was declared a tie. After the match, a “Moe Moe rock, paper, scissors game” was held to decide the winner. Team leaders represented their teams for the tie-breaker and after several more ties (more than 5 times!), the United Maid Army prevailed. They have finally succeeded in achieving their first victory.




14:15 Online Naval Battle Strategy “World of Warships” special stage

This is the public day version of the much anticipated “World of Warships” special talk show stage.

Ivan Moroz (Director of Global Operations), Tatiana Sagirova (Quality Assurance) and Tadamasa "Phalanx" Miyanaga (Military Adviser) held a special talk show stage about the development of “World of Warships”.

The first topic they touched upon after their self-introductions were the types of ships they liked. Tatiana likes the Pagoda-mast on Fuso as it reminded her of the multi-storied pagoda seen in far-eastern architecture, and the Phalanx said that he likes Shimakaze's powerful torpedoes. Ivan on the other hand, favours the iconic battleship Yamato, which is widely known in Japan, even to non-military enthusiasts.

Before the stage segment ended, the Phalanx answered a question posed by a member of the audience, "Where were the most unexpected place the documents about Japanese warships were found?” His answer was "Ordinary people's homes. People whose families had a relation with the old navy sometimes find blueprints and important documents lying around their houses, so if you find something unusual, please let me know!"




Where were the most unexpected place the documents about Japanese battle ships were found?

Ordinary people's homes. People whose families had a relation with the old navy sometimes find blueprints and important documents lying around their houses, so if you find something unusual, please let me know!

- Tadamisa Miyanaga


16:15 VS Wargaming Special Battle Stage II

This time, the Wargaming Alliance Team had to fight against the audience team without Victor Kislyi, Wargaming CEO, as he had already returned to his country. Despite this, the WG Alliance team still managed to secure a victory in the first match by destroying all the vehicles of the audience team.

The second battle started out like the first with both teams trying to attack each other from their sides of the map. The WG Alliance team eventually managed to start a capture of the audience team's base. Even though the Audience team acted immediately and hurried back to their base to defend, alas they did not manage to stop the capture. Thus, the WG Alliance team were awarded victory. As a reward, prizes were distributed to all visitors in the Wargaming booth.




Tokyo Game Show: Day 4

Please check for the programmes on Sunday, 21st September.

Wargaming booth 4th day (Sunday, 21st September) programme
Program Detail

M.S.S.P presents ”World of Tanks”Party TGS2014 Returns!

The popular show on Nico Nico Livestream, “M.S.S.P’s "World of Tanks"Party“ is making its comeback at the Tokyo Game Show 2014. The members from M.S.S.P and the pioneer of livestreaming, So-Shihan KSK and voice actress, Bridcutt Sarah Emi will be on stage!


Razer Special Battle Stage

Gravure Selfie Club president, Yuka Kuramochi and vice president Saki Yoshida will be battling it out in "World of Tanks" at the Tokyo Game Show! Gravure Selfie Club president, Yuka Kuramochi and vice president Saki Yoshida are planned to be on stage.


Collaboration Talk Show

"Girls und Panzer" Producer, Mr Sugiyama, as well as the producer from the "upcoming collaboration title" will be hosting a special talk live show with three of their anime’s voice actresses on stage! Don’t miss it!



Razer Special Battle Stage

Gravure Selfie Club president, Yuka Kuramochi and vice president Saki Yoshida will be battling it out in "World of Tanks" at the Tokyo Game Show! Gravure Selfie Club president, Yuka Kuramochi and vice president Saki Yoshida are planned to be on stage. (2nd stage)


"World of Warships" Secret Collaboration Live

The voice actresses from the "upcoming collaboration title" will be revealing a special secret live on stage! Number tickets will be given out to the participants in Hall 1. *The tickets are limited and will be handed out on a first come first serve basis.


VS Wargaming Special Battle Stage III

Wargaming Global Staff will be forming a "Wargaming Alliance" team to face off against the Wargaming Japan staff team in an exhibition match! The losing team will be facing dire consequences! If "Wargaming Alliance" team wins, prizes will be given out to the audience at the venue. If "Wargaming Alliance" team loses, a bonus code will be given to users through Nico Nico Livestream! Wargaming Japan staff are planned to be on stage.


Event schedule may be subject to change.


Nico Nico Live Stream Information

Those who can`t make it to Tokyo Game Show 2014, don`t fret! Throughout 4 days of the event, there will be livestream feed showing everything going on at the venue! Also, keep an eye out for the keywords appearing throughout show. The first 15.000 users to find out the code will be presented with a week`s worth of premium time! Be sure to check the show until its end!

You will need to create a Nico Nico account in order to view the Livestream. Please refer to the livestream for the latest information.

