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2nd Anniversary Party: Singapore

02/04/2014 Onground Events

Singaporean Tank Commanders!

World of Tanks Asia hits two years this month, and we're throwing another party. Are you ready for it?

The details are finally locked down and we can now share the details with you. Take notes - there's quite a few things to cover! When you're done digesting all the information on hand, we invite you to RSVP with us by visiting the forum thread here. Do let us know before you come - we want to make sure there's enough food and gifts for everyone!


The 2nd Anniversary celebrations will be held once again at the Command Centre on 19th April. Although the location remains unchanged, the timing will. This time, the event will be held from 12PM to 5PM. So do take note!

[SG] 2nd Anniversary Celebration Party
Date 19th April 2014 (Saturday)
Time 12PM - 5PM
Wargaming Command Centre
60 Orchard Rd, #B1-01/02/03, Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station (Along Exit F)

Event Itinerary

A few weeks ago, we revealed that some of our events held in this 2nd Anniversary celebration will purely be decided by players like you. We've now tallied the results; here's what you have chosen!

  • Co-op Mode: Party up and roll out! In this mode, two players control one tank - someone mans the keyboard controls, and the other serves as the 'gunner' by using the mouse - in a 7v7 matchup. The best tank crew wins 500 gold for each member!
  • Jump Challenge: Reach for the skies! Choose a tank with a top speed of under 70 km/h and jump off the bridge to reach the other side. To make things more exciting, you can't use the ELC AMX. Successful jumps will net you 300 gold.
  • 777 Heavy Tank Fight: It's back to basics with this classic mode. Take a Tier 7 heavy to a 7v7 Encounter battle in a limited set of maps (Ensk/Himmelsdorf Winter/Ruinberg on Fire/Mines) and defeat your opponent. The players from the winning team will get 500 gold each!

Aside from that, we also have the following activities lined up for you:

  • Free Play: The Command Centre normally serves as a LAN cafe for World of Tanks enthusiasts in Singapore, and we're going to activate all our PC terminals for you to enjoy. Great way to organise team battles and feel like a pro!
  • Stage Games: After our last round of (hilarious) offline games and events, we felt it was too good to pass up this time! One of the games we'll be playing is Win, Lose or Draw, where one selected player comes up to the stage and sketches a tank. The first one to identify the tank AND the sketch artist will win a prize each!
  • Haiku Challenge: For the poets out there, this is your chance to show off! Compose a haiku about World of Tanks and submit your entry at the registration counter when you arrive. The best 5 entries will be chosen by us and be read on the stage, where the winner will be decided by votes!
  • Food: Food, and lots of it! Cake will be served also, with a special cake-cutting ceremony to mark our 2nd Anniversary in a slightly classier taste.

Bonus Codes

Who wants some free gold? Join us at the party and you'll get some!

When you attend the 2nd Anniversary Event, you'll be given a bonus code that can be redeemed for gold when you get back home to play. We're not telling you how much you'll get, but hey, free's free, right?

Lucky Draw

Oh yes, you didn't think we would leave this out, do you?

We have a good spread of prizes for our Lucky Draw winners this time around. Some would say that these prizes are easily the best part of the event!

Don't believe us? Here's a little teaser: One of the prizes could be a WoT x Razer collaboration...

We're really glad to see that WoT is alive and well in Singapore, and we're looking to see new and familiar faces alike on 19th April. See you there!

Roll out!

RSVP in the forums now
