Update 1.12.1: Common Test 1 is Now Available

Tank Commanders!

Today marks the launch of the first Common Test of Update 1.12.1, which doesn’t introduce many new features. However, you can try out the improved Sniper view options for tank destroyers and some other tanks with limited turret traverse angles. You can now unlock their hulls in Sniper mode.

Switching the Hull Lock: Every Second Is Crucial

Currently, it is not very convenient to aim in the Sniper view mode in non-turreted tank destroyers and some other tanks. By default, when you enter Sniper mode, the hull is automatically locked and you cannot aim outside of the aiming angles. And this is a tricky moment because sometimes, if you want to move the crosshair to a different point, you need to switch to Arcade aiming mode and rotate your vehicle in the enemy’s direction. Only then can you activate Sniper mode again and aim further. In the heat of battle, when every second counts, these precious moments could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

The hull will remain locked by default for tank destroyers and other vehicles with horizontal fixed-angle guns. You will see the red light in Sniper mode, notifying you that the hull lock setting is activated. But now, you can disable it manually in the game settings and set it as default by ticking the box in the corresponding menu:

With hull lock disabled, the gameplay of these vehicles will be similar to that of Swedish TDs and high-tier medium tanks featuring Siege mode. Your camera in Sniper mode will rotate freely so you can quickly change your firing position. If this option remains enabled, these vehicles will fight the same way as before.

Additionally, you now always have the X key (can be reassigned in the game settings) at hand, which can be used in Sniper mode for more comfortable gameplay. Press it at any time to unlock the hull, rotate your turret, and take a better position. New sound notifications will also be added for manually activating/deactivating the hull lock option.


This feature will be unavailable for SPGs (they don’t feature Sniper view) and vehicles with Siege mode. 

Join the first Common Test and stay tuned! 


All players registered prior to 04:59 UTC+8 on 3 Nov 2020 can participate in the test. Please share your general feedback about the test version and bug reports to help us further improve our game!


  • If you have Wargaming Game Center installed, simply click the button below.
  • The WGC will download all the additional data.
  • Start playing!

Download the Test Client

The test server will be restarted regularly, according to the following schedule:

  • First Periphery: 04:00 UTC every day. Average duration will be around 25 minutes.
  • Second Periphery: 05:00 UTC every day. Average duration will be around 25 minutes.
  • Central Database: 09:00 UTC every day. Average duration will be around 2 minutes.

The test server may be subject to unscheduled restarts and maintenance.

Preliminary List of Changes [Common Test 1]
