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[Contest] Wear the Colours ~ WGL Grand Finals [UPDATED]

27/04/2015 Contests
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The results are in! Click here to find out who the winners are.

Tank Commanders!

Which of the two teams from the APAC-Asia Finals do you think will do better in the Grand Finals? Weigh in and wear their colours proudly in battle for a chance to win!


[Contest] Wear the Colours ~ WGL Grand Finals

Event start: 17 April 2015 at 14:00 (UTC+8)

Event end: 24 April 2015 at 14:00 (UTC+8)



  1. Vote for the WGL APAC Asia S3 team who you think will advance father in the WGL Grand Finals in the special poll provided above.
  2. Display your favourite team's colours by using their country's flag on your tank.
    • Arete - Flag of South Korea
      • flag_skr.jpg
    • EL Gaming - Flag of the People's Republic of China
      • flag_proc.jpg
  3. Submit a screenshot screenshot showing your tank in battle with your favoured team's flag.
  4. Limited to ONE submission per player only.
  5. Deadline of entry submission is on 24 April 2015 at 14:00 (UTC+8).



  • 20 winners of 500 gold + 3 days premium
    • Randomly drawn from qualified entries supporting the team that advanced furthest in the WGL Grand Finals.


Bigger prizes await loyal supporters if their favoured team finishes in the top 3!

  • 3rd Place - Prizes upgrade to 1,000+ 3 days premium
  • 2nd Place - Prizes upgrade to 2,000+ 6 days premium
  • 1st Place - Prizes upgrade to 3,000 + 9 days premium



  • Don't know how to post your screenshots? Check this guide! Image links will also be accepted as entries.
  • If both teams finish on equal standing, all qualified entries for both teams will be eligible for the raffle.
  • Winners will be announced within 1 week after entry submission ends.
  • Prizes will be awarded on 30 April 2015.

Submit your entry here
