
Your Stronghold comprises the Command Center and eight construction sites for future structures.

Structure Types

You can build eight types of structure in your Stronghold. Each structure provides certain Reserves for your clan.

  • Financial Unit
  • Military School
  • Tankodrome
  • Training Unit
  • Transportation Unit
  • Trophy Brigade
  • Logistical Service
  • Artillery Battalion
Financial Unit

Reserve: Battle Payments.

Bonus: Increases credits earned by all clan members after any battle.

Military School

Reserve: Military Maneuvers.

Bonus: Increases Free Experience earned by all clan members after any battle.


Reserve: Tactical Training.

Bonus: Increases Combat Experience earned by all clan members after any battle.

Training Unit

Reserve: Additional Briefing

Bonus: Increases crew experience earned by all clan members after any battle.

Transportation Unit

Reserve: High-Capacity Transport.

Bonus: Increases Industrial Resource earned for battles in Skirmishes and Advances.

Trophy Brigade

Reserve: Requisition.

Bonus: Increases Industrial Resource earned in Advances.

Logistical Service

Reserve: Inspire

Bonus: Provides a bonus to major qualifications and all skills for the vehicle crew of the player who activated Inspire and nearby allied vehicles. Increases Industrial Resource income. Available for Skirmishes and Advances.

Artillery Battalion

Reserve: Artillery Strike

Bonus: An artillery battery lays periodic fire on the selected area. Increases Industrial Resource income. Available for Skirmishes and Advances.

Building a Structure

From the very beginning, you are provided with eight open construction sites. You can build only one structure of each type.

To build any structure in the Stronghold, you need to spend a certain amount of Industrial Resource.

Construction Cost

Structure Construction Cost
Financial Unit  410 
Military School  360 
Tankodrome  410 
Training Unit  360 
Transportation Unit  275 
Trophy Brigade  275 
Logistical Service  275 
Artillery Battalion  275 

To build a structure:

  1. Click the construction site where you want to build a structure.
  2. Select the structure.
    In the lower part of the screen, a brief description of the structure Reserve is displayed.
  3. Click Build.

Your structure is complete. Congratulations!

Upgrading a Structure

You have successfully finished building your first structure, but your Stronghold has just started growing! When a structure is built, it begins at Level I. To increase the structure level, you have to upgrade it.

A structure with an upgrade available is marked with a green arrow .

When you upgrade a structure, the level of the Reserve that can be prepared in this structure increases. Reserves with a higher level provide greater bonuses to your clan.

After upgrading a structure, the level of the Reserves already prepared in the structure remains the same.

To upgrade a structure, you need a certain amount of Industrial Resource. Upgrade costs increase with the structure level.

Upgrade Cost

  • Financial Unit
  • Military School
  • Tankodrome
  • Training Unit
  • Transportation Unit
  • Trophy Brigade
  • Logistical Service
  • Artillery Battalion
Financial Unit
Level Upgrade Cost
II 980
III 2,300
IV 9,100
V 26,000
VI 54,500
VII 98,000
VIII 196,000
IX 400,000
X 845,000
Military School
Level Upgrade Cost
II 850
III 2,000
IV 7,900
V 22,500
VI 47,000
VII 85,000
VIII 170,000
IX 350,000
X 730,000
Level Upgrade Cost
II 980
III 2,300
IV 9,100
V 26,000
VI 54,500
VII 98,000
VIII 196,000
IX 400,000
X 845,000
Training Unit
Level Upgrade Cost
II 850
III 2,000
IV 7,900
V 22,500
VI 47,000
VII 85,000
VIII 170,000
IX 350,000
X 730,000
Transportation Unit
Level Upgrade Cost
II 650
III 1,500
IV 6,000
V 17,000
VI 36,000
VII 65,500
VIII 131,000
IX 268,000
X 563,000
Trophy Brigade
Level Upgrade Cost
II 650
III 1,500
IV 6,000
V 17,000
VI 36,000
VII 65,500
VIII 131,000
IX 268,000
X 563,000
Logistical Service
Level Upgrade Cost
II 650
III 1,500
IV 6,000
V 17,000
VI 36,000
VII 65,500
VIII 131,000
IX 268,000
X 563,000
Artillery Battalion
Level Upgrade Cost
II 650
III 1,500
IV 6,000
V 17,000
VI 36,000
VII 65,500
VIII 131,000
IX 268,000
X 563,000

Both the Commander and Executive Officers can upgrade structures in the Stronghold.

To increase a structure level , select it and click Upgrade.

A structure level cannot exceed the level of the Command Center. When you upgrade the Command Center, you can level up all other structures in the Stronghold, as well as receive additional high‑level Reserves and get more Industrial Resource in Advances.

Command Center Upgrade Terms

To upgrade the Command Center, the total combined level of all structures in the Stronghold must be a certain value. For example, to upgrade the Command Center to level VI, the total level of all structures should be at least 27.

To calculate the total level of structures in your Stronghold, you need to add together the levels of all existing structures, including the Command Center. For example, if your Stronghold comprises a Command Center of level V, one structure of level V, and three structures of level IV, the total level of the structures will equal 5 + 5 + 3 × 4 = 22.

The table below includes the minimum values of the total level of structures, which allow you to upgrade the Command Center to the next level.

I → II 2 650
II → III 5 1,500
III → IV 10 3,500
IV → V 18 14,000
V → VI 27 38,500
VI → VII 37 80,000
VII → VIII 50 148,000
VIII → IX 64 285,000
IX → X 81 580,000