The APAC League

Caren Tiger
The APAC League 2018 S2

Naughty Kids
2nd Place
Reported & GGWP
3rd & 4th Place


Welcome to the APAC League, a region-wide eSports league dedicated to uniting the best World of Tanks players from all across the Asia Pacific on a platform upon which they can compete and excel.

Aspiring eSports stars can join in the action by registering a team of 7 for their local Qualifiers, and competing to enter one of three Major Leagues – ANZ, JPN or SEA. JPN Qualifiers participants will advance through an additional Minor League stage to qualify for the next League Season.

Each of these Major Leagues will send their eventual top 2 representatives to fight for the regional title in the APAC Masters finals, where a 10,000 USD prize pool awaits the top teams – could yours be the champion team we're looking for?

Current Rankings

  • ANZ Major League
  • SEA Major League
  • JPN Major League
  • JPN Minor League
ANZ Major League
1 Reported
2 Big Daddy
3 Bad Intentions
4 Damage is Damage
5 Hold My Beer
6 The Leftovers
SEA Major League
3 NoFreeWifi
4 Kang-chi
6 Anh em
JPN Major League
1 Naughty Kids
2 Caren Tiger
3 Typhoon
5 RiZE
6 Totu Gaming
JPN Minor League
1 Sense x
3 Throwing Mouse


Group Rankings

  • ANZ Major League
  • SEA Major League
  • JPN Major League
  • JPN Minor League
# TEAM Points Matches
1 Big Daddy 27 10
2 Reported 25 10
3 Bad Intentions 17 10
4 Damage is Damage 10 10
5 Hold My Beer 8 10
6 The Leftovers 3 10
# TEAM Points Matches
1 PIFO 25 10
2 GGWP 24 10
3 NoFreeWifi 21 10
4 Kang-chi 7 10
5 IRON FIST 4 10
6 Anh em 3 10
# TEAM Points Matches
1 Caren Tiger 22 10
2 Naughty Kids 21 10
3 Typhoon 17 10
4 PENGUIN 14 10
5 RiZE 12 10
6 Totu Gaming 4 10
# TEAM Points Matches
1 OMNIBUS 10 4
2 Sense x 5 4
3 Throwing Mouse 3 4