追加情報This tournament is open to players physically residing in Australia and New Zealand ONLY – teams with players from any other countries will not be permitted to enter. Reward vehicles and wheeled vehicles are not allowed.
Season – Each Season is divided into two Group Stages. Each stage consists of many Rounds, Matches and Battles.
Round – A group of Matches played on the same level in the tournament bracket.
Match – A Match is a set of Battles between two Teams.
Battle – The smallest unit of measurement in the tournament progression grid. A Battle is played on a single map from the ANZ Premier League Division 2 Map Pool until a winner is determined by either:
Destroying all enemy tanks.
Capturing the base by the Attackers.
If no winner is decided after the time limit is over, and there is at least one vehicle remaining on the Defender’s side, the Battle is rated as a victory for the Defenders.
Group Stage and Playoffs and Relegations
The Group Stage consists of a single Round-robin with six (6) teams. In the Group Stage, every Team plays one Match against every other Team:
A Match consists of up to five (5) Battles in total, with a minimum of four (4) Battles played.
A match can end in a Victory (4-0, 3-1, 3-2), or a Defeat (2-3, 1-3, 0-4).
The Playoffs will start after the ongoing Group Stage matches have been finished and Group Stage Ranking is complete.
During the Playoffs, four (4) Teams (those ranked 1st-4th in the Season Group Stage) will play in a Modified Double Elimmination bracket.
All Matches in the Playoffs will be played using the standard Game Rules. The Matches will be played as a Best-of-7.
The 1st ranked Team will play against the 2nd ranked Team in the upper bracket, while the 3rd ranked team will play against the 4th ranked team in the lower bracket.
The winner of the upper bracket match will move to the Final, while the winner of the lower bracket and loser of the upper bracket will play against each other in order to qualify for the Final.
Players are required to join the official voice chat channels (Discord) during matches.
Match Schedule
All Matches will be pre-scheduled according to the needs of the ANZBL. A full Schedule of dates and times will be communicated to the Team Representatives by the Organizer. The Schedule may be subject to change.
The Organizer reserves the right to reschedule Matches without prior consultation with the teams. If such a situation occurs, all affected Teams will have their Team Representatives informed directly.
In case a team is absent for a scheduled (or rescheduled) match, the Organizer will determine the outcome on a case-by-case basis.
The Ranking is primarily decided by the number of points that a Team has amassed during the relevant Season. A Team will earn three (3) points for a Victory in a Match, one (1) point for a Draw and 0 points for a Loss.
The performance of a team is based on the total accumulated points across all the phases in a Season.
Tie-breakers (Ranking)
The below Ranking priority will come into effect if two (2) or more Teams are on equal points. If at any point, the number of tied Teams may be reduced or divided into several groups of tied Teams, the Teams who remain tied in that sub-group will in each case be compared again, starting with the first factor below:
Points amassed in Matches between the Teams themselves (“Mini-League”)
Score difference between the Teams (“Mini-League”)
Overall score difference
Overall number of wins
If, at the end of a Season, two or more Teams remain indistinguishable after having been compared according to each of the four factors above, a Tie-breaker Match or Matches may be played, to determine the Ranking between the tied Teams in question. In special cases, the Organizer can rule, at its discretion, on a different way to determine the order in an unsolvable tie (i.e. coin toss).
Game Rules
Game Rules
Game Settings
Game Settings remain the same for all Matches. All matches are to be played on the server defined by the Organizer.
Team Size: 5 Players
Maximum Tier Points: 50
Time Limit: 8 minutes
Game Mode: Attack/Defense
Base Capture Time: 120 seconds in each Base Capture Circle.
Base Capture Points do not stack and accumulate independently. Resetting one of the counters does not reset the other.
Fog of War is NOT active.
Victory Conditions
For Attackers – Destroy all Defending vehicles or capture at least one enemy Base within the Time Limit.
For Defenders – Destroy all Attacking vehicles or survive with at least one vehicle until the Time Limit is reached while preventing the Attacking team from capturing the Base.
If when the Time Limit is reached there is still at least one Defending vehicle operational (has one hit point or more remaining) and the Base has not been captured, the Defending Team wins.
Match Progression
A Group Stage match consists of a minimum of two (2) maps and four (4) Battles, with a final tie-breaker Battle if required on a predertermined map decided by an administrator.
A Playoffs BO7 match consists of four (4) maps and a maximum of seven (7) Battles, including eventual tie-breaker.
A Grand Final BO9 match consists of five (5) maps and a maximum of nine (9) Battles, including eventual tie-breaker.
One map includes two Battles where each Team plays one time in Attack and one time in Defense.
To win a Group Stage match, a Team needs to achieve Victory in three (3) or four (4) or five (5) Battles. A minimum of 4 battles will be played even if a Team is already leading 3-0.
To win a Playoffs BO7 match, a Team needs to achieve Victory in four (4) Battles out of seven (7). If one Team gets four (4) Victories, the remaining Battles are not played.
To win a Grand Finals BO9 match, a Team needs to achieve Victory in five (5) Battles out of nine (9). If one Team gets five (5) Victories, the remaining Battles are not played.
Tiebreaker Battle
A Tie-breaker Battle is played in a Match which reaches a Draw score of 2:2 in Group Stage, or 3:3 in the Playoffs (Bo7) matches, or 4:4 in a Grand Finals (Bo9) matches.
In the Group Stage, the Tie-breaker Battle Map will be determined separately for each round by the Organizer.
The team who achieved Victory the fastest (having more time left before the timeout) in a single Battle as an Attacker is the Home Team in a Tie-breaker Battle
In case no team achieved Victory as an Attacker, the Team with higher cumulative damage in one Battle of the Match as the Attacker is the Home Team.
In case the teams are evenly matched in the above damage criteria, a coin toss will determine the Home Team.
The Home Team can pick the side they wish to play on during the Tie-breaker Battle.
The Tie-breaker Battle is subject to normal ANZ B League rules, with one Team being the Attacker and one Team being the Defender.
Victory in the Tie-breaker Battle grants Victory in the entire Match.
Conditions of a Rematch
Rematch can only occur in the case of Software and/or Hardware issues from the Organizer side, if no Team has a clear advantage. The decision is to be made by the Organizer.
Rematch won’t be allowed in case of Player side Software and/or Hardware issues.
The standard break time between Battles in the same match is 3 minutes.
Tank Regulations
Tank Regulations
Teams may be composed of any Tier 10 tanks available in the game that can be unlocked in the tech tree with experience based on the current patch, excluding the EBR 105. Collectors vehicles are also allowed. Any reward tanks or tanks no longer obtainable are forbidden.
The use of all in-game customizations, consumables, equipment (including Bonds and Bounty equipment), directives and any other in-game assets is allowed. They can be modified at any time until the battle lobby countdown finishes.
The total number of vehicle Tier points in one Team must not exceed 50 points (for a Team of 5 Players).
During a Battle, every Team can use up to two (2) tanks with the same name. Example:
Obj.277 x2, Super Conqueror x2, BatChat 25t x1: allowed
Obj.277 x2, BatChat 25t x3: not allowed
Map Pool
All Battles in the ANZ B League will be played on the following Attack/Defense maps (referred to as the “Map Pool”):
Ghost Town
Siegfried Line
Sand River
Only Team Representatives or the person delegated by them are allowed to perform the Map pick for their Team.
Map pick in the Group Stage
For every match of the Group Stage, every team will pick two maps from the Map Pool, identified as “first map choice” and “second map choice”, and submit it to the Organizer by the communicated deadline.
Match maps will be decided as follows:
When first map choices are different maps, both first map choices will be played during the match.
Example: team A submits Cliff (1) and Himmelsdorf (2), team B submits Mines (1) and Murovanka (2). Cliff and Mines will be played.
When first map choices are the same map, but second map choices are different, both second map choices will be played during the match.
Example: team A submits Cliff (1) and Himmelsdorf (2), team B submits Cliff (1) and Mines (2). Himmelsdorf and Mines will be played.
When both first map choices and second map choices are the same, those two maps will be played during the match.
Example: both team A and B submits Cliff (1) and Himmelsdorf (2). Cliff and Himmelsdorf will be played.
Teams on the left of the bracket will play their away map first, and start as Defender in both maps.
Map pick and ban in Playoffs
For Playoffs, the Team coming from the Upper Bracket will decide the order of map pick and bans. When this is not applicable, the Team with the highest rank from the Group Stage will decide the order of map pick and bans.
Map elimination proceeds as follows in a Bo7 match:
Team A eliminates a map
Team B eliminates a map
Team A picks first map
Team B picks second map
Team A eliminates a map
Team B eliminates a map
A coin toss will decide the third map and the tie-breaker map.
Each Team picks their starting position on the opponent’s chosen maps. The Team coming from the Upper Bracket can pick the side on the third map. When this is not applicable, the Team with the highest rank from the Group Stage can pick the side on the third map.
Map pick and ban in the Grand Finals
For the Grand Finals, the Team coming from the Upper Bracket will decide the order of map pick and bans. When this is not applicable, the Team with the highest rank from the Group Stage will decide the order of map pick and bans.
Map elimination proceeds as follows in a Bo9 match:
Team A eliminates a map
Team B eliminates a map
Team A picks first map
Team B picks second map
Team B picks third map
Team A picks fourth map
A coin toss will determine the tie-breaker map, the remaining map will be discarded.
Each Team picks their starting position on the opponent’s chosen maps.
Tiebreaker Maps
Tiebreaker Maps
In the group stage the following maps will be used for tie-breakers;
Round 1 - Tundra
Round 2 - Sand River
Round 3 - Himmelsdorf
Round 4 - Murovanka
Round 5 - Cliff
Game Accounts
Game Accounts
Every Participant will receive a tournament account provided by the Organizer. All accounts will be named by the Organizer.
The accounts provided must be used during official League events, including official Matches and for training purposes. The accounts can only be used in Training Battles and when invited to the League games by the Special Battle system. If an account is used for any other purpose or in any other game mode, it will be deactivated and the Participant will be sanctioned at the Organizer's discretion.
The content of the accounts provided to the Participant is strictly confidential and may not be communicated to the public.
Teams and Players Requirements
Teams and Players Requirements
Team Requirements
A Team should consist of a minimum of five (5) Players plus two (2) reserve players, for a maximum total of seven (7) Players. A reserve player is an additional player, available to play during an official match.
To be eligible to receive prizes, a team's full roster of players needs to have individually played at least one full game, or at least one round in two separate games. With the exception of personal circumstances preventing a player's participation outside of these conditions, in which case consent of both the Team Representative and affected player must be communicated to Wargaming.
Changing Player Name
Any name change in the middle of a Season has to be prior approved by the Organizer.
The Organizer may give deadlines via Discord or other channel provided to the Team Representative.
Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
This tournament is open to players physically residing in Australia and New Zealand ONLY – teams with players from any other countries will not be permitted to enter.
Wargaming Group may choose to terminate the contest/event or change/reassign the prize at any time without notice.
In addition, Wargaming Group reserves the right to disqualify players who do not comply with official Wargaming rules and tournament regulations, or those who seek to abuse the mechanics of the tournament.
Wargaming Group reserves the right to request battle replays, screenshots, or other related information, and may make rulings at its own discretion if these are not supplied in a timely manner. We strongly encourage you to keep Battle Recordings enabled in the game settings at all times!
The Organizer reserves the right to change or modify this Rulebook at their sole discretion and, in special cases, make decisions not covered by this Rulebook to preserve the spirit of fair competition and sportsmanship.
By participating in the ANZ Premier League Division 2, each Participant confirms that a Participant has read and understood and agrees with the Rulebook together with any annexes, the End User License Agreement (EULA), Terms of Service (ToS), Privacy and Cookie Policy, the Game Rules, and Forum Rules of MMO “World of Tanks”. This includes Participant’s consent to use Participant’s name, image, voice, likeness and performance for purposes of broadcasting the tournament and for use in such other media, as set out in more detail in the Rulebook.
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