[車輌セール] チームワークの力



プレミアムショップではチームワークに定評のある車輌が登場するぞ。 IX WZ-114  は厚い装甲と優秀な単発ダメージを併せ持つ心強い車輌だ。 VIII AMX Chasseur de chars は援護に長けたサポート車輌だ。援護しつつも攻撃に加わりたければ VI T78 もおすすめだぞ。



[プレミアムショップ] WZ-114・AMX Chasseur de chars・T78

販売期間: 2022年9月30日14:00~10月7日14:00


IX WZ-114  はイベント「猛虎伏草」の報酬車輌としてお馴染みのプレミアム重戦車だ。単発火力は同格重戦車トップクラスの530HP、貫通力も通常AP弾で266 mmと文句のつけようがない性能を誇る。耐久性も2,300HPと優れているが機動性は決して速くなく、慎重なルート選択と展開の先読みが重要となる車輌だ。また、戦闘で取得できるクレジットや各種EXPが増加するなどのお馴染みのボーナスに加えてTier IX車輌ながらボンズを取得可能という大きな魅力を備えている。


PCをお使いの方へ: 各画像にカーソルを重ねると、詳細な情報をチェックできます










・全搭乗員のスキル:+5% / +6%



・装填時間:-10% / -11.5%



・照準速度:+10% / -11.5%



・移動および砲塔/車体旋回に伴う散布界の拡大:-20% / -23%



・照準サークルのサイズ:-5% / -7%



・移動および砲塔/車体旋回に伴う散布界の拡大:-10% / -12.5%

・車体および砲塔の旋回速度:+10% / +12.5%


Spall Liner

+50% / +60% to HE-shell and ramming damage.

+50% / +60% to to protection of crew from injuries.

-10% / -15% to stun duration.

-20% / -25% to additional stun duration.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Improved Hardening

Fully restores suspension hit points after repairs.

+8% / +10% to vehicle hit points.

+50% / +65% to suspension durability.

-50% / -65% to hull damage caused by suspension damage during impact.

+15% / +20% to suspension repair speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Modified Configuration

Prevents one fuel tank fire, ammo rack explosion, or engine destruction in one battle.

+100% / +150% to ammo rack, fuel tank, and engine durability

-50% / -65% to the damaged ammo rack penalty and damaged engine penalty.

-50% / -65% to the chance of engine fire.

+25% / +35% to repair speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Additional Grousers

+15% / +20% to hull traverse speed.

+10% / +15% to maintaining speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.


+7.5% / +10% to engine power.

+4km/h / +5km/h to top forward speed.

+2km/h / +3km/h to reverse speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Binocular Telescope

・=+25% / +27.5% to view range of a stationary vehicle

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Coated Optics

+10% / +11.5% to view range of a stationary vehicle

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Camouflage Net

・Reduces the detection chance of a stationary vehicle:

+5% / +7.5% to heavy tanks and SPGs.

+10% / +12.5% to light and medium tanks.

+15% / +17.5% to tank destroyers.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Low Noise Exhaust System

・Reduces the visibility of a stationary or moving vehicle:

+3% / +4% to heavy tanks and SPGs.

+6% / +8% to light and medium tanks.

+5% / +6% to tank destroyers.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Improved Radio Set

+1.5s / +2s to the duration an enemy vehicle is visible.

-1.5s / -2s to the duration your vehicle is visible to the enemy.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Commander's Vision System

-10% / -12.5% to concealment of moving enemy vehicles.

-15% / -20% to concealment of enemy vehicles behind foliage.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Field Modification

Module Durability Increase

・Damaged ammo rack penalty and damaged engine penalty:-50%

・Dispersion of the damaged gun:-20%

・Hull traverse speed:-4% 

・Turret traverse speed:-4% 

Light-Alloy Mounting Points

・Hull traverse speed:+4% 

・Turret traverse speed:+4% 

・Damaged ammo rack penalty and damaged engine penalty:+50% 

・Dispersion of the damaged gun:+20% 

Suspension Arm Tuning

・Dispersion during movement and hull traversal:-3% 


Improved Sight


・Dispersion during movement and hull traversal:+3% 

Turbocharger Tuning

・Reverse speed:+2km/h

・Suspension repair speed:+5%


Anti-Reflective Headlights Coating


・Reverse speed:-2km/h

・Suspension repair speed:-5%

Loading Mechanism Tuning

・Reload time:-3%


Aiming Mechanism Tuning


・Reload time:+3%

PTO Tuning

・Engine power:+5% 

・Aiming time:+5% 

Electric Aiming Drive

・Aiming time:-5% 

・Engine power:-5% 

Heavy-Gauge Nozzles

・Top speed:+2km/h 

・View range:-3% 

Sensitive Optics

・View range:+3% 

・Top speed:-2km/h 

Reinforced Support Rollers

・Suspension durability:+30% 

・Suspension repair speed:-10% 

・Hull traverse speed:-5% 

Lightweight Support Rollers

・Suspension repair speed:+10% 

・Hull traverse speed:+5% 

・Suspension durability:-30% 

All-Terrain Suspension

・Effectiveness of maintaining speed when crossing all terrain types:+7% 

・Hull traverse speed:-5% 

・Suspension durability:-10% 

Lightweight Suspension

・Effectiveness of maintaining speed when crossing all terrain types:-7% 

・Hull traverse speed:+5% 

・Suspension durability:+10% 

Parallax Adjustment


・Aiming time:+5% 

Aiming Gears Lapping

・Aiming time:-5% 


Additional Noise Insulation

・Stun duration:-10% 

・Additional stun duration:-15% 

・View range:-3% 

Periscope Electric Drive

・View range:+3% 

・Stun duration:+10% 

・Additional stun duration:+15% 

Reinforced Turret

・HE damage:-15% 

・Stun duration:-8% 

・Protection of the crew from injuries:+20% 

・Hull traverse speed:-5% 

・Top speed:-2km/h 

Lightweight Turret

・Hull traverse speed:+5% 

・Top speed:+2km/h 

・HE damage:+15% 

・Stun duration:+8% 

・Protection of the crew from injuries:-20% 

Auxiliary Safety System

・Durability of internal modules:+30% 

・Repair speed:+5% 

・Turret traverse speed:-5% 

・Dispersion during turret traverse:+5% 

Lightweight Mounting Points

・Turret traverse speed:+5% 

・Dispersion during turret traverse:-5% 

・Durability of internal modules:-30% 

・Repair speed:-5% 

Reinforced Suspension

・Suspension durability:+30%

・Terrain crossing capacity:+15%

・Hull traverse speed:-5%

Lightweight Suspension

・Hull traverse speed:+5%

・Suspension durability:-30%

・Terrain crossing capacity:-15%

Aiming Gears Lapping

・Aiming time:-5%


Parallax Adjustment


・Aiming time:+5%

Ejector Tuning

・Concealment after firing a shot:+6%

・View range:-2%

Right-Angle Periscope

・View range:+2%

・Concealment after firing a shot:-6%

AMX Chasseur de char

VIII AMX Chasseur de chars  は重戦車のような大きな車体とユニークな見た目にも関わらず、軽戦車のように軽快な足回りを持つフランスTier VIIIプレミアム中戦車だ。分間ダメージや照準性能、貫通力などの主要な主砲性能が同Tier中戦車より優れている。序盤は高い機動性と砲性能を活かして支援を行いつつ、頃合いを見計らって奇襲を仕掛けよう。


PCをお使いの方へ: 各画像にカーソルを重ねると、詳細な情報をチェックできます

Slot Category: Survivability

When you install an equipment of matching type in this slot, the equipment's performance will be boosted.

Slot Category: Mobility

When you install an equipment of matching type in this slot, the equipment's performance will be boosted.

Slot Category: Firepower

When you install an equipment of matching type in this slot, the equipment's performance will be boosted.

Slot Category: Scouting

When you install an equipment of matching type in this slot, the equipment's performance will be boosted.

Improved Ventilation

+5% / +6% to all crew skills.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Gun Rammer

-10% / -11.5% to loading time.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Enhanced Gun Laying Drive

+10% / -11.5% to aiming speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Vertical Stabilizer

-20% / -23% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traversal.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Improved Aiming

-5% / -7% to the aiming circle size.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Improved Rotation Mechanism

-10% / -12.5% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traversal, as well as during turret rotation.

+10% / +12.5% to hull and turret traverse speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Spall Liner

+50% / +60% to HE-shell and ramming damage.

+50% / +60% to to protection of crew from injuries.

-10% / -15% to stun duration.

-20% / -25% to additional stun duration.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Improved Hardening

Fully restores suspension hit points after repairs.

+8% / +10% to vehicle hit points.

+50% / +65% to suspension durability.

-50% / -65% to hull damage caused by suspension damage during impact.

+15% / +20% to suspension repair speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Modified Configuration

Prevents one fuel tank fire, ammo rack explosion, or engine destruction in one battle.

+100% / +150% to ammo rack, fuel tank, and engine durability

-50% / -65% to the damaged ammo rack penalty and damaged engine penalty.

-50% / -65% to the chance of engine fire.

+25% / +35% to repair speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Additional Grousers

+15% / +20% to hull traverse speed.

+10% / +15% to maintaining speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.


+7.5% / +10% to engine power.

+4km/h / +5km/h to top forward speed.

+2km/h / +3km/h to reverse speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Binocular Telescope

・=+25% / +27.5% to view range of a stationary vehicle

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Coated Optics

+10% / +11.5% to view range of a stationary vehicle

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Camouflage Net

・Reduces the detection chance of a stationary vehicle:

+5% / +7.5% to heavy tanks and SPGs.

+10% / +12.5% to light and medium tanks.

+15% / +17.5% to tank destroyers.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Low Noise Exhaust System

・Reduces the visibility of a stationary or moving vehicle:

+3% / +4% to heavy tanks and SPGs.

+6% / +8% to light and medium tanks.

+5% / +6% to tank destroyers.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Improved Radio Set

+1.5s / +2s to the duration an enemy vehicle is visible.

-1.5s / -2s to the duration your vehicle is visible to the enemy.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Commander's Vision System

-10% / -12.5% to concealment of moving enemy vehicles.

-15% / -20% to concealment of enemy vehicles behind foliage.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Field Modification

Module Durability Increase

・Damaged ammo rack penalty and damaged engine penalty:-50%

・Dispersion of the damaged gun:-20%

・Hull traverse speed:-4% 

・Turret traverse speed:-4% 

Light-Alloy Mounting Points

・Hull traverse speed:+4% 

・Turret traverse speed:+4% 

・Damaged ammo rack penalty and damaged engine penalty:+50% 

・Dispersion of the damaged gun:+20% 

Suspension Arm Tuning

・Dispersion during movement and hull traversal:-3% 


Improved Sight


・Dispersion during movement and hull traversal:+3% 

Turbocharger Tuning

・Reverse speed:+2km/h

・Suspension repair speed:+5%


Anti-Reflective Headlights Coating


・Reverse speed:-2km/h

・Suspension repair speed:-5%

Loading Mechanism Tuning

・Reload time:-3%


Aiming Mechanism Tuning


・Reload time:+3%

PTO Tuning

・Engine power:+5% 

・Aiming time:+5% 

Electric Aiming Drive

・Aiming time:-5% 

・Engine power:-5% 

Heavy-Gauge Nozzles

・Top speed:+2km/h 

・View range:-3% 

Sensitive Optics

・View range:+3% 

・Top speed:-2km/h 

Reinforced Support Rollers

・Suspension durability:+30% 

・Suspension repair speed:-10% 

・Hull traverse speed:-5% 

Lightweight Support Rollers

・Suspension repair speed:+10% 

・Hull traverse speed:+5% 

・Suspension durability:-30% 

All-Terrain Suspension

・Effectiveness of maintaining speed when crossing all terrain types:+7% 

・Hull traverse speed:-5% 

・Suspension durability:-10% 

Lightweight Suspension

・Effectiveness of maintaining speed when crossing all terrain types:-7% 

・Hull traverse speed:+5% 

・Suspension durability:+10% 

Parallax Adjustment


・Aiming time:+5% 

Aiming Gears Lapping

・Aiming time:-5% 


Additional Noise Insulation

・Stun duration:-10% 

・Additional stun duration:-15% 

・View range:-3% 

Periscope Electric Drive

・View range:+3% 

・Stun duration:+10% 

・Additional stun duration:+15% 

Reinforced Turret

・HE damage:-15% 

・Stun duration:-8% 

・Protection of the crew from injuries:+20% 

・Hull traverse speed:-5% 

・Top speed:-2km/h 

Lightweight Turret

・Hull traverse speed:+5% 

・Top speed:+2km/h 

・HE damage:+15% 

・Stun duration:+8% 

・Protection of the crew from injuries:-20% 

Auxiliary Safety System

・Durability of internal modules:+30% 

・Repair speed:+5% 

・Turret traverse speed:-5% 

・Dispersion during turret traverse:+5% 

Lightweight Mounting Points

・Turret traverse speed:+5% 

・Dispersion during turret traverse:-5% 

・Durability of internal modules:-30% 

・Repair speed:-5% 

Reinforced Suspension

・Suspension durability:+30%

・Terrain crossing capacity:+15%

・Hull traverse speed:-5%

Lightweight Suspension

・Hull traverse speed:+5%

・Suspension durability:-30%

・Terrain crossing capacity:-15%

Aiming Gears Lapping

・Aiming time:-5%


Parallax Adjustment


・Aiming time:+5%

Ejector Tuning

・Concealment after firing a shot:+6%

・View range:-2%

Right-Angle Periscope

・View range:+2%

・Concealment after firing a shot:-6%


VI T78  はアメリカTier VIプレミアム駆逐戦車で、駆逐戦車には珍しい360度旋回可能な砲塔を搭載している。優秀な隠蔽率と扱いやすい砲、優れた走行性能で、どんな状況でも活躍できるポテンシャルを秘めている。砲塔正面には大きめの防盾装甲を備えており、同Tierの敵からの攻撃であれば、この防盾で耐えることもできる。中戦車と駆逐戦車の間のような特性を持っている。


PCをお使いの方へ: 各画像にカーソルを重ねると、詳細な情報をチェックできます

Slot Category: Survivability

When you install an equipment of matching type in this slot, the equipment's performance will be boosted.

Slot Category: Mobility

When you install an equipment of matching type in this slot, the equipment's performance will be boosted.

Slot Category: Firepower

When you install an equipment of matching type in this slot, the equipment's performance will be boosted.

Slot Category: Scouting

When you install an equipment of matching type in this slot, the equipment's performance will be boosted.

Improved Ventilation

+5% / +6% to all crew skills.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Gun Rammer

-10% / -11.5% to loading time.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Enhanced Gun Laying Drive

+10% / -11.5% to aiming speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Vertical Stabilizer

-20% / -23% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traversal.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Improved Aiming

-5% / -7% to the aiming circle size.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Improved Rotation Mechanism

-10% / -12.5% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traversal, as well as during turret rotation.

+10% / +12.5% to hull and turret traverse speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Spall Liner

+50% / +60% to HE-shell and ramming damage.

+50% / +60% to to protection of crew from injuries.

-10% / -15% to stun duration.

-20% / -25% to additional stun duration.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Improved Hardening

Fully restores suspension hit points after repairs.

+8% / +10% to vehicle hit points.

+50% / +65% to suspension durability.

-50% / -65% to hull damage caused by suspension damage during impact.

+15% / +20% to suspension repair speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Modified Configuration

Prevents one fuel tank fire, ammo rack explosion, or engine destruction in one battle.

+100% / +150% to ammo rack, fuel tank, and engine durability

-50% / -65% to the damaged ammo rack penalty and damaged engine penalty.

-50% / -65% to the chance of engine fire.

+25% / +35% to repair speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Additional Grousers

+15% / +20% to hull traverse speed.

+10% / +15% to maintaining speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.


+7.5% / +10% to engine power.

+4km/h / +5km/h to top forward speed.

+2km/h / +3km/h to reverse speed.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Binocular Telescope

・=+25% / +27.5% to view range of a stationary vehicle

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Coated Optics

+10% / +11.5% to view range of a stationary vehicle

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Camouflage Net

・Reduces the detection chance of a stationary vehicle:

+5% / +7.5% to heavy tanks and SPGs.

+10% / +12.5% to light and medium tanks.

+15% / +17.5% to tank destroyers.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Low Noise Exhaust System

・Reduces the visibility of a stationary or moving vehicle:

+3% / +4% to heavy tanks and SPGs.

+6% / +8% to light and medium tanks.

+5% / +6% to tank destroyers.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Improved Radio Set

+1.5s / +2s to the duration an enemy vehicle is visible.

-1.5s / -2s to the duration your vehicle is visible to the enemy.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Commander's Vision System

-10% / -12.5% to concealment of moving enemy vehicles.

-15% / -20% to concealment of enemy vehicles behind foliage.

※ The first value is the base effect. The second value is the improved effect, achieved when the equipment and slot category matches.

Field Modification

Module Durability Increase

・Damaged ammo rack penalty and damaged engine penalty:-50%

・Dispersion of the damaged gun:-20%

・Hull traverse speed:-4% 

・Turret traverse speed:-4% 

Light-Alloy Mounting Points

・Hull traverse speed:+4% 

・Turret traverse speed:+4% 

・Damaged ammo rack penalty and damaged engine penalty:+50% 

・Dispersion of the damaged gun:+20% 

Suspension Arm Tuning

・Dispersion during movement and hull traversal:-3% 


Improved Sight


・Dispersion during movement and hull traversal:+3% 

Turbocharger Tuning

・Reverse speed:+2km/h

・Suspension repair speed:+5%


Anti-Reflective Headlights Coating


・Reverse speed:-2km/h

・Suspension repair speed:-5%

Loading Mechanism Tuning

・Reload time:-3%


Aiming Mechanism Tuning


・Reload time:+3%

PTO Tuning

・Engine power:+5% 

・Aiming time:+5% 

Electric Aiming Drive

・Aiming time:-5% 

・Engine power:-5% 

Heavy-Gauge Nozzles

・Top speed:+2km/h 

・View range:-3% 

Sensitive Optics

・View range:+3% 

・Top speed:-2km/h 

Reinforced Support Rollers

・Suspension durability:+30% 

・Suspension repair speed:-10% 

・Hull traverse speed:-5% 

Lightweight Support Rollers

・Suspension repair speed:+10% 

・Hull traverse speed:+5% 

・Suspension durability:-30% 

All-Terrain Suspension

・Effectiveness of maintaining speed when crossing all terrain types:+7% 

・Hull traverse speed:-5% 

・Suspension durability:-10% 

Lightweight Suspension

・Effectiveness of maintaining speed when crossing all terrain types:-7% 

・Hull traverse speed:+5% 

・Suspension durability:+10% 

Parallax Adjustment


・Aiming time:+5% 

Aiming Gears Lapping

・Aiming time:-5% 


Additional Noise Insulation

・Stun duration:-10% 

・Additional stun duration:-15% 

・View range:-3% 

Periscope Electric Drive

・View range:+3% 

・Stun duration:+10% 

・Additional stun duration:+15% 

Reinforced Turret

・HE damage:-15% 

・Stun duration:-8% 

・Protection of the crew from injuries:+20% 

・Hull traverse speed:-5% 

・Top speed:-2km/h 

Lightweight Turret

・Hull traverse speed:+5% 

・Top speed:+2km/h 

・HE damage:+15% 

・Stun duration:+8% 

・Protection of the crew from injuries:-20% 

Auxiliary Safety System

・Durability of internal modules:+30% 

・Repair speed:+5% 

・Turret traverse speed:-5% 

・Dispersion during turret traverse:+5% 

Lightweight Mounting Points

・Turret traverse speed:+5% 

・Dispersion during turret traverse:-5% 

・Durability of internal modules:-30% 

・Repair speed:-5% 

Reinforced Suspension

・Suspension durability:+30%

・Terrain crossing capacity:+15%

・Hull traverse speed:-5%

Lightweight Suspension

・Hull traverse speed:+5%

・Suspension durability:-30%

・Terrain crossing capacity:-15%

Aiming Gears Lapping

・Aiming time:-5%


Parallax Adjustment


・Aiming time:+5%

Ejector Tuning

・Concealment after firing a shot:+6%

・View range:-2%

Right-Angle Periscope

・View range:+2%

・Concealment after firing a shot:-6%
