


『World of Tanks』公開テスト


  • 公開テストの参加方法
  • 初めてテストに参加する場合は?

公開テストに参加するには、Wargaming.net Game Center(WGC)最新の公開テスト用クライアント、そして参加登録の締切日(以下を参照)以前に作成されたWargaming.netアカウンが必要となる。





  • テスト用クライアントのインストーラーを実行する。
  • 普段『World of Tanks』のファイルを保存しているファイルとは別のインストール用フォルダーを選択する。
  • WGC上部のドロップダウンメニューから新しくインストールされたテストクライアントを選択する。
  • これでテストに参加できる。フィードバックも忘れずにお送りいただきたい。

WGCについての詳しい情報はWargaming.net Game Centerガイドで確認してくれたまえ。





Main Changes

Onslaught, Season of the Azure Manticore

The Artillery Strike Tactical Skill has been changed:

  • Damage caused has been increased from 350 HP to 400 HP.

Role Skills:

  • Focus on Target
    • Reduction to reload time between shots has been increased from 0.45/0.6/0.75 to 0.6/0.75/0.9.
  • Inspire
    • Crew efficiency bonus has been increased from 17.5/30/42.5 to 20/32.5/45%.
    • The number of Prestige Points required to level up the skill charge has been decreased by 45/33/28%.
  • Fire Cover:
    • Damage caused has been increased from 70/135/225 HP to 90/150/250 HP.
  • Juggernaut:
    • Cooldown time has been increased from 5 s to 8 s.
  • Second Wind: 
    • HP restored has been decreased from 100 + 35/60/85% to 100 + 35/55/75%.

Prestige Points System:

  • Changes have been made to the system for accruing Prestige Points.

Changes to Technical Characteristics of Vehicles

  • Fixed a minor traverse speed issue that affected the following vehicles: AMХ ELC bis, Bat.-Chatillon 25 t AP, Bat.-Chatillon 25 t, A-44
  • Fixed the issue of autocannon shells behaving incorrectly when hitting armor at ricochet angles.

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • Fixed the issue of vehicles not being highlighted after a random event.
  • Fixed the issue of the Discount Cost tooltip displaying incorrect prices during Commander retraining.
  • Fixed the issue of the Free XP card being blocked for crew members who were 5 XP or less short of being able to train a perk.
  • Fixed the issue of one crew member replacing another of the same qualification when both of them were retrained.
  • Fixed the issue of the number of additional free perks being calculated incorrectly in a tanker's infotip on the vehicle preview screen.
  • Fixed the issue of the XP gained by a tanker with low perk efficiency not being displayed on the Quick Training screen after a Personal Training Manual was used.
  • Fixed the issue of the counters on the Missions section and Daily Missions tab showing different numbers of unviewed missions.
  • Fixed some sound issues.
  • Fixed some localization and interface issues.