





アップデート1.26の目玉のひとつは、チェコスロバキア軽戦車ルートの実装だ。新ルートは VI Škoda T 25 から分岐しており、Tier VIIからTier Xまでの合計4輌で構成されている。どれも軽戦車らしく敏捷性に優れており、敵の側背面に回り込むことを得意としている。

ルートの一番手はTier VIIの Škoda T 17 だ。それ以降の高Tier車輌の顔ぶれは、以下の通りとなっている。

  • Vz. 64 Blesk (Tier VIII)
  • LPT-67 Šelma (Tier IX)
  • Vz. 71 Tesák (Tier X)

Škoda T 17は、動力性能が高く、軽戦車としては頑丈な装甲を備えた1輌だ。だが、このツリーの特徴が色濃く表れるのはTier VIII以降の車輌からとなる。特に大きな違いがTier VIII車輌から搭載できるようになる《自動連射砲》だ。


  • 【驚異的な発射速度】新軽戦車の主砲は2連装砲になっている。それぞれが交互に絶え間なく砲弾を発射できるため、1分間で数千発もの砲弾を吐き出すことができる。弾倉を交換して装填を行うシステムで、弾倉火力は最大でなんと900HPにも及ぶ。
  • 【比較的低い貫通力】主砲の口径が小さいため、貫通力は決して高くない。ダメージを与えるには、敵装甲の弱点部分をしっかりと狙う必要がある点に注意だ。
  • 【散布界に注意】連射中は、散布界が少しずつ広がっていく。中距離や遠距離からの射撃の際は、連射し続ける時間を短くとどめるのが得策と言える。また「自動連射砲」を搭載した車輌の散布界には、専用のインジケーターが表示される。これにより、連射中の貫通弾の割合が可視化されている。
  • 【近距離戦がカギ】上記の特徴からも分かる通り、この主砲が最も力を発揮するのは近距離で敵の弱点に連続で砲弾を命中させられる状況だ。また標的との距離が近ければ自ずと精度も上がる。
  • 【射撃中の隠蔽率】当然だが連射中は大きな発砲音が鳴り続ける。そのため「自動連射砲」を搭載した車輌の射撃時の隠蔽率は、他の軽戦車よりも低くなる点にも注意が必要だ。



ご存知の通り、搭乗員システムの刷新は現在の『World of Tanks』における大きな課題のひとつとなっている。今後もより便利で快適なメカニズムを実現するため、システム全体の構造的な改善に向けた変更を行う予定だ。



  • パーク数の上限】搭乗員が職能ひとつに対して習得できるパークの数の上限を6つとする(ゼロパークを含む)。7つ目以降のパークの習得にすでにEXPを費やしている場合、補償として搭乗員の国籍に対応した教本が付与される。補償として付与されるEXPは「搭乗員EXP / 4.5」の式に基づいて算出される。
  • 選べるパークの種類】職能ひとつにつき習得できるパークは、特定の職能専用のパーク6種類と集団型パーク3種類の中から選ぶことができる。
  • ボーナス・パーク】複数の職能を兼任する搭乗員は、訓練中のメイン職能の50%の速度で、サブ職能の専用パークを訓練できる。その際、追加のEXPは必要としない。ボーナス・パークとして習得できるのは最大3つまでとなる。
  • パーク適性の制限】砲手が複数いる場合など、同じ職能の搭乗員が複数人存在する場合、その職能用パークが100%効果を発揮するためには、その職能を担当する全搭乗員が同じパークを100%習得する必要がある。
  • 余剰分のEXP】すでに6種類のパークを習得している搭乗員でも、引き続き搭乗員EXPを取得できる。余剰分の搭乗員EXPが一定値(最低100,000EXPから)に達すると、汎用初級教本に変換される。この方法で入手できる教本の数に制限はない。


パーク 先行テスト アップデート1.26
Emergency 敵のダメージを受けてから15秒が経過するまで「職能適性」へのボーナス7.5%増加させる。効果は累算されない。 敵のダメージを受けてから15秒が経過するまで「職能適性」へのボーナス5%増加させる。効果は累算されない。
高速照準 照準速度2.5%上昇させる。 照準速度と砲塔の旋回速度2.5%上昇させる。
Reliable Placement HE弾から受けるダメージの軽減率7.5%上昇させる。落下による被ダメージを30%低下させる。 HE弾から受けるダメージの軽減率10%上昇させる。落下による被ダメージを30%低下させる。
Signal Interception 自車輌が被発見状態にあると判明するまでの時間0.5秒短縮する。 自車輌が被発見状態にあると判明するまでの時間0.75秒短縮する。
能率的収納 消耗品のクールダウン時間7.5%短縮する。 消耗品のクールダウン時間10%短縮する。




  • 3つの研究ルート
  • 調整対象となるルートで研究できるモジュール
  • 車輌の初期モジュール構成
  • プレミアム車輌5輌



今回、3つの研究ルートに属する通常車輌に調整を加えている。調整の焦点となるのは、それぞれのTier X車輌だ。対象となったルートの車輌は、長い間性能に変更を加えておらず、プレイヤー内での人気が下がりつつあるものとなる。そのため、どの車輌にも上方修正が加えられる。調整はTier Vから始まり、Tier Xまで及ぶぞ。



  • 車輌への調整に合わせて、対象ルートの車輌モジュールの数や組み合わせにも変更が加えられる。変更はTier V以上の車輌のモジュールが対象だ。ただし例外として、 X K-91 ルートは Tier VI以上からが対象となる。これらの調整は、新規プレイヤーが研究ルートを進むうえでのプロセスを、より快適で分かりやすいものにすることを目的としている。
  • したがって、性能が低いモジュールツリーから取り除かれることとなる。これには、ゲームプレイの快適さの妨げとなっていた史実モジュールも含まれている。また、引き続き研究できるモジュールの多くにも、性能面での上方修正を加える予定だ。調整されるモジュールの中には、新しいメカニズムが追加されるものもある。これにより、モジュール研究のプロセスがより直感的に理解できるようになるはずだ。

ツリーから取り除かれたモジュールはすべて「倉庫」に送られます。これらのモジュールは、売却できるほか、別の車輌に搭載できるようにもなります。ただし、 V AMX ELC bis 主砲のひとつに関しては、ゲームから完全に削除されます。








  • VIII WZ-111 model 6 : 敏捷性と主砲性能が向上している。具体的には、車体および砲塔の旋回速度が上昇したほか、照準速度が向上し、貫通力も強化されている。
  • VIII AltProto AMX 30 : 分間火力と俊敏性が向上している。具体的には、装填速度が上昇したほか、主砲の安定性が向上し、砲塔の旋回速度が上昇している。
  • VIII 59-Patton : 生存性と主砲性能が向上している。具体的には、装甲が強化されたほか、照準速度と砲塔の旋回速度が上昇し、単発火力も強化されている。
  • VIII AMX Canon d'assaut 105 : 生存性と火力を強化している。具体的には、車輌の機動性とHPが上昇したほか、照準速度と装填速度が上昇している。
  • VIII IS-5 (Object 730) : 射撃精度と機動性が向上している。具体的には、散布界が縮小し、照準速度が上昇したほか、車体および砲塔の旋回速度が上昇している。





  • 工場の崩壊】マップ中央に位置する工場に爆撃が行われる。これにより、崩落した屋根を遮蔽物として使うことができるようになり、新たな交戦ポイントが生まれる。
  • 走行する列車】マップの一端から列車が発射し、マップ全体を走り回る。列車は遮蔽物として使うことができるため、列車が移動する度に、その地点に新たな遮蔽物が生まれることになる。


  • 航空機の墜落】丘の上に航空機が墜落する。飛び散った墜落機の部品が当たり、風車が大破する。


  • 爆撃による地すべり】岩石地帯の一角が爆撃を受ける。これにより、地すべりが起こり、射線が通らなくなるエリアが生まれる。



  • 水辺の地形への調整】K6エリアからJ7エリアにある水辺の地形に変更を加えている。これにより、西側チームの車輌がより安全に射撃ポジションを確保できるほか、逆に東側チームがこれらの地点を制圧できれば、敵陣地に向けての進軍がしやすくなっている。
  • 東側チームの偵察ポジション】D5エリアにある軽戦車の偵察ポジションに改善を加えた。これにより、反対側のE4エリアにあるポジションと同じように、より安全な偵察が可能になっている。一方で、西側チームの中戦車が射線を通せるようにもなっている。
  • 防衛ポジションの弱体化】東側チームの陣地付近にあった強力な防衛ポジションを弱体化している。B8エリアにあった崖際の樹木が取り除かれたほか、「竜の歯」の一部が取り除かれ、崖に沿って敵陣地側に進入しやすくなっている。


  • 水中の坂道】J8エリアでは、チームを問わず水没する車輌が多かった。そのため、水中の坂道に改善を加え、水没することなく陸に上がりやすくした。
  • 狙撃ポジションへの調整】これまで、G4エリアの狙撃ポジションからは、岩の陰から茂みを通して敵に射線を通すことができていた。調整により、ここから一方的に射線を通すことができなくなった。射線を通すには、遮蔽物の陰から出る必要あり、被弾のリスクを負うことになる。
  • 安全な移動経路】F4エリアの高台の車輌が、東側チームの車輌に一方的にダメージを与えられるようになっていたため、岩の位置に軽微な変更を加え、東側チームの車輌がより安全に移動できるようになっている。
  • 強力なポジションの弱体化】A0エリアには、自陣に進入してくる敵に対する強力な迎撃ポジションがあった。そのため、当該エリアの樹木をマップ境界線側に移動することで、このポジションの車輌が発見されやすくなり、弱体化が図られている。



  • 新たな重戦車用の移動経路】F6エリアに、複数の遮蔽物を追加している。どれもさまざまな距離での撃ち合いに使うことができ、敵との距離を詰める際に役に立つ。
  • 洞窟の開通】F6エリアの岩に洞窟を追加している。これにより、中央エリアと北側エリアを行き来できるようになり、立ち回りの幅が広がっている。
  • 海辺の地形への調整】D3、C3、C4エリアに広がる海辺に起伏を追加している。稜線が増えたことにより、中戦車の移動エリアおよび交戦エリアが広がった。


  • マップ中央の重戦車ルート】G6からF7にかけてのエリアをより安全に移動できるようになっている。中央部にシェルターが追加されており、敵との距離を少しずつ縮められるようになった。
  • 狙撃ポジション】J5エリアとF9エリアにあった狙撃ポジションがそれぞれ弱体化されている。これにより、G6エリアとF7エリアから進撃してくる車輌への射線が通らなくなった。
  • 滑走路】E3~C5エリアとF4~D6エリアを走る滑走路に起伏や稜線、茂みを追加してある。これにより、当該エリアで軽戦車が立ち回りやすくなっている。
  • 地形への調整】D3、C3、C4エリアに起伏を追加している。稜線が増えたことにより、中戦車の移動エリアおよび交戦エリアが広がった。


  • 新たな重戦車ポジション】B1~B2エリア、C1~C2エリア、そしてA3~B3エリアに重戦車が撃ち合いを行えるポジションを追加している。
  • 建物の追加】B3エリアに建物を追加し、中央の城郭エリアからの射線を通らなくなるようにした。


  • 新たな中戦車ポジション】K7、K8エリアとH0エリアに射撃ポジションを追加している。これにより、中戦車部隊が丘上に構えた敵部隊に近づきやすくなった。
  • 茂みの位置】A7~B7エリアとF1~F2エリアの茂みの位置に調整を加えている。


  • 茂みの削除】B1エリアの茂みを削除している。これらの茂みは、自走砲の発見を難しくし、北側チームに大きなアドバンテージを与えていた。


  • 地形への調整】C2~D2エリアにある起伏を緩やかにしている。これにより、南側チームの車輌がこのエリアにいる敵を発見したり、攻撃したりしやすくなった。
  • 茂みの位置変更】K2エリアの茂みの位置に変更を加えている。これにより、峠にいる車輌が視認範囲が狭い場合でも、一方的にダメージを受けるリスクが低くなった。


  • ストゥジャンキ
  • ステップ
  • ツンドラ
  • 修道院




  • 地形への調整】K6エリアの稜線をより急にしている。これにより、西側チームの車輌への射線が通りにくくなった。



  • 重戦車ルート】G1、H1、H2エリアに変更を加えている。これにより、両チームの条件の差が是正されている。
  • 茂みの削除】E1エリアとJ2エリアにあった茂みを削除している。車輌を発見しやすくなり、敵部隊の数を把握しやすくなった。
  • 新たな射撃ポジション】F2エリアにあった北側チーム向けの射撃ポジションと条件を合わせる形で、H3エリアに南側チーム向けの射撃ポジションを追加した。また、F2エリアのポジションにも若干の上方修正を加えている。


  • 射線の削除】D5エリアからG9エリアに通っていた射線を塞いでいる。このエリアは、出撃直後の南側チームに一方的にダメージを与えることができてしまっていた。


  • 茂みの削除】C1エリアの茂みを削除している。これまでは、ここからG1エリアにいる南側チームの車輌を一方的に発見し、攻撃を加えることができてしまっていた。





  • よりシンプルな進捗システムを目指して、レーティング・ポイントの取得ルールに変更を加えている。進捗をよりスムーズなものにするため、ポイントの増減に調整を加えており、ランク「アイアン」での進捗の難易度が大幅に下がっているほか、ランク「ブロンズ」では中程度、ランク「シルバー」ではやや進捗の難易度が下がった。





調整因子 ランダム戦 前のシーズン シーズン「アジュール・マンティコア」
車輌HP なし +25% +650HP
被発見状態の持続時間 10秒 3秒 4秒
内部モジュールへのダメージ なし なし −30%
エンジンの火災発生率 10~20% 10~20% 0%


  • 専用ショップに新登場のボンズ拡張パーツ「Stealth Exhaust Unit」が追加される。ランク「シルバー」に到達すると購入できるようになるぞ。


  • 各シーズンが終了すると、そのシーズンの最高到達ランクに応じて専用リソース「Onslaught Color」が手に入る。集めた「Onslaught Color」は年間報酬と交換できるぞ。「マンティコア・イヤー」でも、シーズンごとに取得できる「Color」は最大で6枚となっている。つまり、イヤーを通して18枚の「Onslaught Color」を集めれば、すべての年間報酬を手にすることができるというわけだ。
  • 年間報酬には、限定2Dスタイルや改良型拡張パーツと試作拡張パーツと交換できるトークン、バッジ、IGNストライプのほか、目玉報酬として限定搭乗員1組と専用3Dスタイルが付いたTier X報酬車輌「Stinger」が含まれている。本車輌は X T57 Heavy Tank の特別バージョンで、外観にカッコいいアップグレードが施されているぞ。


  • ヒメルズドルフ」が「オンスロート」に再び登場するぞ。マップにはいくつかの変更が加えられている。その他、「ムロヴァンカ」と「ライヴオーク」も使用マップに追加する。







  • 「修理キット(小)」と「救急キット(小)」: 今後、小型の消耗品は現在の大型の消耗品と同じ効果を持つようになる。つまり、キーを押すだけですべてのモジュールの修理、あるいは搭乗員の治療を行ることができるようになる。戦闘中に消耗品を使うモジュールや搭乗員を選ぶ必要がなくなるというわけだ。
  • 「修理キット(大)」、「救急キット(大)」、「自動消火装置」: これらの消耗品は発動時の効果に変更はないものの、クールダウン時間が90秒から60秒に短縮される。一方で、修理速度の10%増加といった、追加ボーナスは、大型の消耗品にしか付与しなくなる点に注意だ。


新たな消耗品「Quality Fuel」と「Excellent Fuel」

燃料系の消耗品にも変更を加える予定だ。まず、「100 オクタン・ガソリン」、「105 オクタン・ガソリン」、「レンドリース・オイル」、「高級オイル」といった既存の燃料系の消耗品をすべてゲームから削除し、代わりに新たな消耗品「Quality Fuel」と「Excellent Fuel」を追加する。新しい消耗品はそれぞれエンジン出力と砲塔の旋回速度に+5%と+10%のボーナスを付与する。また、ゲーム内の全車輌に搭載できるようになっている。


加えて、消耗品「速度制限装置の解除」もゲームから削除する。この消耗品は、ソ連と中国車輌専用のもので「105 オクタン・ガソリン」の上位互換にあたる存在で、他の国家の車輌に対するアドバンテージを得られるようになっていた。だが、新消耗品「Excellent Fuel」の実装に伴い、不要になるため、すべてのアカウントから削除する予定だ。



「WoT Plus」への変更

月額制サブスクリプション・サービスの「WoT Plus」に新たな特典を追加するぞ!

今回追加するのは「拡張パーツ選択アシスト」だ。「WoT Plus」の利用プレイヤーは、特定の車輌で拡張パーツを選択する際、その車輌に最も多く搭載されている拡張パーツのセットを確認できるようになる。表示されるセットは、サーバーごとに収集されたデータに基づいており、どの組み合わせが車輌の性能を最大化できるかが可視化されるという仕組みだ。表示されるデータはランダム戦に基づいているほか、通常の拡張パーツ、ボンズ拡張パーツ、そして改良型拡張パーツのデータが集計されている。

公開テストでは、ゴールドを支払うことで「WoT Plus」を利用できるようになっている。ゴールド庫や搭乗員教育プログラム、アテンダンス報酬、2連装砲を搭載した限定車輌 VIII TS-54 のレンタルといった特典に加え、新特典もこの機会にぜひ試してみていただきたい。


アップデート1.26より、「バトルパス・シーズンXV」が開幕するぞ。このシーズンは今年の11月末まで続く。「シーズンXV」は2024年最後のバトルパスとなる。1年間コツコツ貯めてきた「バトルパス・トークン」を使って、 IX TT-130M IX TS-60 といった報酬車輌をはじめとする限定報酬を手にする最後の機会だ。

シーズンのテーマは、お馴染みのイベント「Waffenträger」。天才発明家Max von Kriegerの若かりし日の物語を追いながら、今まで語られることのなかった秘密を紐解いていくぞ。シーズンを通して入手できる報酬には、イベント「Waffenträger」からインスピレーションを得たカスタマイズアイテムが多く含まれる。中でも限定の3Dスタイルは必ず手に入れておきたい代物だろう。

『World of Tanks』公開テスト


  • 公開テストの参加方法
  • 初めてテストに参加する場合は?
  1. 【参加条件】Wargaming.net Game Center(WGC)および最新の公開テスト用クライアントをインストール済みなこと、またWargaming.netアカウントを所有していること。(テスト・サーバー内の進捗は、UTC2024-07-2920:00:00時点での正式サーバーでの進捗に準拠)
  2. テスト用クライアントのダウンロードとインストールの手順
    • インストーラーを実行して、メインのゲーム・ファイルの保存場所とは別のフォルダーに「公開テスト」のファイルを保存する。
    • WGCのドロップダウン・メニューで「公開テスト」を選択する。
  3. 【テストを起動】テスト・サーバー用のアカウントにあらかじめ付与された大量のリソースを駆使して新機能をテストする。フィードバックもお忘れなく!

    【重要】公開テスト用のアカウントのゲーム内進捗は、正式サーバー上の2024年7月30日時点での進捗に基づいており、それ以降の進捗は反映されません。詳しくはWargaming.net Game Centerガイドよりご確認ください。



  • テスト用クライアントのインストーラーを実行する。
  • 普段『World of Tanks』のファイルを保存しているファイルとは別のインストール用フォルダーを選択する。
  • WGC上部のドロップダウンメニューから新しくインストールされたテストクライアントを選択する。
  • これでテストに参加できる。フィードバックも忘れずにお送りいただきたい。

WGCについての詳しい情報はWargaming.net Game Centerガイドで確認してくれたまえ。






Main Changes

New Czechoslovakian Light Tank Branch

A new branch of Czechoslovakian light tanks has been added to the Tech Tree. Most of them feature automatic cannons with a new mechanic that provides extremely high shooting rates, allowing them to cause a large amount of damage in a short time.

The following vehicles have been added:

  • Tier VII: Škoda T 17
  • Tier VIII: Vz. 64 Blesk
  • Tier IX: LPT-67 Šelma
  • Tier X: Vz. 71 Tesák

Battle Pass

The event will be inspired by the Waffenträger story and will feature new customization elements created in the atmosphere of the Waffenträger event.

The final reward for each Chapter has been changed: instead of progressive 3D styles, players can now receive 3D styles.

Some minor technical improvement have been made.

Crew: New Perk System

  • Perk limit: Each crew member can train up to 6 perks for their major qualification (including zero perks). All XP invested in perks after the sixth is accumulated into a pool for each nation, then divided by 4.5. National Crew Books will be given as compensation based on the resulting number.
  • New and rebalanced perks: Choose from 6 individual perks and 3 group perks for each major qualification.
  • Bonus perks: Crew members with additional qualifications train a chosen individual perk at 50% speed alongside their main perks. No extra XP is needed and up to 3 bonus perks are available.
  • Efficiency requirement: For perks to be 100% effective, all crew members with the same major qualification (e.g. multiple Loaders) must fully train the same perk.
  • Extra XP: Crew members with 6 fully trained perks will keep earning Crew XP, which converts into Universal Guides after reaching certain thresholds (starting at 100,000 XP), with no limit.
  • UI improvements have been made, with additional elements added to crew profile windows.
  • All perks have been added to the vehicle comparison window.
  • The qualifications of crew members of certain vehicles have been changed to avoid unnecessarily duplicated roles. XP from each removed perk can be used to train other perks. Full lists for each nation are given in the Vehicles section.
  • Two mechanics for free perk resets have been implemented: 30 days after the release of the update with limited activation time and one free perk reset for each tanker with no time limit.
  • Two new buttons have been added to the Barracks for the 30-day free perk reset period: Reset All Perks of All Crews and Train All Crews With Default Perks.

Map Changes


Changes have been made to make gameplay more comfortable. New positions have been added to the map, giving heavy tanks more diverse options in the city. New positions have also been added to allow medium tanks to get closer to enemies on the hillside.

  • New positions for heavy tanks have been added in squares B1-B2, C1-C2, and A3-B3. This will allow vehicles to move more actively in this direction.
  • A building has been added in square B3, which blocks shot lines from the castle zone in the center.
  • In squares K7-K8 and H0, new positions for medium tanks have been added. These positions will allow mediums to get closer to opponents on hills.
  • In squares A7-B7 and F1-F2, the flora has been moved.
Oyster Bay

In the heavy tank direction in squares G6-G7 and F6-F7, the main firing positions used to be far apart, while possibilities for rapprochement were fraught with great risk, making gameplay in the direction somewhat stagnant. The changes aim to expand opportunities for convergence in the direction, as well as to diversify positions at close range. Additional opportunities for playing in the central and north-western parts of the map have also been added.

  • The upper HT subdirection in square F6 has been redesigned. Protected positions at various distances can now be pushed through, reducing the distance toward enemies.
  • The central HT direction squares G6-F7 have also become safer to advance—the shelter in its center will allow you to gradually reduce the distance to the enemy.
  • The upper and central HT subdirections in square F6 have been connected by a cave, providing more options for gameplay there.
  • In the runway area in squares E3-C5 and F4-D6, terrain undulations, hills, and bushes have been added to improve the quality of gameplay for light tanks.
  • In the shoreline squares D3, C3, and C4, the terrain has been reworked and cover has been added to improve opportunities for playing and approaching medium tanks.
Mannerheim Line

The coastline has been slightly improved. Some distant lines of fire have been reduced and the west team's to the main battle point has been made safer. The shore of the slope has also been modified to make it easier to get out of the water, as well as make it easier for the eastern team to push in that direction. The LT positions in the middle of the map have been made equal for both teams, while some overly powerful east base defense positions have been weakened, making it easier to push through.

  • The shape of the shoreline squares K6 and J7 has been modified, making the western team's firing points and the eastern team's advancement after winning the direction safer.
  • The underwater slope in square J8 has been improved to make it easier to get out of the water without drowning.
  • The firing line over the rocks and through the bushes in the HT direction in square G4 has been closed, meaning TDs must expose their hull.
  • The northern base's LT is now better positioned in the middle D5 square. The square is now safer and comparable to the western team's LT position in E4. A firing line has also been opened on the western team's MT route.
  • When going upward, eastern team players had the chance to take damage from the TD position in the F4 square. The rock was shifted slightly deeper, making it feasible to drive beyond the draw circle in this direction.
  • The north base's powerful defense position, which blocked a way to the enemy's base, has been weakened. The trees near the cliff's edge have been removed in square B8. The dragon's teeth have been partially destroyed, allowing for more comfortable travel toward the north base along the cliff's edge.
  • The highly dislodged position in A0, which prevented a breakthrough to the enemy base, has been weakened. The bushes have been pushed closer to the red line, making spotting more likely in the position.

Southern team players mainly occupied the eastern direction of the map, while opportunities for rapprochement and advancement on the flank were limited. The changes aim to align the direction for both teams, with the addition of opportunities for diverse play at various distances.

  • The HT direction in squares G1, H1, and H2 has been changed to provide new and equal opportunities for teams.
  • The bushes in squares E1 and J2 that made it difficult to pass into the corner of the map and along the riverbed have been removed. Now it will be easier to spot the vehicles and determine the number of opponents in the direction.
  • A new position has been added for the southern team in the H3 square, mirroring the stone in the F2 square. Additionally, the northern team's position has been enhanced.

The distant positions in the mountain gorge on the map, which had a significant impact on the main heavy vehicle engagement point, have been altered.

  • In B1, flora that made it difficult to detect artillery has been removed, as this position provided a great advantage for the north base team.
  • The terrain in squares C2-D2 has been lowered to make it simpler for the south base to spot and attack vehicles in this position.
  • A new position with bushes has been added square K2 to reduce the chances of taking damage in the mountain gorge due to not being able to detect vehicles at long range.

Minor changes have been made to enhance gameplay comfort. The southern team's route to the eastern direction has been covered from unwanted firing lines.

  • The firing line from square D5 to the roadway in square G9 has been removed. The firing line allowed damage to be inflicted on the southern team's vehicles during their roll maneuver.

Minor changes have been made to improve the west base and fix a vehicle detection issue.

  • The terrain in the K6 square has been raised to minimize shooting at vehicles from the west team base.
  • A position in C6 has been modified to prevent the spotting of vehicles in A5 through the windows of a building.

A minor change has been made to enhance gameplay comfort.

  • Flora has been removed in С1. This position made it possible to spot and damage the southern team's vehicles in square G1 without risk.

WoT Plus

  • The Equipment Assistant benefit has been added to WoT Plus.
  • Players can view Equipment Assistant from the equipment screen, and see the three most commonly used equipment setups for their selected vehicle.
  • Equipment Assistant is available only for vehicles that can be used in Random Battles.


Main changes

  • The Year of the Manticore has been added.
  • New Annual Rewards have been added.
  • The Season of the Azure Manticore has been added.
  • A new item of improved equipment, Stealth Exhaust Unit, has been added to the Onslaught Shop.
  • The Stinger Tier X American heavy tank Stinger has been added.
  • Ammo, equipment, and directives can now be used for free in Onslaught Team Training.

New content for the Season of the Azure Manticore:

  • Progressive Hybrid Beast (Azure) style with a new set of decals, emblems, inscriptions, and camouflage patterns.
  • Dog Tag Backgrounds: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Champion, and Legend
  • Nickname stripe: Wind of Change
  • Badges: Get Over Here!, Rock You Like a Hurricane
  • Medal: Venomous Sting
  • Rental vehicles: E 50 Ausf. M 7х7, Object 277 7x7, WZ-113G FT 7x7

Ranked System:

  • The base number of Rating Points earned in the Iron, Bronze, and Silver ranks has been increased.

Prestige Points system:

  • Changes have been made to the system for accruing Prestige Points.

Role Skills:

  • Straight Ahead:
    • The skill has been replaced by the new Juggernaut skill.
  • Juggernaut:
    • For 12/15/20 s: 
      • Incoming damage is reduced by 15/22.5/30%
      • Top forward speed is increased by 10 km/h
      • Top reverse speed is increased by 10 km/h
      • Engine power is increased by 35%
      • Damage from ramming to enemy vehicles is increased by 30%
      • When this Role Skill is active, the player's tracks can be destroyed by a single shot. 
      • At the beginning of battle, the Role Skill's charge level is 1.
  • Recon Flight:
    • The skill becomes available 3 seconds after the battle starts.
    • A special icon is displayed for a player detected by the skill.

Onslaught modifiers changes:

  • Vehicle durability: +25% changed to +650 HP.
  • Time remaining visible: 3 s changed to 4 s.

New Onslaught modifiers:

  • Range of potential damage: +/-12%.
  • Inner module damage reduction: 50%.
  • Engine fire chance: 0%.

Other changes:

  • New maps have been added: Murovanka and Live Oaks.
  • Himmelsdorf has been returned.
  • New Vehicles Available in Onslaught:
    • Hurricane 
    • WZ-111 QL
    • 113 BO
    • Monkey King
    • Obj. 268/5
    • M60
    • Foch 155
    • 121B

Random Events

Random Events have been added to three maps:

  • Pilsen
    • Roof collapse in the central hangar. This event creates additional cover (E4-F4), allowing the center of the map to be used for flanking attacks or changing directions.
    • Train movements. Trains have been added to the map, crossing it from north to south and from south to north. The trains move at a speed of around 30 km/h, making them usable as moving cover.
  • Malinovka
    • Plane crash at the windmill. A crashed plane on Malinovka Hill creates a large amount of new cover (A0), allowing tanks to play more actively in this area.
  • Karelia
    • Bombardment and destruction of the bunker. A powerful explosion caused by shelling destroys the bunker and part of the mountain. The rockfall blocks the main lines of fire and creates new cover (H8) for advancing in this direction.

Simple Consumables

  • Small Repair Kit and Small First Aid Kit mechanics have been changed:
    • Small Repair Kits now repair all damaged modules. Cooldown time is 90 s.
    • Small First Aid Kits now treat all injured crew members and remove the stun effect. Cooldown time is 90 s.
  • Cooldown time for large consumables has been reduced:
    • Large Repair Kit cooldown has been reduced from 90 s to 60 s.
    • Large First Aid Kit cooldown has been reduced from 90 s to 60 s.
    • Automatic Fire Extinguisher cooldown has been reduced from 90 s to 60 s.
    • Standard Large Repair Kit cooldown has been reduced from 90 s to 60 s. (For vehicles with a built-in Large Repair Kit as part of their standard configuration)
  • 2 new consumables have been added: Quality Fuel and Excellent Fuel.
    • Quality Fuel:

      • Adds +5% to engine power and to turret rotation speed.
      • Is suitable for all classes of vehicles of all nations.
      • Has no restrictions on engine types (diesel or gasoline).
      • Price: 5,000 credits.
    • Excellent Fuel:
      • Adds +10% to engine power and to turret rotation speed.
      • Is suitable for all classes of vehicles of all nations.
      • Has no restrictions on engine types (diesel or gasoline).
      • Price: 20,000 credits.
  • 100-octane Gasoline, Lend-Lease Oil, and Quality Oil have been replaced with Quality Fuel in the Depot, Store, and in vehicles' consumables slots.
  • 105-octane Gasoline has been replaced with Excellent Fuel in the Depot, Store, and in vehicles' consumables slots.
  • Lend-Lease Oil, 100-octane Gasoline, 105-octane Gasoline, and Quality Oil have been removed from the game.
  • Speed Governor has been removed from the game. All Speed Governors removed from players' accounts will be compensated.

Personal Exchange Rates

  • Credit and XP exchange interfaces have been changed.
  • A functionality displaying applied discounts on exchanges has been added.
  • Personalized individual discounts have also been added.

Map Training

The Steppes map has been temporarily excluded from the Topography game mode.


Along with the rebalancing of high-tier vehicles, the quantity and assortment of vehicle modules and upgrade paths in these three branches will be revised starting from Tier V (Tier VI for the K-91 branch). Less useful modules have been removed or replaced, and some new modules have been introduced to enhance gameplay comfort. Some improvements to the stock configurations across the rebalanced branches have also been made.


The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicle have been changed:

  • M5A1 Stuart

Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles have been made:


  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the 90 mm Gun M41 in the 59-Patton turret has been decreased by 40%
  • Aiming time of the 90 mm Gun M41 in the 59-Patton turret has been changed from 1.9 to 1.7 s
  • Damage of the AP M318 shell for the 90 mm Gun M41 has been changed from 240 to 280 HP
  • Damage of the HEAT-T M348 shell for the 90 mm Gun M41 has been changed from 240 to 280 HP
  • Damage of the HE T91E3 shell for the 90 mm Gun M41 has been changed from 320 to 370 HP

WZ-111 model 6

  • Dispersion during movement of the WZ-111 model 6 suspension has been decreased by 13%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the WZ-111 model 6 suspension has been decreased by 13%
  • Traverse speed of the WZ-111 model 6 suspension has been changed from 26 to 30 deg/s
  • Aiming time of the 105 mm Type 81-I gun in the WZ-111 model 6 turret has been changed from 2.8 to 2.6 s
  • Traverse speed of the WZ-111 model 6 turret has been changed from 24 to 28 deg/s
  • Penetration of the Chuan bei-81-I shell for the 105 mm Type 81-I gun has been changed from 218–198 to 227–204 mm


The following vehicles have been added: Škoda T 17, Vz. 64 Blesk, LPT-67 Šelma, Vz. 71 Tesák, Vz. 68 Squall


The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicles have been changed:

  • AMX 50 100
  • AMX 50 120
  • AMX 50 B
  • Char Futur 4
  • Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque
  • Char Mle. 75
  • AMX 13 (FL 11)
  • AMX 12 t
  • AMX 13 75
  • AMX 13 90
  • Bat.-Châtillon 25 t
  • Lorraine 40 t
  • Somua S35
  • AMX 13 57
  • AMX 13 57 GF
  • Bat.-Châtillon 25 t AP
  • Somua SM
  • M4A1 FL 10
  • Bat.-Châtillon 12 t
  • AMX 13 105
  • ELC EVEN 90

Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles have been made:

AltProto AMX 30

  • Traverse speed of the AltProto-AMX-30 suspension has been changed from 34 to 40 deg/s
  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the 100 mm SA47-58 gun in the AltProto-AMX-30 turret has been decreased by 40%
  • Reloading time of the 100 mm SA47-58 gun in the AltProto-AMX-30 turret has been changed from 10 to 9 s
  • Traverse speed of the AltProto-AMX-30 turret has been changed from 38 to 42 deg/s

AMX 12 t

  • Dispersion of the 75 mm SA49 gun in the AMX 12 t turret has been changed from 0.42 to 0.4 m
  • Aiming time of the 75 mm SA49 gun in the AMX 12 t turret has been changed from 2.5 to 2.3 s
  • Penetration of the Frt.Prf. mle. 1940 shell for the 75 mm SA49 gun has been changed from 148–122 to 174–147 mm
  • Penetration of the Frt.Prf. mle. 1926 shell for the 75 mm SA49 gun has been changed from 108–98 to 133–115 mm
  • Shell capacity of the 75 mm SA49 gun in the AMX 12 t turret has been changed from 36 to 44
  • Shell capacity of the 75 mm SA50 gun in the AMX 12 t turret has been changed from 36 to 44
  • Power of the AMX B 271 engine has been changed from 250 to 290 h.p.

AMX 13 75

  • Dispersion of the 75 mm SA49 gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 0.42 to 0.38 m
  • Aiming time of the75 mm SA49 gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2 s
  • Penetration of the Frt.Prf. mle. 1940 shell for the 75 mm SA49 gun has been changed from 148–122 to 174–147 mm
  • Penetration of the Frt.Prf. mle. 1926 shell for the 75 mm SA49 gun has been changed from 108–98 to 133–115 mm
  • Shell capacity of the 75 mm SA49 gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 44 to 48
  • Shell capacity of the 75 mm SA50 gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 36 to 48
  • Power of the Baudouin 6F 11 SRY T engine has been changed from 300 to 350 h.p.

Bat.-Châtillon 25 t

  • The 90 mm F3 gun for the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret has been removed
  • The 100 mm SA47 gun with 42 shell capacity for the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret has been removed
  • Dispersion during movement of the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t suspension has been decreased by 18%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t suspension has been decreased by 18%
  • Dispersion of the 105 mm mle. 57 (D. 1504) gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret has been changed from 0.38 to 0.35 m
  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the 105 mm mle. 57 (D. 1504) gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret has been decreased by 38%
  • Dispersion after firing of the 105 mm mle. 57 (D. 1504) gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret has been decreased by 25% 
  • Aiming time of the 105 mm mle. 57 (D. 1504) gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret has been changed from 2.7 to 2.4 s
  • Shell capacity of the 105 mm mle. 57 (D. 1504) gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret has been changed from 30 to 50


  • The 75 mm SA32L gun for the AMX ELC bis turret has been removed
  • Dispersion of the 75 mm SA44L gun in the AMX ELC bis turret has been changed from 0.4 to 0.38 m
  • Aiming time of the 75 mm SA44L gun in the AMX ELC bis turret has been changed from 2.1 to 2 s

Bat.-Châtillon 25 t AP

  • The 90 mm F3 gun for the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been removed
  • Dispersion of the Canon de 90 mm Vo 930 m/s gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been changed from 0.38 to 0.36 m
  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the Canon de 90 mm Vo 930 m/s gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been decreased by 29%
  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the 100 mm SA47 gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been decreased by 29%
  • Dispersion after firing of the Canon de 90 mm Vo 930 m/s gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been decreased by 14%
  • Dispersion after firing of the 100 mm SA47 gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been decreased by 14%
  • Aiming time of the Canon de 90 mm Vo 930 m/s gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been changed from 2.7 to 2.1 s
  • Aiming time of the 100 mm SA47 gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been changed from 2.5 to 2.1 s
  • Shell capacity of the Canon de 90 mm Vo 930 m/s gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been changed from 42 to 60
  • Shell capacity of the 100 mm SA47 gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been changed from 42 to 60
  • Tier of the Maybach HL 230 F engine has been changed from VI to IX
  • Tier of the Moteur moderne 3M.27.1.01 engine has been changed from VI to VIII
  • Purchase cost of the Maybach HL 230 F engine has been changed from 26,800 to 75,000 credits
  • Purchase cost of the Moteur moderne 3M.27.1.01 engine has been changed from 24,600 to 49,200 credits

Bat.-Châtillon 12 t

  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the Canon de 75 mm Vo 920 m/s gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been decreased by 17%
  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the Canon de 75 mm Vo 1000 m/s gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been decreased by 17%
  • Reloading time of the Canon de 75 mm Vo 920 m/s gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 24 to 21 s
  • Reloading time of the Canon de 75 mm Vo 1000 m/s gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 20 to 17 s
  • Aiming time of the Canon de 75 mm Vo 920 m/s gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2 s
  • Aiming time of the Canon de 75 mm Vo 1000 m/s gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2 s
  • Penetration of the Frt.Prf. mle. 1944A shell for the Canon de 75 mm Vo 920 m/s gun has been changed from 182–159 to 198–167 mm
  • Penetration of the Prf. mle. 1930A shell for the Canon de 75 mm Vo 920 m/s gun has been changed from 144–128 to 159–137 mm
  • Power of the Mathis 210 engine has been changed from 320 to 350 h.p.

AMX Canon d'assaut 105

  • Dispersion during movement of the AMX Canon d'assaut de 105 suspension has been decreased by 23%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX Canon d'assaut de 105 suspension has been decreased by 23%
  • Reloading time of the 105 mm CN 105 gun in the AMX Canon d'assaut de 105 turret has been changed from 11.5 to 10.6 s
  • Aiming time of the 105 mm CN 105 gun in the AMX Canon d'assaut de 105 turret has been changed from 2 to 1.8 s
  • Vehicle durability has been changed from 1,000 to 1,200 HP


The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicles have been changed:

  • Spähpanzer SP I C
  • Rheinmetall Panzerwagen
  • HWK 12
  • KPz 3 Projekt 07 HK
  • KJPZ TIII Jäger

Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles have been made:

M48A2 Räumpanzer

  • Penetration of the AP M77 shell for the 9 cm Kanone M41 gun has been changed from 205–183 to 212–199 mm
  • Damage of the AP M77 shell for the 9 cm Kanone M41 has been changed from 240 to 280 HP
  • Damage of the HE M71 shell for the 9 cm Kanone M41 has been changed from 320 to 380 HP
  • Damage of the HVAP M304 shell for the 9 cm Kanone M41 has been changed from 240 to 280 HP
  • Power of the Continental AVI-1790-8 engine has been changed from 650 to 750 h.p.


The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicle have been changed:

  • Rinoceronte

The following vehicles have been added: Toro, Felice


The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicles have been changed:

  • Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2
  • Strv 103-0
  • Strv 103B
  • Kranvagn
  • Emil II
  • Emil I
  • UDES 03
  • Strv S1
  • EMIL 1951
  • UDES 16
  • UDES 15/16
  • UDES 14 Alt 5
  • UDES 03 Alt 3
  • Bofors Tornvagn


The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicles have been changed:

  • FV1066 Senlac
  • GSOR3301 AVR FS
  • GSR 3301 Setter
  • GSOR 1008
  • A25 Harry Hopkins I
  • Concept No. 5
  • GSOR 1010 FB
  • Staghound Mk. III
  • AEC Armoured Car
  • FV601 Saladin
  • FSV Scheme A
  • Charioteer Nomad
  • Charioteer


The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicles have been changed:

  • T71 DA
  • T1 HMC
  • T56 GMC
  • ASTRON Rex 105 mm
  • ARMT
  • T82 HMC

Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles have been made:

M4A1 Sherman

  • The 75 mm Gun M3A1 has been added for the D51066 turret
  • The 75 mm Gun M3A1 has been added for the D51072 turret
  • The Wright Continental R-975EC2A1 gasoline engine has been added
  • The 75 mm Gun M3 for the D51066 turret has been removed
  • The 105 mm M4 for the D51066 turret has been removed
  • The 75 mm Gun M3 for the D51066 turret has been removed
  • The Wright Continental R-975C1 gasoline engine has been removed
  • The Wright Continental R-975EC2 gasoline engine has been removed
  • Dispersion during movement of the T41 suspension has been decreased by 15%
  • Dispersion during movement of the T42 suspension has been decreased  by 17%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the T41 suspension has been decreased by 15%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the T42 suspension has been decreased by 17%
  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51072 turret has been decreased by 22%
  • Reloading time of the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51072 turret has been changed from 4.8 to 4.3 s

M4A3E8 Sherman

  • The 76 mm Gun M1A2E8 has been added for the D51080 turret
  • The 75 mm Gun M3 for the D51066 turret has been removed
  • The 105 mm M4 gun for the D51072 turret has been removed
  • The 75 mm Gun M3 for the D51080 turret has been removed
  • The 76 mm Gun M1A2 for the D51080 turret has been removed
  • The 105 mm M4 gun for the D51080 turret has been removed
  • The Wright Continental R-975C1 gasoline engine has been removed
  • Dispersion of the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51072 turret has been changed from 0.43 to 0.39 m
  • Dispersion of the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51080 turret has been changed from 0.43 to 0.38 m
  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51072 turret has been decreased by 25%
  • Reloading time of the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51072 turret has been changed from 4.2 to 3.6 s
  • Reloading time of the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51080 turret has been changed from 4.2 to 3.5 s
  • Aiming time of the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51072 turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2.1 s
  • Aiming time of the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51080 turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2.0 s
  • View range with the D51072 turret has been changed from 330 to 360 m
  • Vehicle durability with the D51072 turret has been changed from 892 to 890 HP


  • The 76 mm Gun M1A1E20 has been added for the T20D1 turret
  • The 76 mm Gun M1A1E20 has been added for the T20D2 turret
  • The 76 mm Gun M1A1 for the T20D1 turret has been removed
  • The 76 mm Gun M1A2 for the T20D1 turret has been removed
  • The 76 mm Gun M1A1 for the T20D2 turret has been removed
  • The 76 mm Gun M1A2 for the T20D2 turret has been removed
  • The 105 mm M4 gun for the T20D2 turret has been removed

M48A5 Patton

  • The Continental AVDS-1790-2D gasoline engine has been added
  • The Continental AV-1790-7B gasoline engine has been removed
  • Dispersion of the 105 mm Gun M68 in the M48A5 Patton turret has been changed from 0.36 to 0.35 m
  • Aiming time of the 105 mm Gun M68 in the M48A5 Patton turret has been changed from 1.9 to 1.8 s
  • Top speed has been changed from 45 km/h to 48 km/h

M4A3(76)W Sherman

  • Penetration of the AP M62 shell for the 76 mm Gun M1A2 has been changed from 128–110 to 143–126 mm
  • Penetration of the HVAP M93 shell for the 76 mm Gun M1A2 has been changed from 177–158 to 185–164 mm

M26 Pershing

  • The 90 mm Gun M3E26 has been added for the M26M67 turret
  • The 90 mm Gun M3E26 has been added for the M26M71 turret
  • The Ford GAN M gasoline engine has been added
  • The 76 mm Gun M1A1 for the M26M67 turret has been removed
  • The 76 mm Gun M1A2 for the M26M67 turret has been removed
  • The 90 mm Gun M3 for the M26M67 turret has been removed
  • The 76 mm Gun M1A1 for the M26M71 turret has been removed
  • The 76 mm Gun M1A2 for the M26M71 turret has been removed
  • The 90 mm Gun M3 for the M26M71 turret has been removed
  • The 105 mm M4 gun for the M26M71 turret has been removed
  • The Ford GAN gasoline engine has been removed
  • Dispersion during movement of the M26T80E1 suspension has been decreased by 15%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the M26T80E1 suspension has been decreased by 15%
  • Dispersion of the 90 mm Gun T15E2M2 in the M26M67 turret has been changed from 0.37 to 0.35 m
  • Reloading time of the 90 mm Gun T15E2M2 in the M26M67 turret has been changed from 8.2 to 8 s
  • Reloading time of the 90 mm Gun T15E2M2 in the M26M71 turret has been changed from 6.8 to 7.6 s
  • Aiming time of the 90 mm Gun T15E2M2 in the M26M67 turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2.1 s

M46 Patton

  • The 90 mm Gun M3 for the M46M73 turret has been removed
  • The 90 mm Gun T15E2M2 for the M46M73 turret has been removed
  • The 90 mm Gun M3 for the M46T119 turret has been removed
  • The 90 mm Gun T15E2M2 for the M46T119 turret has been removed
  • The 105 mm M4 gun for the M46T119 turret has been removed
  • The Ford GAN gasoline engine has been removed
  • Dispersion of the 90 mm Gun M36 in the M46M73 turret has been changed from 0.38 to 0.34 m
  • Dispersion of the 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 in the M46M73 turret has been changed from 0.4 to 0.37 m
  • Dispersion of the 90 mm Gun M36 in the M46T119 turret has been changed from 0.38 to 0.33 m
  • Dispersion of the 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 in the M46T119 turret has been changed from 0.39 to 0.36 m
  • Reloading time of the 90 mm Gun M36 in the M46M73 turret has been changed from 7.6 to 7 s
  • Reloading time of the 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 in the M46M73 turret has been changed from 10 to 9.6 s
  • Reloading time of the 90 mm Gun M36 in the M46T119 turret has been changed from 7.6 to 6.7 s
  • Aiming time of the 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 in the M46T119 turret has been changed from 2 to 1.9 s
  • Aiming time of the 90 mm Gun M36 in the M46T119 turret has been changed from 2 to 1.9 s


The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicles have been changed:

  • IS-3A
  • T-100 LT
  • LT-432
  • Object 780
  • Object 590

Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles have been made:


  • Velocity of the UBR-354MP shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been increased by 25%
  • Velocity of the UBR-354A shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been increased by 22%
  • Penetration of the UBR-354MP shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been changed from 102–92 to 147–138 mm
  • Penetration of the UBR-354A shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been changed from 86–75 to 108–99 mm

Object 430 Version II

  • Dispersion of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Version II turret has been changed from 0.38 to 0.36 m
  • Dispersion of the 100 mm D-54U gun during traverse of the Object 430 Version II turret has been decreased by 25%
  • Reloading time of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Version II turret has been changed from 8 to 7.1 s
  • Reloading time of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 430 Version II turret has been changed from 7.6 to 7.2 s
  • Reloading time of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Version II enhanced turret has been changed from 7.5 to 6.9 s
  • Reloading time of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 430 Version II enhanced turret has been changed from 7.6 to 7.1 s
  • Aiming time of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Version II turret has been changed from 2.9 to 2.1 s
  • Aiming time of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 430 Version II turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2.1 s
  • Aiming time of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 430 Version II enhanced turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2 s
  • Penetration of the UBR-412D shell for the 100 mm M-63 gun has been changed from 201–181 to 216–196 mm
  • Traverse limits of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Version II turret have been changed from -90 90 to -180 180 deg
  • Traverse limits of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 430 Version II turret have been changed from -90 90 to -180 180 deg
  • Traverse limits of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Version II enhanced turret have been changed from -90 90 to -180 180 deg
  • Traverse limits of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 430 Version II enhanced turret have been changed from -90 90 to -180 180 deg


  • Dispersion during movement of the IS-5 (Object 730) suspension has been decreased by 15%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the IS-5 (Object 730) suspension has been decreased by 15%
  • Dispersion of the 122 mm D-25TA gun in the IS-5 (Object 730) turret has been changed from 0.46 to 0.42 m
  • Dispersion of the 122 mm D-25TA gun during traverse of the IS-5 (Object 730) turret has been decreased by 20%
  • Aiming time of the 122 mm D-25TA gun in the IS-5 (Object 730) turret has been changed from 3.2 to 2.7 s


  • Reloading time of the 100 mm D-46T gun in the K-91 turret has been changed from 6.3 to 5.7 s
    Traverse limits of the 100 mm D-46T gun in the K-91 turret have been changed from -110 110 to -180 180 deg


  • The 76 mm S-54A gun has been added for the A-43 turret
  • The 76 mm S-54A gun has been added for the A-44 turret
  • The V-2-34-43 diesel engine has been added
  • The 76 mm S-54 gun for the A-43 turret has been removed
  • The 76 mm S-54 gun for the A-44 turret has been removed
  • The V-2-34 diesel engine has been removed
  • Dispersion of the 76 mm F-34 gun in the A-43 turret has been changed from 0.46 to 0.4 m
  • Dispersion of the 76 mm F-34 gun in the A-44 turret has been changed from 0.46 to 0.38 m
  • Reloading time of the 76 mm F-34 gun in the A-43 turret has been changed from 3.6 to 3.3 s
  • Aiming time of the 76 mm F-34 gun in the A-43 turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2 s
  • Velocity of the UBR-354A shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been increased by 22%
  • Velocity of the UBR-354MP shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been increased by 25%
  • Penetration of the UBR-354A shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been changed from 86–75 to 108–99 mm
  • Penetration of the UBR-354MP shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been changed from 102–92 to 147–138 mm


  • The 57 mm ZiS-4-44 gun has been added for the A-44 turret
  • The 57 mm ZiS-4-44 gun has been added for the A-44 shielded turret
  • The V-2-34-43 diesel engine has been added
  • The 57 mm ZiS-4 gun for the A-44 turret has been removed
  • The 76 mm F-34 gun for the A-44 turret has been removed
  • The 76 mm S-54 gun for the A-44 turret has been removed
  • The 57 mm ZiS-4 gun for the A-44 shielded turret has been removed
  • The 76 mm F-34 gun for the A-44 shielded turret has been removed
  • The 76 mm S-54 gun for the A-44 shielded turret has been removed
  • The V-2-34 diesel engine has been removed
  • Dispersion of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 turret has been changed from 0.43 to 0.41 m
  • Dispersion of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 shielded turret has been changed from 0.43 to 0.4 m
  • Aiming time of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 turret has been changed from 2.9 to 2.5 s
  • Aiming time of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 shielded turret has been changed from 2.9 to 2.4 s
  • Traverse speed of the A-44 shielded turret has been changed from 38 to 40 deg/s
    Elevation angles of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 turret have been changed from 15 to 20 deg
  • Elevation angles of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 shielded turret have been changed from 15 to 20 deg
  • Depression angles of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 turret have been changed from –3 to –4 deg
  • Depression angles of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 shielded turret have been changed from –3 to –4 deg

Object 416

  • Dispersion of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1952 turret has been changed from 0.39 to 0.36 m
  • Dispersion of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1953 turret has been changed from 0.39 to 0.35 m
  • Reloading time of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1952 turret has been changed from 8.7 to 6.8 s
  • Reloading time of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1953 turret has been changed from 8 to 6.5 s
  • Aiming time of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1952 turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2.1 s
  • Aiming time of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1953 turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2 s
  • Penetration of the UBR-412D shell for the 100 mm M-63 gun has been changed from 201–181 to 216–196 mm
  • Depression angles of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1952 turret have been changed from –3 to –4 deg
  • Depression angles of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 416 mod. 1952 turret have been changed from –3 to –4 deg
  • Depression angles of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1953 turret have been changed from –3 to –4 deg
  • Depression angles of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 416 mod. 1953 turret have been changed from –3 to –4 deg

