アップデート1.24.1では、ポーランド技術ツリーに新たな駆逐戦車ルートを追加する。新ルートは6輌の通常車輌で構成されるぞ。そのほかにも、4輌のTier X車輌へのバランス調整や「ランダム戦」における5つのマップの改善、そして「Postmortem Mode」という新機能も今回のアップデートに含まれている。だがこれで全てではない。公開テストに参加して一足先にアップデート内容を試して、ぜひ感想を聞かせてほしい。
ポーランド技術ツリーの新ルートは、Tier V~Xの研究可能な駆逐戦車6輌で構成されている。Tier IV軽戦車「14TP」からこのルートへと進むことができるぞ。
Tier V~VIIまでの車輌は砲塔の無い典型的なスタイルの駆逐戦車となっている。どの車輌も機動性が高く、十分な前面装甲を備えているぞ。搭載された主砲は、高い単発ダメージと貫通力を誇る優れものだ。ルート内で最初の車輌はTier Vの「SDP 40 Zadymka」だ。その次はTier VIの「 SDP 44 Burza」、そしてTier VIIの「SDP 57 Gowika」と続く。
- SDP 57 Gowika
- SDP 44 Burza
- SDP 40 Zadymka
- SDP 58 Kilana(Tier VIII)
- SDP 60 Gonkiewicza (Tier IX)
- NC 70 Błyskawica (Tier X)
- NC 70 Błyskawica
- SDP 60 Gonkiewicza
- SDP 58 Kilana
今回追加されたTier VIII~X車輌には、近接戦において最大のダメージを与えるための新たな砲弾メカニズムが搭載されている。新たな砲弾メカニズムは以下の2つの要素から構成されている。
- 星型弾底弾: 底部が特殊な形状になっている砲弾で、50 m以内にいる敵を貫通した場合に最も火力を発揮できる。ただし、敵との距離が離れれば離れるほど運動エネルギーが減り、与えるダメージも減ってしまう。
- 深溝ライフル砲: 砲身の内側に深いライフリングが施された主砲で、非常に高い速度で砲弾を発射できる。「SDP 60 Gonkiewicza」および「NC 70 Błyskawica」の 通常砲弾の弾速は1,700 m/s、そして特別砲弾の場合は2,000 m/sにも至り、現時点では、これがゲーム内最速の砲弾となっている。
「Pz.Kpfw. VII」と「AMX 50 Foch B」には上方修正を加える。一方「Super Conqueror」と「Controcarro 3 Minotauro」には下方修正を加え、戦場での影響力を少々抑える調整を行う。
また一貫性を保つため、調整が加えられた車輌の研究ルートに属するフランスとイタリアのTier VIII~IX駆逐戦車にも同様の調整が施される。詳しい変更点については特集記事で確認してほしい。
- 北側陣地よりも有利となっていた点を解消するため、南側陣地を調整
- 主戦場となる地点の岩を調整
- 北側陣地のチームだけが「氷河」の方面へ射線を通すことができていたため、E6エリアの一部を封鎖
- どちらか片方のチームに有利にならないよう、E3~G5エリアの丘の高さを調整
- マップ北側チームの陣地近くの駆逐戦車ポジションを新たに追加し、既存のポジションも調整
- B4およびC5エリアの主要なポジションを調整
- 南側陣地の駆逐戦車ポジションからの射撃が通りにくくなるよう調整
- 南側陣地のチームが湿地帯側から丘へ登るルートを改善
- 南側陣地に大きなアドバンテージを与えていたため、C9エリアの植物をほぼすべて削除
- 北側陣地近くのA4~A5エリアの高台からの射線を改善
- 重戦車同士の撃ち合いの邪魔となっていたため、C2エリアにある茂みを削除
- 軽戦車が戦闘しやすくなるよう、G7エリアの植物を背の高いものに変更
- 身を隠すポジションを作るため、G7~G8エリアに岩を追加し地形を調整
- 軽戦車でのプレイ体験改善のため、植物を移動
- 「職能レベル」は「Crew Efficiency」に改名される。
- 無料またはクレジットを使って再訓練するとパークの効果にペナルティーが科されるようになる。ペナルティーはEXPを獲得するにつれて減っていく。
- 初心者には再訓練の際にボーナスが適用される。
- クレジットを使った再訓練により、搭乗員の職能を変更できるようになる。
「Postmortem Mode」
「Postmortem Mode」はアップデート1.24.1でリリースされる。ただし、はじめは「ランダムイベント」が発生するマップでの戦闘は対象外となっている。「Last Moment」の機能は近いうちに追加を予定しているぞ。
「Postmortem Mode」は2つの要素によって構成されている。概要は以下の通りだ。
- 「Last Moment」: 自車輌を大破させた一撃に関する詳細を確認できる。
- 「Observer Camera」:「フロントライン」でお馴染みのフリーカメラに改良を施したものだ。不公平な優位性を与えないよう、「オブザーバー・カメラ」はコンペティティブ・モードでは使用不可となっている。
新機能「Postmortem Mode」の実装により、非常に有益な情報を得られるようになる。敵が居た位置、使用された砲弾とその弾道、そして自車輌がどのように貫かれたのかを知ることで、戦車兵として成長できるはずだ。
「ペガサス・イヤー」を締めくくる最後の一幕に向けて、ぜひ鍛錬を続けてくれたまえ!シーズンが終了した後には、年間報酬を受け取ることができるぞ。年間報酬には限定Tier X中戦車の「Hurricane」も含まれている。「Hurricane」はポーランド車輌「CS-63」の特別バージョンで、限定の搭乗員も付いてくるぞ。
- 新たなボンズ拡張パーツ「Innovative Targeting」が登場する。ランク「ブロンズ」に到達すると購入できるようになるぞ。
- 「トレーニング・ルーム」に「オンスロート」のマップを追加する。本番に向けて、ぜひ戦略に磨きをかけてくれたまえ。
- 迷彩や銘刻など、報酬として新たなカスタマイズアイテムが入手できる。
今回のアップデートでは、小隊の機能性を改善するため、小隊のランダム編成がしやすくなる変更を加えた。今後はボタンを押すだけで、小隊を探しているプレイヤーが小隊メンバー候補として提案される。また本モードに音声によるコミュニケーション機能も追加されるため、相手との意思疎通や次の戦闘に向けた準備が以前よりも快適になる。そして最後に、「STEEL HUNTER」モード内のランダム編成で小隊を組んだ相手を通常の小隊に招待できるようになった点にもご注目いただきたい。
- クラン向けデイリーミッションは、今後「征戦ミッション」という名前になるぞ。
- 毎日3つのミッションに挑戦できる。
- ミッションは順番に達成していく必要がある。
- 最後の2つのミッションは、必ずクランメンバーと小隊または分遣隊を組んで挑戦しなくてはならない。
- ミッション達成報酬は、プレイヤー自らが手動で受け取る必要がある点に注意してくれたまえ。
- 所属クランの工業資源
- 新たなクラン通貨の「征戦ポイント」
「征戦ポイント」を使用することで新たな「領土」を「開拓」できるぞ。「開拓」するたびに報酬も入手できる。「領土」を全て「開拓」しきると、なんとイタリアTier X中戦車「 X Carro da Combattimento 45 t 」が手に入るぞ。車輌には専用3Dスタイル「プロセルピナ」も付いてくる。
- 公開テストの参加方法
- 初めてテストに参加する場合は?
公開テストに参加するには、Wargaming.net Game Center(WGC)、最新の公開テスト用クライアント、そして参加登録の締切日(以下を参照)以前に作成されたWargaming.netアカウントが必要となる。
- テスト用クライアントのインストーラーを実行する。
- 普段『World of Tanks』のファイルを保存しているファイルとは別のインストール用フォルダーを選択する。
- WGC上部のドロップダウンメニューから新しくインストールされたテストクライアントを選択する。
- これでテストに参加できる。フィードバックも忘れずにお送りいただきたい。
WGCについての詳しい情報はWargaming.net Game Centerガイドで確認してくれたまえ。
展開Main Changes
New Branch of Polish Tank Destroyers
Six new tank destroyers (from Tier V to Tier X) have been added:
- Tier V—SDP 40 Zadymka
- Tier VI—SDP 44 Burza
- Tier VII —SDP 57 Gowika
- Tier VIII—SDP 58 Kilana
- Tier IX—SDP 60 Gonkiewicza
- Tier Х—NC 70 Błyskawica
Postmortem Mode
Introducing Last Moment: After a vehicle's destruction, the game offers a recreation of the last shot that hit the player to give more information about the position and circumstances that led to the vehicle's destruction. This information is only available for projectiles or explosions caused by projectiles, and will not be loaded when the battle is already ending.
- The camera will show the enemy vehicle and shot trajectory (if spotted), the player's vehicle, and all surrounding vehicles and objects at the moment of destruction.
- Additionally, the player will receive valuable information about the shell, penetration, distance, armor, and damage, as well as how it was calculated for the specific shot. The player can press SPACE to pause the Last Moment scene and receive even more information.
- Most cases will be supported in the initial version: All shell types, modern and legacy explosions, ricochets, fires, spaced armor, and destroyed tracks. The feature will not be available for destruction caused by the use of abilities, ramming, friendly fire, or crashes.
- The Last Moment camera is on by default but can be skipped or disabled in the settings.
The Observer Camera is deployed for all non-competitive game modes and updated with new functionality and a new UI.
- The player can now aim at the 3D markers of friendly vehicles through terrain and objects and jump directly to follow them.
- The player can now change the height and speed of the camera.
- All crew members are now trained to 100% and have 0 XP by default, and can start training their first perk immediately.
- All XP for a crew member whose training level was between 50% to 100% will go toward their perk experience pool. There are no longer any crews with a training level below 100%.
- Training level is now a common 2-digit indicator for a vehicle's entire crew called crew efficiency.
- New crew members can be recruited for free, with no need to choose between operations for free, credits, or gold.
- In the Barracks, a new button allows players to remove all crew members with less than 100% XP for their first perk and receive compensation in the form of Crew Books. This one-time operation cannot be undone.
- When the player retrains a crew member, they can choose between a free, credit, or gold retraining operation. A penalty to XP from the perk efficiency pool is applied when free or credit retraining is selected. The perk efficiency experience pool contains 100,000 XP.
- All crew members now have 100% perk efficiency by default. If this is reduced due to retraining operations, the effect from their perks will be decreased until the experience pool is filled.
- Crew members in a vehicle they are not trained to operate cannot use their perks.
- There is no longer a separate operation to change a crew member's qualification. Players can change crew members' qualifications through the standard retraining operation (for credits or gold).
- There is no additional XP penalty when the player retrains a crew member from a vehicle of a different type. An increased penalty is only applied when a player changes a crew member's qualification for credits.
- Players can move crew members to the Barracks even over the bunk limit. If the bunk limit is exceeded, new crew members cannot be recruited (but they can still be obtained by using Recruits or purchasing special offers).
- Some interface improvements have been made.
- New informational and reward screens have been added.
Tour of Duty Update
- There will now be three daily missions.
- The first mission can be completed either solo or in a Platoon or detachment, while the final two missions can only be completed in a Platoon or detachment with a clanmate.
- Rewards for completed daily missions include Industrial Resource and Points of Duty, and must be manually collected to access to the next day's missions.
- The Tour of Duty itself is now a map on which regions can be unlocked using Points of Duty, with rewards for each region. The final Tour of Duty reward is a Tier X clan vehicle.
Daily Missions for Newcomers
Daily missions have been changed for new players.
Steel Hunter
The highlight of the launch is new features in Platoon battles:
- The new Random Platoons feature allows you to battle in a Platoon with a random player of a similar skill level.
- On the Battle Results screen, you can invite that player to join a regular Platoon to keep playing together.
- Voice chat is now supported in the mode.
- The chat wheel and some other in-battle communication features from Random Battles have been added to the mode.
Ability and Visual Changes:
- The Arlequin's Airstrike now deals more consistent damage that increases toward the center of the affected area.
- A timer displaying the duration of the enemy Raven's Trap Ability has been added.
- Abilities' visual effects have received extensive updates.
- Loot outlines have received visual effect updates, while red and yellow zone borders and respawn visual effects have been updated.
- A healing notification panel has been added.
Other Changes:
- Updates have been made to audio design, including new respawn voiceovers.
Back in Action
- A What's New page has been updated.
- The Warm-Up mode has been added for several categories of players.
- Back in Action Progression rewards have been updated.
Main Changes
- The Season of the Jade Pegasus has been added.
- A new item of improved equipment, Innovative Targeting, has been added to Onslaught Shop.
- The Hurricane Tier X Polish medium tank with unique crew has been added.
- Onslaught is now supported in Training Rooms.
- Onslaught is now supported in Tournaments.
New Content for the Season of the Jade Pegasus:
- The progressive "Heavenly Horse (Jade)" style with a new set of decals, emblems, inscriptions, and camouflage patterns.
- Dog Tag Backgrounds: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Champion, and Legend.
- Nickname stripe: Call of Astraeus.
- Badges: Markab, Enif.
- Medal: Catasterism.
- Rental vehicles: STB-1 7v7, Maus 7v7, Object 268 Version 4 7v7.
Ranked System:
- The base number of Rating Points gained at the Iron rank has been increased.
- The base number of Rating Points lost at the Iron and Bronze ranks has been decreased.
Prestige Points System:
- Changes have been made to the system for accruing Prestige Points.
Role Skills:
- One for All:
- The bonus to the major qualification level, as well as to all skills for allied vehicles, has been decreased from 4/7.5/11% to 4/7/10%.
- Straight Ahead:
- The skill's duration has been increased from 10/20/30 to 15/20/30 seconds.
- The engine power bonus has been increased from 30% to 35%.
- Stun resistance has been increased from 25% to 40%.
- At the beginning of battle, this Role Skill's charge level is 1.
- Bullseye:
- Bonus damage for a vehicle not being spotted at the moment of the shot has been increased from 11/23/35% to 25/35/45%.
- At the beginning of battle, this Role Skill's charge level is 1.
- Second Wind:
- The duration of the Acceleration element has been increased from 6 to 7 seconds.
- The amount of hit points restored has been increased from 75 + 35/60/85% to 100 + 35/60/85%.
- Recon Flight:
- The skill's cooldown time has been increased from 3 to 10 seconds.
- Active Recon:
- The bonus to view range has been increased from 3/7.5/11.5% to 15/20/25%.
- Fixed an issue due to which respotting a vehicle with this Role Skill did not update time spotted.
Other Changes:
- A new map has been added: Siegfried Line.
- Some objects on the Outpost and Airfield maps have been changed.
- The Redshire map has been returned to the roster.
- The Overlord map has been removed from the roster.
Map Changes
Mountain Pass
Balance changes have been made to the map and advantages that favored the south base have been fixed.
- Part of the map near south base has been redesigned. Bushes that made it difficult to attack have been removed. The river has also been flattened and extended near the hill to move spawns in the area and improve timings on the map. Opportunities to attack the base from the glacier. area have been improved, with the slope to the base now providing more diverse tactical options.
- The position of the rock near the main battle point in C7-D8 has been changed to open some view and firing lines on the south team.
- A spot in E6 that provided some lines of fire to the glacier area for the north base has been blocked, as the south base does not have such a spot and in some cases it functioned as a trap.
- The height of hills in E3 and G5 have been slightly adjusted to provide similar opportunities for both teams.
Balance changes have been made to slightly improve opportunities for the north team.
- SPG spots have been added and improved near the north team's base in B7 and C7.
- The approach to the stone spot in B4 has been made safer and the position itself has been slightly improved. A corner position on the slope in C5 has also been buffed.
- The positions of several stones in H6 and H7 have been slightly adjusted to make shooting the hill from the SPG spots near the bottom base more difficult.
- The approach to the hill in G5 from the swamp side has been polished for the bottom team.
Balance changes have been made to slightly improve opportunities for the north team.
- Most of the vegetation has been removed from C9, as this position gave the bottom base a significant advantage.
- The line of fire for the upper base from the shelf in A4-A5 has been improved.
Gameplay has been made more comfortable with expanded opportunities for light tanks.
- The vegetation in the G7 area has been raised to provide a more comfortable playing surface for LTs.
- New stones and more terrain have been added to make the positions in G7–G8 safer. Vegetation has also been moved in this area to enhance play for light vehicles.
El Halluf
- Gameplay has been made more comfortable.
- A bush in C2 which interfered with fire between heavy vehicles has been removed.
Expirable Personal Reserves
A new type of Personal Reserves is being introduced: Expirable Personal Reserves.
An Expirable Personal Reserve works like a regular Personal Reserve, but will be removed from the player's account if not used within a set number of days. Please note that this functionality will not be available for now.
Changes to Technical Characteristics of Vehicles
Changes to French vehicles:
AMX AC mle. 48
- Dispersion during movement of the AMX AC mle. 48 suspension has been decreased by 14%
- Dispersion during movement of the AMX M4 mle. 49 suspension has been decreased by 15%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX AC mle. 48 suspension has been decreased by 14%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX M4 mle. 49 suspension has been decreased by 15%
- Dispersion of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been changed from 0.37 to 0.36 m
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the 90 mm AC DCA 45 gun has been decreased by 17%
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the 100 mm AC SA47 gun has been decreased by 38%
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been decreased by 29%
- Dispersion after firing of the 90 mm AC DCA 45 gun has been decreased by 25%
- Dispersion after firing of the 100 mm AC SA47 gun has been decreased by 25%
- Dispersion after firing of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been decreased by 25%
- Aiming time of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been changed from 2.5 to 2.3 s
- Reverse speed has been changed from 13 to 17 km/h
AMX AC mle. 48 FL
- Dispersion during movement of the AMX M4 mle. 49 suspension has been decreased by 15%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX M4 mle. 49 suspension has been decreased by 15%
- Dispersion of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been changed from 0.37 to 0.36 m
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been decreased by 29%
- Dispersion after firing of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been decreased by 25%
- Aiming time of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been changed from 2.5 to 2.3 s
- Reverse speed has been changed from 13 to 17 km/h
AMX 50 Foch
- Dispersion during movement of the AMX 50 Foch suspension decreased by 15%
- Dispersion during movement of the AMX 50 Foch bis suspension decreased by 17%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX 50 Foch suspension decreased by 15%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX 50 Foch bis suspension decreased by 17%
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the 120 mm AC SA46 gun decreased by 29%
- Dispersion after firing of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun decreased by 25%
- Aiming time of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun changed from 2.5 to 2.3 s
- Reverse speed changed from 13 to 17 km/h
AMX 50 Foch B
- Dispersion during movement of the AMX 50 Foch B suspension decreased by 19%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX 50 Foch B suspension decreased by 19%
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the 120 mm AC SA46 gun decreased by 29%
- Dispersion after firing of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun decreased by 25%
- Aiming time of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun changed from 2.3 to 2.1 s
- Reverse speed changed from 13 to 17 km/h
- Power of the Saurer 1000 engine changed from 1,000 to 1,250 h.p.
AMX 50 Foch B 7v7
- Dispersion during movement of the AMX 50 Foch B suspension decreased by 19%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX 50 Foch B suspension decreased by 19%
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the 120 mm AC SA46 gun decreased by 29%
- Dispersion after firing of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun decreased by 25%
- Aiming time of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun changed from 2.3 to 2.1 s
- Reverse speed changed from 13 to 17 km/h
- Power of the Saurer 1000 engine changed from 1,000 to 1,250 h.p.
Changes to German vehicles:
Pz.Kpfw. VII
- Dispersion of the 12.8 cm Kw.K. 46 L/61 gun in the Pz.Kpfw. VII turret changed from 0.37 to 0.33 m
- Aiming time of the 12.8 cm Kw.K. 46 L/61 gun in the Pz.Kpfw. VII turret changed from 2.6 to 2.3 s
- Penetration of the Pzgr 39 L shell for the 12.8 cm Kw.K. 46 L/61 gun changed from 258 to 276 mm
- Penetration of the Pzgr 43 shell for the 12.8 cm Kw.K. 46 L/61 gun changed from 315 to 325 mm
- Power of the MB 517 engine changed from 1,200 to 1,350 h.p.
Changes to Italian vehicles:
Controcarro 3 Minotauro
- Dispersion during movement of the CC 3 suspension decreased by 25%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the CC 3 suspension increased by 50%
- Traverse speed of the CC 3 suspension changed from 24 to 30 deg/s
- Armoring of the CC 3 turret decreased
- Velocity of the c.c. 130/45 Mk. 71 shell for the Cannone da 130/45 gun decreased by 24%
- Power of the MTU MB Ba 500A engine changed from 700 to 780 h.p.
- Vehicle durability with the CC 3 turret changed from 2,100 to 2,000 HP
Controcarro 3 7x7
- A new group of turret armoring has been added
- Dispersion during movement of the CC 3 suspension decreased by 25%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the CC 3 suspension increased by 50%
- Traverse speed of the CC 3 suspension changed from 24 to 30 deg/s
- Armoring of the CC 3 turret decreased
- Velocity of the c.c. 130/45 Mk. 71 shell for the Cannone da 130/45 increased by 24%
- Power of the MTU MB Ba 500A engine changed from 700 to 780 h.p.
- Vehicle durability with the CC 3 turret changed from 2,100 to 2,000 HP
Controcarro 1 Mk. 2
- Dispersion during movement of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo A suspension decreased by 25%
- Dispersion during movement of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo B suspension decreased by 27%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo A suspension increased by 80%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo B suspension increased by 60%
- Traverse speed of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo A suspension changed from 20 to 26 deg/s
- Traverse speed of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo B suspension changed from 22 to 28 deg/s
- Hull armoring decreased
- Vehicle durability with the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo A turret changed from 1,840 to 1,740 HP
- Vehicle durability with the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo B turret changed from 1,900 to 1,800 HP
- Dispersion during movement of the CC-67B tipo A suspension decreased by 24%
- Dispersion during movement of the CC-67B tipo B suspension decreased by 26%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the CC-67B tipo A suspension increased by 90%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the CC-67B tipo B suspension increased by 70%
- Hull armoring decreased
Changes to the Polish Tech Tree:
The following vehicle has been added: Hurricane
Changes to the U.K. Tech Tree:
Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles:
Super Conqueror
- Reload time of the 120 mm Gun L1A1 in the Conqueror "unorthodox" ABP turret has been changed from 8.7 to 9.6 s
- Vehicle durability with the Conqueror "unorthodox" ABP turret has been changed from 2,400 to 2,300 HP
Changes to the U.S.S.R. Tech Tree:
The following vehicles have been added for testing by Supertest players:
- SU-122V
- Object 168G