

[CONTEST] WoT-up Your Twitch [Updated]

2014/08/12 コンテスト
他の言語: en vi th zh-tw

 Tank Commanders!

The World of Tanks Twitch Mod is now available and ready for live streamers with a passion for tanks! Jazz up your Twitch page using the World of Tanks theme and we'll award our favorites with gold!


Results for "WoT-up Your Twitch Contest" have been announced



  1. Create an account at http://www.twitch.tv/ if you don't already have one.
  2. Customize your profile and channel pages using World of Tanks themes.
  3. Let us know about your Twitch page by posting the link to your page in a forum comment.
  4. Submit your Twitch links by 14:00 (UTC+8) on 31 July 2014.
  5. Judging will begin after the end of submission so make sure that your designs are finalized before then!



  •  5 Twitch pages with the best designs will each win 1,000!



  • Submission is limited to one channel per player.
  • Winners will be announced within 1 week after the end of the submission.

