Tank Commanders!
Taking scouting duty for your next tournament might lead to great rewards - if you dish out a winning amount of damage. Does your role in battle require you to deal more than 4 digits of damage? You're still eligible to win a Straight Play as long as your damage dealt contains the Lucky Damage Number. A smaller amount of Gold will be awarded to players who win in the Box Play category where damage dealt has all three featured digits but in different order.
Pick a tank you like and roll out!
Not sure what this lottery is about and how to win? Check out this section to learn more.
Event Start: 19 November, 2014 (Wednesday) @ 12:00 UTC+8 (04:00 UTC)
Event End: 02 December, 2014 (Tuesday) @ 23:59 UTC+8 (15:59 UTC)
For each lottery, we will pick a three-digit number at random. This number will be announced on a weekday at 12:00 PM (UTC +8) on an image, like the one shown above.
If a player participating in an online tournament deals the amount of damage equal or similar to the number chosen for that event period, they will stand a chance to win the lottery prize!
There are two ways to win the lottery; they are called the 'Straight Play' and 'Box Play' methods.
Let's assume that the winning numbers for the following examples are '870':
Let's say that you had participated in Week XX in the Siege of 8s tournament within the event period, and that you won the Lucky Damage lottery by achieving the correct damage number in Round 3 of the match. Congratulations! It's time to tell us about it and claim your gold.
Here's what you have to do before you get your winnings:
And that's it! If you are one of the first 3 players to respond, you will be awarded with the gold. The prizes are awarded on a 'first come first serve' basis, so be quick or you'll miss out!