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[SG] 15 Mar 2014 Cybercafe FREE PLAY & Challenge

10/03/2014 Onground Events

Tank Commanders,

Victories are sweet. But you haven't experienced anything yet till you're decorated like a true hero. Roll out your best tanks that are Tier 5 and above and fight for 2 badges in a single battle. Achieve that feat and you will be rewarded with 1,000!

Go on a badge-bagging spree and you can earn additional Gold too! Event aces with the highest amount of badges earned in a single battle will receive:

  • 1st Prize: 5,000
  • 2nd Prize: 3,000
  • 3rd Prize: 2,000

Scroll down for an e-Coupon. Present it at the Command Centre for an afternoon of FREE gaming to take part in our Cybercafe Challenge.

Have a friend who's new to World of Tanks? Ask him/her to tag along! New players who sign up at the event will receive 500.

See you soon!


[SG] 15th March Cybercafe FREE PLAY & Challenge!
Date: 15th March, 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 12pm to 4pm (local time)
Command Centre; by Wargaming, 60A Orchard Rd @The Atrium #B1-01/02/03, Singapore
(Dhoby Ghaut Xchange, basement of Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station)
  • Get 2 badges in a single battle to receive 1,000 gold!
  • Tier 5 and above tanks only

Event Terms & Conditions

  • Player may continue their Free Play session after 1 hour if there are no players in the waiting line
  • If the 1 hour allocated to the player is up, player may choose to re-register for another hour of FREE Gaming depending on computers availability
  • Players who have registered for the FREE PLAY event are forbidden to play any other game titles except ‘World of Tanks’ (Asia Server)

New User Registration

  • New users who register with us during the event period will receive a bonus of 500 GOLD upon signup. *Only valid for Asia accounts.

Cyber Café Challenge Details

Get 2 badges in a single battle to receive 1,000 gold!

Ranking of kills and medal counts, as well as the player’s IGN will be updated in an announcement on our website.

Cyber Café Challenge Terms & Conditions

  • Players are automatically registered for the Mini Challenge after they register for FREE PLAY event
  • Players who score at least 2 badges in a single battle will receive 1,000 gold
  • Players may platoon with their friends
  • Players must use Tier 5 tanks and above for the challenge
  • Each player can only win 1 challenge reward once per day regardless of how many accounts they have
  • In the event of a TIE, winner will be decided via the date and time they achieved the kills. The winner who achieved the kills at an earlier time and date will be decided as the winner


The top 3 players who achieve the highest amount of badges in a single battle will receive:

1st Prize 5,000
2nd Prize 3,000
3rd Prize 2,000

Roll out your tanks and LET’S BATTLE!
