Hi folks, Napalmer here from the Frontline to share with you what you need to know about changes to the meta of Frontline in 2020!
Normandy - C Cap

The map has 5 pillboxes. As soon as attackers capture at least one sector within the 2nd defensive front they can embark on their primary mission and destroy Pillboxes: long-range guns, each with their own HP pool. Pillboxes are protected by armored hoods and virtually impenetrable from head-on. Aim at their rear, where there is significantly thinner armor. The attacking team win as soon as they destroy 3 pillboxes.

There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.

An area on the map where the attacking team can gain control over a particular front. Standard base capture mechanics apply: once the attacking vehicles enter the circle, the front begins being captured. When the attackers capture a base, they take control of the entire zone, and the next zone (vertically) becomes available for capture.

An area on the map where the attacking team can gain control over a particular front. Standard base capture mechanics apply: once the attacking vehicles enter the circle, the front begins being captured. When the attackers capture a base, they take control of the entire zone, and the next zone (vertically) becomes available for capture.

The map has 5 pillboxes. As soon as attackers capture at least one sector within the 2nd defensive front they can embark on their primary mission and destroy Pillboxes: long-range guns, each with their own HP pool. Pillboxes are protected by armored hoods and virtually impenetrable from head-on. Aim at their rear, where there is significantly thinner armor. The attacking team win as soon as they destroy 3 pillboxes.

The map has 5 pillboxes. As soon as attackers capture at least one sector within the 2nd defensive front they can embark on their primary mission and destroy Pillboxes: long-range guns, each with their own HP pool. Pillboxes are protected by armored hoods and virtually impenetrable from head-on. Aim at their rear, where there is significantly thinner armor. The attacking team win as soon as they destroy 3 pillboxes.

The map has 5 pillboxes. As soon as attackers capture at least one sector within the 2nd defensive front they can embark on their primary mission and destroy Pillboxes: long-range guns, each with their own HP pool. Pillboxes are protected by armored hoods and virtually impenetrable from head-on. Aim at their rear, where there is significantly thinner armor. The attacking team win as soon as they destroy 3 pillboxes.

The map has 5 pillboxes. As soon as attackers capture at least one sector within the 2nd defensive front they can embark on their primary mission and destroy Pillboxes: long-range guns, each with their own HP pool. Pillboxes are protected by armored hoods and virtually impenetrable from head-on. Aim at their rear, where there is significantly thinner armor. The attacking team win as soon as they destroy 3 pillboxes.

There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.

There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.

There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.

There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.

There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.

There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.

An area on the map where the attacking team can gain control over a particular front. Standard base capture mechanics apply: once the attacking vehicles enter the circle, the front begins being captured. When the attackers capture a base, they take control of the entire zone, and the next zone (vertically) becomes available for capture.

There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.

There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.

There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.

An area on the map where the attacking team can gain control over a particular front. Standard base capture mechanics apply: once the attacking vehicles enter the circle, the front begins being captured. When the attackers capture a base, they take control of the entire zone, and the next zone (vertically) becomes available for capture.

There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.

An area on the map where the attacking team can gain control over a particular front. Standard base capture mechanics apply: once the attacking vehicles enter the circle, the front begins being captured. When the attackers capture a base, they take control of the entire zone, and the next zone (vertically) becomes available for capture.

An area on the map where the attacking team can gain control over a particular front. Standard base capture mechanics apply: once the attacking vehicles enter the circle, the front begins being captured. When the attackers capture a base, they take control of the entire zone, and the next zone (vertically) becomes available for capture.

Normandy has undergone a substantial rework on the C cap. Previously, it was incredibly difficult to assault unless you had largely superior numbers. Now, the rock on the capture circle has been moved and increased in size so it provides effective cover to hide multiple tanks.
Attackers should look to seize the high ground and rocky areas around the small gun turret to ensure that cap pressure is applied and all angles are covered ahead of the next push. Those capturing C (or any other point in Frontline) should run the Engineering Combat Reserve to reduce the amount of time needed to fully capture it!
Defenders should look to try and push the eastern side of the map to punish those trying to hide behind the rubble. Otherwise, you should always be trying to contest the rock on C. Remember that sitting on the capture circle is a great way to boost your progress towards General, and this is amplified by the Engineering Combat Reserve!
Combat Reserves
Airstrikes were reworked in 2020. Now they deal significantly more damage to lighter vehicles, and have a much faster deployment time.
Tactical deployment of airstrikes now can cripple light tanks, especially EBR 75s, and decimate lightly armoured Tank Destroyers such as the Rhm.-B WT, Rhm Skorpion G, SU-130PM and Strv S1.
Considering the update, I would strongly suggest equipping all your tanks with Engineering, Inspire, and Airstrikes, in that order, depending on the number of available slots your tank has.
TIP: Combat Reserves when unlocked are automatically applied to all tanks with available slots. Therefore, it’s recommended to unlock three Combat Reserves that you want to use on all tanks first, then focus on improving their effectiveness.
This tiny French powerhouse has taken Frontline by storm since its release in the recent marathon. Boasting a clip that deals 720 burst damage in 2s and reloads every 22s, great mobility, and great camouflage, the Bourrasque can flank, dish out the pain, and reload in safety easily.
Players driving this tank should avoid slow frontal engagements as it has very poor armor that will be penetrated by HE shells. They should also avoid attempting to snipe due to the poor aim time and poor accuracy. The Bourrasque shines in a platoon, swarming in from the rear and focusing down one target before retreating and laughing in baguette.
Players fighting against the Bourrasque should be loading High Explosive shells (HE) to ensure maximum damage. Airstrikes are also very effective at taking out a Bourrasque, as it will usually deal a significant amount of damage, immobilise the target, and stun the tank, which increases the reload of the autoloader.
And that wraps it up! Make sure you join in the nightly ANZ Frontline games from 9PM UTC+10. Times and alerts to queue will be posted on the ANZ Frontline Discord.
Good Luck on the Frontline!