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24 - 31 January: Chinese New Year Special

23/01/2014 In-Game Events
In other languages: th zh-tw ja

Tank Commanders!

Happy Chinese New Year! This week, we celebrate the Chinese holiday by offering discounts for most of the Chinese Tech Tree, along with a x2 increased crew EXP rate. If you're looking to progress further and obtain higher tiered tanks while leveling up your crew, this is your week!

Additionally, we also have a brand new mission ready to go: if you're one of the Top 3 players for most damage dealt OR assisted in a random battle, or Top 1 player in a 7v7 battle, you'll earn x1.3 times more credit for that particular battle!

Roll out!


Chinese New Year Special (24 - 31 Jan, 2014)

Event Start: 24 January, 2014 (Friday) @ 13:30 - 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)

Event End: 31 January, 2014 (Friday) @ 13:30 - 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)

Please note that timings are not fixed and may vary within that range.

Enjoy 50% discounts and increased profits of 1.5 credits on the following tanks:

All Chinese Tier II - V Vehicles (Premium tanks not included)

Enjoy 30% discounts and increased profits of 1.2 credits on the following tanks:

All Chinese Tier VI - VII Vehicles (Premium tanks not included)

 50% discount on Garage Slots
Increased Crew EXP Bonus



24 - 31 January - Combat Mission: Most Valuable Player
Gain increased credit income for battle for becoming Top 3 in Damage Dealt/Damage Assists

Restrictions Conditions Prizes 
  • Random Battles only
  • Awarded to both winning and losing teams seperately
  • Top 3 in:
    • Most Damage Dealt, OR
    • Most Damage Dealt from Assist

(Top 3 will be chosen by highest overall score between the two damage types, but players are NOT required to fulfill both conditions)

  • x1.3 increased credit income for that battle


24 - 31 January - Combat Mission: Most Valuable Player (7x7 Battle)
Gain increased credit income for battle for becoming Top Player in Damage Dealt/Damage Assists

Restrictions Conditions Prizes 
  • 7v7 Team Battles only
  • Awarded to both winning and losing teams seperately
  • Top 1 in:
    • Most Damage Dealt, OR
    • Most Damage Dealt from Assist

(Top player will be chosen by highest overall score between the two damage types, but players are NOT required to fulfill both conditions)

  • x1.3 increased credit income for that battle