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[Contest] Platoon Challenge #2 [Updated]

23/01/2015 Contests
In other languages: vi th zh-tw ja

The results are in! Here are the winners for the Tier 5 and 6, Tier 7 and 8, and Tier 9 and 10 category.

Tank Commanders!

The Platoon Challenge is back once again! Join up with old friends and comrades to form a platoon and roll out into battle to achieve the best possible result you can.

Depending on the vehicle tier your platoon uses, you have the option to choose between three different categories in the contest. However, do take note: the rewards are varied for each category. Platoons using Tier IX or X vehicles will have the chance to win more gold than those fielding Tier V or VI tanks.

More details can be found below. Choose your favourite tier and let's battle!


Event start: 16 January 2015 at 14:00 (UTC+8)

Event end: 23 January 2015 at 14:00 (UTC+8)



  1. Join Random battles while in a 2-person platoon during the event period.
  2. Both players must survive the battle and ranking will be determined by the combined raw EXP earned by the platoon.
  3. Players in platoons will be limited to these categories:
    • Tier 5 and 6 tanks only
    • Tier 7 and 8 tanks only
    • Tier 9 and 10 tanks only
  4. Upload your replay to or any other download page.
    • For those using other download pages and those whose replay page look like this (missing Detailed Report tab), include a screenshot of the Team Score tab of the Battle Results in your submission.
  5. Submit the link to your replay to the applicable threads:
    • Tier 5 and 6 Platoons
    • Tier 7 and 8 Platoons
    • Tier 9 and 10 Platoons
  6. Edited entries/comments will NOT be accepted.
  7. Strictly one replay per entry. Replays of the same battle will be treated as a single entry.
  8. Only replays from battles within the event period will be eligible.
  9. Deadline of entry submission is on 23 January 2015 at 14:00 (UTC+8).


  • Tier 5 and 6 Platoons
    • 500 each (1 winning platoon) = Highest combined raw EXP
    • 200 each (3 winning platoons) = Randomly drawn from qualified entries.
  • Tier 7 and 8 Platoons
    • 700 each (1 winning platoon) = Highest combined raw EXP
    • 300 each (3 winning platoons) = Randomly drawn from qualified entries.
  • Tier 9 and 10 Platoons
    • 1,000each (1 winning platoon) = Highest combined raw EXP
    • 500each (3 winning platoons) = Randomly drawn from qualified entries.


  • Winners will be announced within 1 week after entry submission ends.
  • There is no required battle outcome for this event (Victory, Defeat, or Draw battles are all eligible).
  • In the event that there are platoons tied for highest raw EXP, the one who submitted his/her entry first will receive the prize.
  • Prizes will be awarded within 2 weeks after the results are announced.


Join the Tier 5 and 6 Category

Join the Tier 7 and 8 Category

Join the Tier 9 and 10 Category

