Hello everyone, I'm SEA Community Evangelist (Manager) BananaWeewa and we're back with the second entry of my campaign diary!
Now that we're more than half finished with this season of Clan Wars, we are seeing the leaderboard take shape as a results of each clan's efforts. Plus, the race between SEKAI and LEMON is getting super intense! (Yes, I've been following the leaderboards every day )
For us at NGV, we are still improving bit by bit, and we even got into the final round of landing zone on occasion! So, I decided to pick a few games this week to illustrate the clan's progress and how far we've gotten. Let's get started!
22 July - 5th Day of Campaign - Sand River
This day was a blessing for the clan because we had a few good games and, for the first time, we fought against a province owner. My clanmates were hyped up, even after we lost to the province owner, because we picked up a few good matches in the process. We also improved on listening more to our callers, resulting in more situations where we could put crossfire on the enemy. You could say that this was the start of when we bagen minimizing our losses in combat. Read more for details on how we challenged a province!
Round 1
We had a line up of 4 Chieftains, 4
s and 2
Panhard EBR 105
s. Our objective was to capture the southern part of the map, but we also sent 2 STB-1s to the middle around E4 with another 2 vehicles sniping from base. We happened to find the enemy tanks lined up but we stuck with the plan. Our EBR spotted an enemy light tank and our STB managed to take it out easily. After we took it out, the enemy decided to yolo rush our STB-1 at E4 but we already set up a warm welcome for them. Everything went our way, and we managed to end the game with only 2 tanks destroyed.
Round 2
Our lineup changed a bit by swapping 2 STB-1s out for 2
s as we planned to capture the north part of the map as fast as possible. Other than that, we still had the same lineup. The game started and our EBR rushed our immediately to spot middle as usual. Unusually, it spotted a tier 9
Prototipo Standard B
, scouting as well. This threw us off slightly, but our
T95/FV4201 Chieftain
moved to the front and saw their tanks camping all together. So, we decided to slow down a bit, trying not to get ahead of ourselves, and we picked them off one by one. Even though their lineup was not ideal, they still had a
Jagdpanzer E 100
that could penetrate our T95/FV4201s with it's HEAT round. Still, we managed to win quite easily on this one.
Round 3
This was where things got real. We still used the same lineup, but now that we know we were fighting for a province, we switched up our modules for this round to increase our combat capability. After we entered the game, we noticed that our opponents also came with experimental modules on their T95/FV4201s and
Object 279 early
s. We realized that we had a super slim chance of victory. With them also being a defender, they could just wait until the time runs out. We were discussing how to take them out, especially their position at K0. Lacking a proper tank lineup and with time running out, we thought rushing through middle was our best bet but that didn't go our way. The enemy managed to catch us out from the start and we were sitting ducks from then, getting focusing down one by one, falling like leaves. Oh well, sometimes Clan Wars is super tough
23 July - 6th Day of Campaign - Ensk
This was the first time we used the third party site, stratsketch.com, a site that helps clans to plan strategy before the game starts. We used our time during the countdown to brief the team on the plan. We happened to create two plans for this map since we might run against an enemy on the railroad, or in the city. But with this plan, our teammates knew where to go from the start and how to react.
Round 1
Our lineup consisted of 3 Object 279es, 2
, 3
s, 1 E100 and 1 JpE100. As we saw this map as a super heavy tank map, we tried to get a super heavy tank into position as soon as possible. We planned to defend city from start, with every tank holding an angle on the north side. We sent one of our object279e to slowly spot managed to spot an enemy push. We didn't expect them to push that fast. We quickly set up our defensive line. It was a bit messy from the start, but after we started to punish their HP when they peeked at us. With that, they decided to push into our defensive line. We lured them into the alley, as we planned, and managed to destroy them one by one.
Round 2
We changed plans from being defensive in the city to crossing to the other side where there was more space for us to use. Because of a change in teammates, we also changed our tank line up where we replaced some super heavy tanks to add T95/FV4201s and Object 277s. The plan was to put T95/FV420s around the C0 area to support a frontline of super heavy tanks and our object 279e. We felt like the enemy was also camping, so we pushed and we found their Maus in the open without support. It was an easy pick, but the enemy rushed in while we were pushing towards their Maus. They tried to rush cap, but with some nice defensive play from our T110E3, it was hard for them to push out to us. So we closed the game with ease in this one.
Round 3
The real challenge was here. The tanks we used were still the same, but we happened to have another teammate change and they didn't know about the plan we had set up in http://stratsketch.com. We thought he would check it during countdown, but that's not even the worst part. From the start, our tank destroyer got spotted immediately due to carelessly crossing the railroad. The enemy now knew what we wanted to do, and they started to prepare their attack. They sent their Object 279e to prevent our flank, and we were stuck at that point. So we decided to rush attack Object 279e with fast heavy tanks and defend their push with tank destroyers and super heavy tanks. After they saw we were rushing their object 279e, they pushed out with super heavy tanks to our base, overwhelming us in the process. With so much pressure, we missed many shots and couldn't penetrate even easy shots. And since our fast heavy tanks could not finish their object 279e fast enough, we crumbled from the weight of our own mistakes and lost the game.
Overall Results
Date / Day | Points | Rankings |
19th July - Day 2 | 85 | 1625th |
20th July - Day 3 | 102 | 2011th |
21st July - Day 4 | 172 | 1837th |
22nd July - Day 5 | 202 | 1817th |
23rd July - Day 6 | 298 | 1849th |
To sum up this week, it was many ups and downs, but more down than up due to us having to face stronger clans in the early rounds. But it was a very valuable lesson for inexperienced clans like NGV; to learn how to plan, when to push and when to fall back. It might be painful and demoralizing for some clanmates but we proved that we could still put up a good fight even if our tank lineup wasn't ideal. And if you are curious about how to deal with meta tanks, please don't forget to check out KaRath's diary on how to deal meta tanks. He's also giving our unconventional picks for tanks that can be used situationally. Let's see how next week goes, and hopefully we will own a province - finger crossed!
Tips for this entry - Focusing Fire
Focusing fire is one of the important skills needed in team plays. As you know, the more guns we have, the faster the enemy is going to be destroyed. Always assign one sub-caller for each group of tanks to call out which tank to target during a team fight. This will help you and your teammates to prioritize the same target. This will help you take out enemy tanks faster and reduce the risk of getting shot at the same time. But be beware that an enemy clan may also use this tactic against you too. Just remember our previous week's tips about HP sharing. If you combine these two basic skill together, your survival chance will increase greatly by maximizing your offensive and defensive potential.