- Arrakis Desert: ×2 Crew XP
- Arrakis Desert: 1st Reward
- Arrakis Desert: 2nd Reward
- Arrakis Desert: 3rd Reward
- Arrakis Desert: 4th Reward
- Arrakis Desert: Final Reward
Commanders, set foot on Arrakis now to celebrate the launch of Dune: Part Two in theaters on March 1!
The Arrakis Desert package from Prime Gaming is out now, offering a unique 2D style with the awe-inspiring sandworm and customization elements inspired by the Dune universe. Claim the package to complete your Battle Pass collection and receive 50 Battle Pass points to advance in the ongoing Dune: Part Two – Destiny Arrives event. The package will be available until March 19th.
Here's the full list of guaranteed rewards:
Thy Maker 2D style
6 Sandriding decals
6 End of the Eclipse decals
1 Desert Hero medal
50 Battle Pass Points (valid until February 25th)
1 day of WoT Premium Account
10 missions for ×5 XP when victorious
The Arrakis Desert package features a 14-day rental period for four vehicles, as well as other selectable rewards. Pick three of the following six items:
Somua SM
(15% discount in the Premium Shop)
FCM 50 t
(15% discount in the Premium Shop)
AMX Canon d'assaut 105
(15% discount in the Premium Shop)
AT 15A
(20% discount in the Premium Shop)
5 missions for ×5 XP when victorious
5 Strong Coffees
From February 20, 19:00 (UTC+8) through March 20, 01:00 (UTC+8).
×2 Crew XP
×1 Token for the Arrakis Desert missions
From February 20, 19:00 (UTC+8) through March 20, 01:00 (UTC+8).
5 Automatic Fire Extinguishers
From February 20, 19:00 (UTC+8) through March 20, 01:00 (UTC+8).
5 Large First Aid Kits
From February 20, 19:00 (UTC+8) through March 20, 01:00 (UTC+8).
5 Large Repair Kits
From February 20, 19:00 (UTC+8) through March 20, 01:00 (UTC+8).
5 Combined Reserves: +300% to Crew XP and Free XP for 1 hour
From February 20, 19:00 (UTC+8) through March 20, 01:00 (UTC+8).
5 Automatic Fire Extinguishers
5 Large First Aid Kits
5 Large Repair Kits
5 Combined Reserves: +300% to Crew XP and Free XP for 1 hour
5 Personal Reserves: +100% to XP for 1 hour
10 missions for ×5 XP for any vehicle
You need to link your Amazon and Wargaming.net accounts to claim your free goodies. A Prime Gaming membership is required.
To receive the three items of your choice, claim the Arrakis Desert package and enter the game client to get your instant gifts via the standard congratulatory window. To redeem additional picks, head to the Depot and click the Offers tab.
If you claim all available items from the list, this offer will no longer be available in the Offers tab. If you have no active offers, the Offers tab won't be displayed in your Depot. If you already have the rental vehicles in your Garage, they won't be available for you to claim as part of the package.
Followed all the steps but still didn't get the gift items? Please relink your Amazon account and log in to the game.
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