Lunar New Year: Serpent's Treasure

Event — Start: January 28, 2025 at 17:00 UTC+8 / End: February 12, 2025 at 11:00 UTC+8

Take a Walk Along the Snake

To find the Snake, visit the Missions tab in your Garage! Complete missions that appear regularly to earn Event Stamps, and unlock 14 sections of the Snake one by one. Receive various goodies and surprises, including Red Envelopes. Note that the missions will stay active until the end of the event—so catching up is easy!
Earn Event Stamps from completing missions, and receive them in the Cat's Shop. Spend Event Stamps to unlock sections of the Snake one by one!
Each unlocked section of the Snake gives you a nice reward. Some of these rewards are extra special!
reward ×3
reward ×5
reward ×8
Visit Cat's Shop
Here you can find regular gifts and lots of other fine goods
Receive Event Stamps for completing missions and as regular gifts from the Cat. Use them to unlock sections of the Snake!
Earn Red Envelopes (along with other goodies) by unlocking sections of the Snake. Each Red Envelope received adds 600 gold to your personal cumulative discount on all special offers in the Cat's Shop—up to 3,600 gold in total on each offer which makes one of them free!
Complete missions to earn Event Stamps required to unlock the sections of the Snake. Every 3 days, you will receive a new set of missions, and each set can be completed until the end of the event.
Become a welcome and frequent guest of the wise Cat! Receive a regular helping of Event Stamps, explore Lunar New Year offers in the special section of the Store, and more!

Befriend the Cat

Visit the Cat's Shop often! Receive regular gifts of Event Stamps to speed up your serpentine journey. Explore new offers of Premium vehicles and more; get them cheaper with your discount.
shop In-game Store
secret Serpentine Boxes
gift Regular Gift
Explore the special Lunar New Year offers in the special section of the Store! You can apply your cumulative discount from Red Envelopes (up to 3,600 gold) to each of them.
Purchase Serpentine Boxes in the in-game Store and the Premium Shop. They have guaranteed goodies and may contain themed 2D styles and Premium vehicles including the brand-new Kpz. Erich Konzept I and Object Kust!
Visit the Cat's Shop often for gifts of Event Stamps to unlock the Snake sections faster!

Get Serpentine Boxes

The wait is over! You can now purchase Serpentine Boxes that have guaranteed goodies and may also contain themed 2D styles and Premium vehicles including the brand-new Kpz. Erich Konzept I and Object Kust.
Happy Lunar New Year
Accept the Cat's guidance, unlock the entire Snake, and obtain wealth and happiness in the Year of the Snake.

Roll Out!
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