X Rinoceronte
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Rinoceronte Italy

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At the turn of the 1960s and 1970s, a number of countries started developing vehicles with unmanned turrets to improve crew survival. Italian military engineers decided to adopt these innovations, but chose to use existing designs. The turret was based on the German turret from the advanced KPz 3 tank. The hull configuration was also adopted from German vehicles. At the same time, Italian engineers tried to increase the armor thickness to the maximum. To improve the projectile resistance of the frontal armor, it was decided to make it similar to the "pike nose" shape. Development was discontinued at the drafting stage.

Nation Italy Italy
Tier Tier X
Type Heavy Tank Heavy Tank
Cost Credits 6,100,000 Experience 209,860
Role Support Heavy Tank Support Heavy Tank


Crew Member Commander


Radio Operator

Crew Member Gunner



Crew Member Driver

This vehicle has the ability to earn bonds in certain game modes.



HP Damage Damage at 50 m
mm Armor Penetration
HP/min Damage per Minute
s Aiming Time
m Dispersion at 100 m Improved dispersion at 100 m
pcs Ammo Capacity


/ / t Weight/Load Limit
hp Engine Power
hp/t Specific Power
km/h Top Speed
deg/s Traverse Speed
deg/s Turret Traverse Speed


HP Hit Points
/ / mm Hull Armor
/ / / / mm Turret Armor
s Suspension repair time


m View Range
m Signal Range

Characteristics are specified for vehicles with crews trained to 100%.
