Iron Age: Regulations


Iron Age: General Information

  • The Iron Age event will start on July 18 at 05:00 UTC+8 and end on August 01 at 05:00 UTC+8.
  • Prize pool (Tier X vehicles): 1,000 reward vehicles for Fame Points and 600 prize vehicles via the auction.
  • During the event, players can receive various rewards depending on the number of Fame Points earned, as well as produce rewards in the Workshop.
  • The number of rewards earned and the ability to produce items in the Workshop depend on the number of battles fought, enemy vehicles destroyed, and victories achieved, as well as on the strategic decisions of clan leaders.
  • Players can earn Fame Points for participating in battles. Once the event is over, these points can be exchanged for various rewards.
  • In addition, all players will receive experimental modules that change the technical characteristics of vehicles in battles on the Global Map.
  • Clans will earn Fame Points both in battle and by meeting special conditions.
  • At any time during the event, a clan may use a special mechanic that converts the clan's Fame Points into Research Points.
  • Research Points can be invested into various technologies that increase the rate of acquiring clan and personal Fame Points and simplify the clan's actions on the map.
  • If done effectively, clans that wisely invest their Fame Points will earn even more for the battles they fight.
  • Clans that manage to achieve the optimal balance between accumulating Fame Points and investing them into technology (while achieving good results in battle) stand the best chance of succeeding in the event.

Changes From Previous Events

  • The reward vehicle pool has changed.
  • The distribution of Tier X vehicles between the prize pool for Fame Points and the auction has been changed.
  • The distribution system for personal Fame Points has been rebalanced.
  • Experimental modules can be mounted on all vehicle types.
  • The "Personal Fame Points in Battles" clan technology and bonus have been added, which increase the number of personal Fame Points received by all clan members.
  • A bonus for the first capture of a province on the Advanced and Elite fronts has been added.
  • The set of rewards in the Workshop has been changed.
  • The reward pool for personal Fame Points has been revised.
  • Division modules are OFF.


  • Workshop: The mechanics of earning special resources for battles fought on the Global Map and their transformation into various items.
  • Experimental modules: A set of special modules that improve various vehicle characteristics. One-time use only within the event. Given to all participants in a limited and fixed quantity. They cannot be replenished.
  • Resources: Various game items received after a battle. They can be used in the Workshop.
  • Components: Items that are produced from the resources in the Workshop. These are used to produce vehicles and a Permit to Vehicle Auction.
  • Production queue: An element of the Workshop. This is a sequence for items scheduled for production.
  • Permit to Vehicle Auction: An invitation that allows players to participate in the reward vehicle auction for bonds at the end of the current event.
  • Fronts: Areas into which the playing field is divided. There are three fronts in total, each featuring its own game mechanics and access conditions. Each subsequent front has fewer provinces, greater competition, and better rewards.
  • Bonuses: Clan and personal boosts that are available from provinces and received by the clans that own them.
  • Technologies: Special advantages received by clans through investing previously earned Fame Points.
  • Laboratory: The vendor of technologies. Technologies can be purchased using Research Points, which can be received by exchanging clan Fame Points and by completing clan tasks.
  • Investment: A special mechanic for converting clan Fame Points into Research Points, which are required to purchase technologies. When using the Investment mechanic, if a clan owns provinces on the fronts, the clan is automatically removed from the map.
  • Landing auction: A hybrid of a landing and an auction, where some clans make landing bids using clan Fame Points, while other clans participate by using bonuses and technologies, or by launching land attacks.
  • Clan tasks: Tasks that allow clans to earn clan Fame Points, Research Points, and various technologies.

1. General Rules

  1. The Iron Age event will take place from July 18 at 05:00 UTC+8 through August 01 at 05:00 UTC+8. The last day of battles is July 31.
  2. The event will take place in a single stage, without breaks or days off.
  3. All clans (existing and newly-created) will be able to participate in the event.
  4. The playing field will be divided into three fronts: Basic, Advanced, and Elite. Access to the Advanced and Elite fronts is limited.
  5. Revolts are OFF.
  6. All battles will be played in the 10v10 and 15v15 format in Tier X vehicles.
  7. The battle duration is 15 minutes.
  8. Fog of War is ON.
  9. Penalties for no-show in battle are ON.
  10. Province income in gold is OFF. During the Iron Age event, provinces will provide special bonuses to their owners.
  11. The province owner does not participate in tournaments on landing provinces, landing auctions, or tournaments among challengers in attacks by land on their own provinces.
  12. Clans cannot submit applications for landing tournaments on the territory of the Basic Front if they own any territories on any Fronts.
  13. Clans can attack landing provinces in the territory of the Basic front by land.
  14. Clans can attack landing auctions in the territories of the Advanced and Elite fronts by land.
  15. Headquarters are OFF. Divisions can be created on any province.
  16. Division creation and upkeep are free.
  17. Division modules are OFF.
  18. Landing provinces on the Basic front are dynamic and change their location when landing battles are over.
  19. The maximum number of participants within a landing tournament is 32.
  20. On the first day of the "world re-division," the maximum number of participants in a landing tournament is 16.
  21. Landing auctions on the territories of the Advanced and Elite fronts are dynamic and change their location when battles are over.
  22. The maximum number of participants in a landing auction is 16 on the Advanced front and 8 on the Elite front. (See more details in the Fronts section.)
  23. A battle shift of 15 minutes is ON for 50% of provinces.
  24. Vehicle lock is ON in battles for provinces on the Elite front. The basic lock duration is 36 hours.

Clan Wars Rules



  • Karelia
  • Live Oaks
  • Malinovka
  • Abbey
  • Murovanka
  • Sand River
  • Prokhorovka
  • Redshire
  • Ruinberg
  • Fisherman's Bay
  • Steppes
  • Serene Coast
  • Cliff
  • Himmelsdorf
  • Ensk
  • Westfield
  • Safe Heaven

2. Workshop

In the Workshop, players can use resources received after battles on the Global Map to produce the following:

The Workshop can be found on the clan screen.

2.1. Resources

After a battle on the Global Map, participants will receive various resources. The number of resources is the same for all team members and depends on the following factors:

  • Battle front
  • Battle type
  • Battle outcome: clans receive more resources for victories
  • Number of enemy vehicles destroyed: the more enemy vehicles destroyed, the more resources earned; the number of vehicles destroyed by the end of a battle is taken into account, irrespective of who destroyed them
  • Experimental modules on destroyed enemy vehicles: the destruction of vehicles with experimental modules will be rewarded with additional resources

If a team destroys 0 enemy vehicles in a battle, none of the players on that team will receive resources at the end of the battle.

Resources received in battles can be used to make components. Those components can then be used to produce various items.

Scrap is the initial resource from which other resources can be received. In the Workshop, scrap can be transformed into other resources: ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, and spare parts. The process of transforming scrap into other resources is instantaneous.

All components can be disassembled into resources. This happens instantaneously as well. The number of resources received will be smaller than the number spent on assembly.

Only one item can be produced at a time. However, a production queue can be set.

Items in the production queue can be moved or removed. When removing an item from the queue (including the current one), the resources will be returned to the inventory in full.

In the Workshop, players can find the battle log, displaying the number of resources that have been earned in all battles since the start of the event.

The Workshop will be available until the end of the period for exchanging Fame Points for reward bonuses (August 18 at 05:00 UTC+8).

Once the Workshop closes, all unused resources will be removed.

Assembled rewards will be credited to players within a few days after the exchange of Fame Points for reward bonuses has ended and the results of the auction have been revealed. The vehicles will be credited on August 18*.

The maximum set of rewards that can be produced in the Workshop during the event: 1 Permit to Vehicle Auction, 1 item of equipment, and 1 choice of Premium vehicle.

The date of receiving the rewards produced in the Workshop is subject to change.

2.2. Permit to Vehicle Auction

To participate in the vehicle auction, you will need to produce the Permit to Vehicle Auction, a special item in the Workshop. This permit is produced instantly using pre-assembled components, so there is no need to add it to the queue. However, the permit cannot be disassembled. The production of the Permit to Vehicle Auction will not affect the production of other rewards—these will remain available in the Workshop. Once the event is over, the permits will not be available for production.*

If you take a prize-winning position and claim a reward vehicle, once you receive the vehicle for a leaderboard position in exchange for personal Fame Points, you will not be able to participate in the Vehicle Auction, even if you have a permit for it.

Permits can be produced until August 1, 05:00 UTC+8.

3. Experimental Modules

During the event, all participants will receive experimental modules that affect the technical characteristics of vehicles. These modules can only be used in battles on the Global Map.

Only one experimental module can be mounted on a vehicle at a time, and it will only work for one battle (the module will not be deducted in the event of a technical victory). These modules can be demounted and remounted on vehicles.

Once the event begins, three experimental modules of each type will be credited to all players upon logging in to the game. They cannot be replenished during the event.

If an experimental module is mounted on a vehicle during a battle, it will be marked with a special indicator in the battle interface.

After the event, all unused modules will be removed.

Module Effect
Fire-Control System –20% to gun dispersion
Additional Armor Plating

+20% to vehicle durability

+25% to vehicle weight

Heavy Charges

+15% to damage per shot

+20% to aiming time

Air Conditioning System +30% to the major qualification of all crew members
Composite Spall Liners

+10% to vehicle durability

+10% to vehicle weight

Supercharging System +20% to engine power

To receive the experimental modules, you should log in to the game client once the event begins.

4. Playing Field

  1. The playing field will be divided into three fronts: Basic, Advanced, and Elite.
  2. Prime Time of the event:
    • Basic front: from 16:00 through 23:00 UTC+8
    • Advanced front: from 16:00 through 23:00 UTC+8
    • Elite front: from 16:00 through 23:00 UTC+8

5. Fronts

There are three fronts with different access conditions, a different number of personal and clan Fame Points to earn, and different strategic mechanics.

Each province on the Global Map has a certain number of bonuses that provide strategic advantages to the clan that owns it.

Bonus distribution for provinces remains unchanged throughout the event.

5.1. Basic Front

  1. On the Basic front, clan Fame Points can only be earned for battles.
  2. Applications for landings on the Basic front are available to any clan with at least 10 members with a Tier X vehicle.
  3. The maximum number of landing applications that are available at one time to a clan on the Basic front is 10 (if the clan has more than 100 players with a Tier X vehicle).
  4. Dynamic landings are available in the territory of the Basic front. Applications for landings on the Basic front cannot be submitted by clans that already own provinces on any front.
  5. The Basic front consists of 117 provinces. Front Prime Time: from 16:00 through 23:00 UTC+8.

5.2. Advanced Front

  1. On the Advanced front, clan Fame Points can be earned both for battles and for owning provinces.
  2. There are four ways to receive access to Advanced front provinces:
    • Capture a province that provides the "Application for a landing auction on the Advanced front" bonus.
    • Purchase the "Application for a landing auction on the Advanced front" technology from the Laboratory.
    • Make a bid (in Fame Points) for a landing auction. The minimum bid to gain access to the Advanced front is 100 clan Fame Points (see Clause 8 of the Regulations).
    • Complete the "Experienced Raider" clan task (see Clause 10 of the Regulations).
  3. Provinces on the Advanced front (when compared to those on the Basic front) provide a 10% bonus to clan Fame Points earned in battles (see Clause 9 of the Regulations).
  4. When capturing each province on the Advanced front for the first time, a clan will receive a one-time reward (1,000 clan Fame Points).
  5. Owning a province on the Advanced front is rewarded with clan Fame Points. The number of Fame Points rewarded decreases with each day of ownership. Clan Fame Points are added during the calculation for the next turn after battles in the province are over. If a clan leaves the map before the calculation of that turn, it will not receive clan Fame Points.

    1 4,000
    2 3,000
    3 2,000
    4 1,000
    5+ 0

    If a clan captures a province on the Advanced front for the first time, it receives 4,000 clan Fame Points. If the clan maintains ownership of that province for a second day, it receives 3,000 clan Fame Points. Then, 2,000 clan Fame Points for the third day, and so on.

  6. When a province is captured repeatedly (excluding capture after Investment), the bonus remains as if the clan has owned it without interruption. For example, say a clan owns a province for three days, loses it, and then re-captures it the following day. In this case, the clan will receive 1,000 clan Fame Points for the first day of resumed ownership and 0 clan Fame Points for the following (fifth) day.
  7. Investment resets the counter for owning a province. If it is captured again, the associated income will start anew.
  8. The Advanced front consists of 49 provinces. Front Prime Time: from 16:00 through 23:00 UTC+8.

5.3. Elite Front

  1. On the Elite front, clan Fame Points can be earned for battles, for owning provinces, and for the number of owned provinces.
  2. There are three ways to receive access to Elite front provinces:
    • Capture a province that provides the "Application for a landing auction on the Elite front" bonus.
    • Purchase the "Application for a landing auction on the Elite front" technology from the Laboratory.
    • Make a bid (in Fame Points) for a landing auction. The minimum bid to gain access to the Elite front is 10,000 clan Fame Points (see Clause 8 of the Regulations).
  3. Provinces on the Elite front (compared to those on the Basic front) provide a 20% bonus to clan Fame Points earned in battles (see Clause 9 of the Regulations).
  4. When capturing a province on the Elite front for the first time, clans will receive a one-time reward of 12,000 clan Fame Points.
  5. Owning a province rewards clans with clan Fame Points. As with the provinces on the Advanced front (see Clause 5 of Advanced Front), Fame Points decrease for each successive day of ownership. Clan Fame Points are added during the calculation for the next turn after battles in the province are over.

    1 12,000
    2 9,000
    3 6,000
    4 3,000
    5+ 0
  6. Clans that own groups of provinces on the Elite front earn clan Fame Points. At the end of a game day, clans that own four or more provinces on the Elite front are rewarded with clan Fame Points, depending on the number of owned provinces after battles in provinces are over.

    4 18,000
    5 18,000
    6 36,000
    7 36,000
    8+ 90,000

    These clan Fame Points are added at the end of a game day (at approximately 05:00 UTC+8). However, if a clan starts an Investment while owning multiple provinces on the Elite front, they will receive Research Points in full for all clan Fame Points, including the reward for owning multiple provinces. If a clan maintains ownership of its provinces until the end of the battles in those provinces and then leaves the Global Map (not by starting an Investment), it will receive clan Fame Points.
  7. Vehicle lock is ON in battles for provinces on the Elite front.
    • Vehicles destroyed in any battle on the Elite front are locked for 36 hours, excluding in battles against the province owner. Upon winning a battle against the province owner, vehicles are locked for 18 hours.
    • The vehicle lock time can be decreased using a special technology.
    • Locked vehicles can be used in battles on the territories of the Basic and Advanced fronts.
  8. The Elite front consists of 15 provinces. Front Prime Time: from 16:00 through 23:00 UTC+8.

6. Clan Improvements

A clan can use various bonuses and technologies to accelerate their acquisition of Fame Points.

These improvements are divided into two groups:

  • Technologies that can be purchased from the Laboratory for Research Points or received as rewards for completing clan tasks.
  • Bonuses that can be received by capturing and owning the provinces that provide them.

The effects of bonuses and technologies stack (see more details in the Bonuses and Technologies sections).

6.1. Research Points and Investment

  1. Investment is a special mechanic to exchange clan Fame Points for Research Points at a particular exchange rate. This exchange rate can be improved using corresponding technologies.
  2. When using this mechanic, all pending auction bids are canceled, and the clan leaves the Global Map. Clan Fame Points are exchanged for Research Points. The clan leader or Executive Officers can use the Investment function.
  3. The exchange of Fame Points for Research Points is performed after the calculation for the upcoming turn.
  4. Investment cannot be started if Prime Time has begun for provinces in which the clan has scheduled battles.
  5. Once Investment is complete, the possibility of earning the full bonus from provinces on the Advanced and Elite fronts is restored (see more details in the Advanced Front and Elite Front sections).
  6. It is not possible to reverse the exchange of Fame Points for Research Points. Please be mindful of this, especially at the end of the event.

6.2. Laboratory

1. The Laboratory is a special store in which Research Points can be spent to purchase various technologies.

2. All the clan’s active improvements can be viewed in the Laboratory.

6.3. Bonuses

  1. Each province on the event map features various bonuses.
  2. Bonuses activate once a clan occupies a province and terminate when the clan loses the province.
  3. If a clan owns several provinces that provide the same bonus, the effect does not stack. In other words, a clan only gets the effect of the largest bonus of the type.
    For example, say a clan owns two provinces. One province provides a bonus of +3% to clan Fame Points earned, while the other provides a bonus of +10% to clan Fame Points earned. Even with both bonuses active, the clan will only get +10% to clan Fame Points earned.

6.4. Technologies

  1. A technology can be obtained once during the event, and will remain in effect until the event is over.
  2. A technology starts working immediately after being purchased in the Laboratory or after a clan receives it for completing a clan task.
  3. The effects of multiple technologies of the same type stack. Therefore, if a clan first gets a technology that provides +5% to clan Fame Points earned and later acquires a technology that provides +10% to clan Fame Points earned, the clan will receive a total bonus of +15% to clan Fame Points earned in each battle.
  4. The cost of a technology may change dynamically, depending on the number of clans that purchase that technology. The more clans that purchase a particular technology, the less expensive it will be for clans that do not have it yet.

7. Table of Bonuses and Technologies

Increased number of clan Fame Points earned in battles  Basic, Advanced, and Elite fronts
Increased number of clan Fame Points for owning provinces on the Advanced and Elite fronts  Basic, Advanced, and Elite fronts
Personal Fame Points in battles  Advanced and Elite fronts
Application for an auction on the Advanced front  Basic front
Application for an auction on the Elite front  Basic and Advanced fronts
Increased reward for owning provinces on the Elite front  Elite front
Increased effect of bonuses provided by provinces
Decreased duration of vehicle lock
Improved conversion rate for clan Fame Points into Research Points

8. Landing Auctions on Provinces on the Advanced and Elite Fronts

  • Players must use landing auctions to get to the Advanced and Elite fronts.
  • There are two ways to participate in an auction: Either get access via a technology or bonus, or make a bid in clan Fame Points.
  • The main feature of landing auctions is that there can be more than one auction winner. These winners then meet in a tournament, and afterward, the winner of that tournament faces the province's owner. The maximum number of auction winners depends on the front: 16 winners for the Advanced front and 8 winners for the Elite front.
  • 8 applications for the Advanced front landing auction and four applications for the Elite front landing auction are reserved for clans that get access by capturing a province with the corresponding bonus or by purchasing this bonus in the Laboratory.
  • One turn before the start of battles, any clan can make a bid to the landing auction using clan Fame Points or submit a landing application using their available clan bonuses and technologies.
  • One turn before the start of battles, the tournament bracket is created. It includes clans that apply for a landing auction with bonuses and technologies, clans that make the highest bids with clan Fame Points, and clans that attack the province by land.

23 clans applied to a landing auction for the Advanced front. 2 clans own provinces that provide the corresponding bonus, and 4 clans have purchased the application in the Laboratory. 14 clans have made bids with clan Fame Points. 3 clans have attacked the province by land. One turn before the start of battles, the tournament bracket will be created. It will include the 6 clans that have the corresponding bonuses (the 2 clans that own provinces, and the 4 that have purchased technologies), the 10 clans that made the highest bids with clan Fame Points, and the 3 clans that attacked the province by land. The 4 clans that made the lowest bids will not participate in the tournament.

  •  If several clans make the same bid, priority will be given to the clan that made the bid first.

10 clans have made identical bids to a landing auction for the Elite front. 2 clans that own the corresponding technologies have applied for this auction. In this case, 8 clans will win the auction: the 2 clans that own the technologies, and the 6 that made their bids earlier than the other clans.

  • Unsuccessful bid amounts are returned to the clans that made them.
  • Battles between the auction winners and clans that attacked the auctioned province by land are fought according to the standard rules applied to tournaments among challengers. In addition, a x5 multiplier is applied to clan Fame Points earned in these battles.

9. Clan Fame Points

  1. In the Iron Age event, clans compete for Fame Points.
  2. Clan Fame Points can be earned by fighting in battles and completing special conditions on the Advanced and Elite fronts.
  3. A log of earned clan Fame Points is available in the clan profile on the clan portal.
  4. Clan Fame Points can be spent on a landing auction on the Advanced or Elite fronts.
  5. Clan Fame Points can be fully exchanged for Research Points using the Investment mechanic.
  6. Clan Fame Points, including invested points, are displayed on the Global Map, which allows clans to evaluate opponents based on the number of Fame Points they spend on technologies and how quickly they earn clan Fame Points.
  7. The formula for calculating clan Fame Points earned in battles:


  • Fame_Points—clan Fame Points earned in battle
  • Fame_points_base—the base number of clan Fame Points (1,000 on the Basic front, 1,650 on the Advanced front, and 1,800 on the Elite front)
  • Battle_type_c—battle type multiplier
  • Event_value_c—game event multiplier (for the Iron Age event, this value is 1)
  • Еlo_c—Elo rating multiplier, which corresponds to the front Elo rating for Tier X vehicles
  • Team_XP—the amount of XP a team earned in the battle
  • Battle_XP—the total amount of XP all teams earned in the battle
  • Team_size—the size of the team: 10 players (Basic Front), or 15 players (Advanced and Elite Fronts)
  • Bonus_р—the multiplier provided by active bonuses to clan Fame Points earned in battles
  • Technology_р—the multiplier provided by active technologies for clan Fame Points earned in battles

Battle Type Multiplier (Battle_type_c)

Tournament on a landing province on the Basic front 1
Tournament among challengers on a regular province on any front / Tournament among challengers in a landing auction on the Advanced or Elite front 5
Battle with the province owner on any front 5

Elo Rating Multipliers (Elo_c)

≤1,000 1.0
1,001–1,050 1.1
1,051–1,100 1.2
1,101–1,150 1.3
1,151–1,200 1.4
1,201–1,250 1.5
1,251–1,300 1.6
1,301–1,350 1.7
1,351–1,400 1.8
1,401–1,450 1.9
≥1,451 2.0

9.1. Personal Fame Points

All team players will receive an equal number of personal Fame Points for each battle fought according to the following rules:

Basic Front

Landing tournament

12 5

Tournament among the challengers for a province, battle against the province owner in the landing tournament

20 13

Advanced Front

Any battle

30 15

Elite Front

Any battle

40 17

Players on the losing team will only receive personal Fame Points based on the results of battles in which their team destroyed at least 3 enemy vehicles.

9.2. Fixed Battles

Fixed battles are prohibited by the Regulations. Clans and players that violate the rules will lose all of their Fame Points (both clan and personal), and their game accounts will be banned.

In contradictory cases related to adding Fame Points (e.g., suspicions of fixed battles, etc.), the administration may demand a battle replay, screenshots, or other related information. If the requested information is not provided, the administration then reserves the right to make a decision at their discretion. We strongly recommend players activate the Enable Battle Recording option in the game settings.

It is prohibited to use the game in any way that is not provided for by the License Agreement, the Game Rules, or other rules of the company, as well as in ways that go beyond the scope of standard gameplay. Passive (pacifist) behavior towards members of another team, clan, or clan alliance is prohibited. If violations are detected, the responsible clans will be removed from the Global Map. In case of repeated violations of the rules, more severe penalties may be imposed on clans.

10. Clan Tasks

  1. During the event, clans can complete clan tasks.
  2. These tasks will be rewarded with technologies, Research Points, and clan Fame Points.
  3. All clan tasks, their conditions, and rewards are available in the Global Map UI.
Bypass Strike 5,000 clan Fame Points Capture a province on the Advanced front 3
Experienced Raider Technology: free application to the Advanced front Capture 10 provinces on the Advanced front 1
Well-Aimed Fire 50 Research Points Destroy 50 enemy vehicles on any front 2
Test Strike 100 Research Points Capture a province on the Basic front 3
Finishing Strike Technology: +20% to clan Fame Points in battles Capture a province on the Elite front 1
Striking Power 5,000 Research Points Win a battle on the Elite front (including landing auction battles) 2

10.1. Special Offers

A clan may be provided with options to invest clan Fame Points into Research Points at a better exchange rate if that clan participates in battles for at least five days during the event without conducting any Investment. In this case, on the sixth day, the clan will receive a special Investment offer granting 50% more Research Points. This offer will remain available for 24 hours and will only be made to a clan once during the event.

11. Event Progress

  1. At the beginning of the event, all clans have 0 Research Points.
  2. On the first day of the event, all provinces on the Basic front will be landing provinces. The maximum number of landing applications is 16.
  3. Once the battles on the landing provinces are over, dynamic landing provinces will be enabled on the Basic front. The maximum number of applications for this type of landing is 32.
  4. On the second day of the event, dynamic landing auctions are opened on the territories of the Advanced and Elite fronts.
  5. On August 1, new dynamic landings and auctions will not be created once the battles on landing tournaments have ended.
  6. On August 1 at 05:00 UTC+8, the map will be frozen, the event will be finished, and the finalization of results will begin.
  7. The process of receiving awards and exchanging personal Fame Points for rewards will begin on August 4, 05:00 UTC+8.*

The date these rewards are received is subject to change.

12. Special Penalties for No-Shows in Battles

The sum of penalties will be calculated based on the total sum of clan Fame Points, including bids that were made but not won.

Clan Fame Points are removed from the clan's account. After penalties and winning the auction, the clan's account may display a negative quantity of clan Fame Points.


1 10 6 Penalties shall not be imposed 5 days

2 5 3 –10%
3 2 2 –20%
4 1 1 –30%

Clans that ignore the mechanics of penalties and accrue them in large numbers may be subject to additional measures of a different kind.

13. Rewards

Rewards for the Iron Age event are divided into personal and clan rewards. These rewards can be received for taking a position in the corresponding (personal and clan) Alleys of Fame.

Once the event is over, personal Fame Points can be exchanged for rewards.

Only players and clans that have managed to enter the Alley of Fame will be included in the calculation of brackets of players that receive rewards.

To enter the Alley of Fame, a player or a clan has to play at least five battles during the event.

13.1. Personal Leaderboard

Rewards for positions on the Personal Leaderboard include bonds, badges, and medals.

The distribution of bonds according to the Personal Leaderboard is calculated as follows:

A coefficient based on the clan's position is applied to the amount of bonds, as shown below. The reward can be increased up to seven times!

0% 1% 1,000
1% 2% 950
2% 3% 900
3% 10% 800
10% 25% 700
25% 50% 500
50% 75% 250

13.2. Medals

Iron Age: Epic Win Medal

Be a member of the clan with the longest winning streak by the end of the event.

Fight at least five battles in the Iron Age event for the clan following the last entry to this particular clan.

Iron Age Winner Medal

Be a member of the winning clan at the end of the event.

Fight at least five battles in the Iron Age event for the clan following the last entry to this particular clan.

Iron Age Top 10 Medal

Be a member of a Top 10 clan by the end of the event.

Fight at least five battles in the Iron Age event for the clan following the last entry to this particular clan.

Not credited if already awarded the Iron Age Winner Medal.

Iron Age Top 100 Medal

Be a member of a Top 100 clan by the end of the event.

Fight at least five battles in the Iron Age event for the clan following the last entry to this particular clan.

Not credited if already awarded the Iron Age Winner Medal or Iron Age Top 10 Medal.

Iron Age Participant Medal

Fight at least five battles during the Iron Age event.

Badges for Iron Age Event and Conditions for Receiving Them

Global Map Legend

Be among the top 1% of players on the Personal Leaderboard, and be a member of a clan belonging to the top 1% of clans at the end of the event.

Fight at least 50% of battles in the Iron Age event for a clan that is among the top 1% of clans, following the last entry to that particular clan.

Iron Age Hero

Be a member of a clan in the top 10% at the end of the event.

Fight at least five battles in the Iron Age event for the clan following the last entry to that particular clan.

Decals and Conditions for Receiving Them

Players who received medals, the Global Map Legend badge, or the Iron Age Hero badge will also receive a set of six similar decals.

New Historical 3D Style for the 121B and Conditions for Receiving It

The top 600 players in the event by personal Fame Points earned will be able to receive the new historical 3D style for the 121B, which can only be earned on the Global Map.*

This 3D style does not include the 121B itself. However, you will receive it even if you do not have the 121B tank in your Garage.

Prospector Style

The top 10% of clan players who end up in the Alley of Fame in the game event will receive the Prospector 2D style. This look can be applied to any Tier VIII–X vehicle in your Garage.

14. Reward Bonuses

  1. Players who earned personal Fame Points during the event can exchange them for personal bonuses.
  2. Once the event is over, the cost of the reward vehicles is displayed as a number of personal Fame Points equal to the number earned by the player who took position 1,000th in the Alley of Fame. In addition to personal Fame Points, players will need 4,000 bonds to receive a reward vehicle.

Only a vehicle that the player does not currently have in their Garage can be selected.

Personal Fame Points can be exchanged for reward bonuses until August 18 at 05:00 UTC+8.

All reward bonuses and their cost in personal Fame Points will only be available in the game client in the Iron Age section of the clan screen.

All reward vehicles come with the Veteran customization set. All players who previously received the Carro da Combattimento 45 t for a position in the Alley of Fame will receive the Veteran customization set for the Carro da Combattimento 45 t before the start of the Iron Age event.

Rewards Available in Exchange for Personal Fame Points

Warrior of the East and Other 2D Clan Styles

Clan players will have the opportunity to redeem the new Warrior of the East 2D style using personal Fame Points. This look can be applied to any Tier VIII–X vehicle in your Garage.

The other four 2D clan styles (Flame, Prophecy, Retribution, and Reaper) from previous events can also be obtained for personal Fame Points. Participate in the Iron Age event to complete your collection!

Flame 2D style
Retribution 2D Style
Prophecy 2D style
Reaper 2D style

The Hellraiser and Namenlos 3D Styles

Two 3D styles are available for the reward Tier X vehicles in the Iron Age event: Hellraiser for the M60 and Namenlos for the VK 72.01 (K).

15. Clan Leaderboard

Some mechanics of the Iron Age event are irreversible and can affect a clan's progress in the event that any unfair actions are performed by clan officers or any accounts are hacked. Please take your security seriously and consider these tips before the start of the event:

  • Clan Commanders, be cautious when selecting players who have access to officer permissions and operations on the map. It is a good idea to limit the number of these players for the duration of the event.
  • Never transfer your account to a third party. It is not secure and violates the Game Rules.
  • We recommend changing your account password before the start of the event and enabling two-factor authentication to make your account more secure.

Depending on a clan's position on the Clan Leaderboard, the sum of bonds that players in this clan receive is affected by the following multiplier:

0% 1% 7
1% 2% 6.5
2% 3% 6
3% 10% 5
10% 25% 4
25% 50% 3
50% 75% 1.5
75% 100% 1

For example, if a player is among the top 7% of players by personal Fame Points in the Alley of Fame, and their clan is among the top 7% of clans, the player receives 800 bonds (by Personal Leaderboard) * 5 (clan multiplier) = 4,000 bonds.

Players will only receive a clan multiplier from the clan to which they belong at the moment the event ends and on the condition that they have fought at least five battles as a member of this clan during the Iron Age event following the last entry to this particular clan.

Unlike other rewards, gold is distributed for taking a specific position and not for ending up at the top of the leaderboard. The total prize pool of 1,000,000 will be distributed among clans in the following way:

1 150,000 
2 120,000 
3 80,000 
4 70,000 
5 55,000 
6 40,000 
7 - 9 20,000 
10 - 23 15,000 
24 - 50 8,000 

16. Vehicle Auction

To participate in the auction, a player should produce the special Permit to Vehicle Auction in the Workshop, available from July 18 through August 1. Please note: If you have received a vehicle for personal Fame Points, you will not be able to participate in the vehicle auction, even if you have a permit for it.

The auction will start on August 4 at 05:00 UTC+8* (at the opening of the period to exchange personal Fame Points for reward bonuses) and end on August 18 at 05:00 UTC+8.

Players must make a bid of at least 4,500 bonds.

Personal Fame Points can be exchanged for bonds and used at the auction.

A player can cancel a bid at any moment and make a different bid.

Once the auction has ended, the 600 players who made the highest bids will receive their selected vehicles.

If several players made the lowest winning bid, the earliest players to make the winning bids will receive the vehicle.

Losing bids shall be returned to the players who made these bids.

The starting date of the auction is subject to change.

Look out for a clan tournament after the end of the Iron Age event!
