Reward Vehicles
In the early 1960s, Mobile Vehicle Engineering Institute #100 in Leningrad developed a medium tank with the code name ST-62 Version 2. An emphasis was put on protecting the vehicle from the destructive effects of nuclear weapons (i.e., radiation and shock waves). Initially, the project suggested an unmanned turret, with the whole crew being placed in the hull. However, partners could not produce the autoloader and electronics in time, so a loader/autoloader operator was placed in the turret, as the loading process could not be fully automated. Instead of the standard viewing devices, television observation was planned to be used. Cameras were placed on the front of the hull and on the turret. Gun operation was also supposed to be remote. The tank was developed with multiple gun and engine variants. The project did not go beyond the blueprint stage.
Radio Operator
ST-62 Version 2
5TFD (experimental)
ST-62 Version 2
100 mm NT-12
This is a reward vehicle. Reward vehicles have Elite status, earn more experience per battle, provide a range of other bonuses, and do not require research.
This vehicle has the ability to earn bonds in certain game modes.
Time for the successive autoreloading of each shell into the magazine
Characteristics are specified for vehicles with crews trained to 100%.