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The Game Plan: Team Efficiency’s Guide to the STB-1

11/05/2016 Tournaments
In other languages: th zh-tw ja

Welcome to The Game Plan! If you're looking to strike cold fear into your opponents' hearts upon your approach, the STB-1 is just the tank you've been searching for. With its high DPM and penetration capabilities, you'll have the power to make every moment spent in your vicinity one your enemies quickly come to rue. Here's a quick primer from Team Efficiency's Spawnster on how to play this ferocious Japanese Tier 10 medium to its strengths!

Guide Contents


STB-1: The venerable Tier 10 Japanese medium tank. When it was first introduced to World of Tanks, it quickly became synonymous with the word “sexy”. Yes, it is a very good looking tank, with its streamlined hull and curved turret. In this article, we will be looking at what makes the STB-1 a fearsome medium tank.

First, a little history.

In the early 1960s, Mitsubishi started the development of a new tank that complied with government requirements for armament and defense. The first two prototypes of the STB-1 were manufactured in September 1969 for trials. In 1970, the prototypes were shown to journalists, and participated in a military parade.

A fast, semi-accurate medium tank with low but well-sloped armor, very high DPM, and high penetration.

So what makes the STB-1 a must-have Tier 10 medium tank? Read on to find out!

If you haven't already got one of these beauties in your garage, now's your chance. From now until 13 May, grab the STB-1 – and some of its Japanese brethren  at up to 50% off in the Evolution of Tanks Special!

