Twitch Drops and Missions: International Women's Day
She fights her battles with strength and bravery
In honor of the women in our lives who support, empower, and carry hard, World of Tanks is back with more Twitch Drops and in-game missions! Tune in to our female streamers from 8 March, 13:00 UTC+8 through 09 March, 13:00 UTC+8 to receive the following guaranteed rewards.
60 minutes
3x Decals: Mikaela
3x Ermelinda
90 minutes
3x Decals: Rail Gun
3x Decals: Von Krieger's Valkyries
3x Decals: Von Krieger's Norns
120 minutes
1 Day of WOT Premium Account
Important: Your World of Tanks account and your Twitch account have to be linked for a chance to receive Twitch Drops. Click here to find out how this works!