Tank Commanders,
The stealthy
T-100 LT
is fast and nimble, able to outmaneuver your enemies and stay hidden — making it great for passive scouting.
Complete these free x5 EXP daily missions and enjoy discounts on credit costs of vehicles as you work your way up to Tier X!
Looking to accelerate your progress to Tier X? Try our Fast On Track bundles!
x5 EXP Victory bonus missions for the T-100 LT
Attractive emblems, inscriptions & exclusive "Ranger" style
14 Days WoT Premium Account time
Additional Tier X mission for Crew XP, Personal Reserves & consumables!
Sale ends:
On Track Missions & Discounts
Available: 20 May 2020, 14:00 UTC +8 (Wednesday) - 05 June 2020, 14:00 UTC +8 (Friday)
Don't miss the free x5 EXP daily missions for each vehicle along this featured tech tree! To claim, win a battle (Random, Grand or Stronghold) and rank within top 10 by EXP in your team.
- Mission: Top of the Tree - Crew XP
- Mission: Top of the Tree - Damaging Push
- Mission: Top of the Tree - Push Through!
- Mission: Top of the Tree: T-100 LT
- Tech Tree Discounts
Play a battle and be among the top 7 EXP earners on your team.
- Must use the following vehicles:
- Random Battles, Skirmishes and Advances only
x2 Crew EXP
Deal 10,000 HP damage over any amount of battles
- Must use the following vehicles:
- Random / Grand Battles, Skirmishes and Advances only
- 10 times per account only
- 6,500
1x Personal Reserves: +50% XP (Duration: 1 hour)
Deal 100,000 HP damage in any amount of battles
- Must use the following vehicles:
- Random / Grand Battles, Skirmishes and Advances only
- Once per account only
1x Coated Optics
Play 5 battles and be among the top 10 XP earners on your team.
- Must use the
T-100 LT
- Random / Grand Battles, Skirmishes and Advances only
- Repeatable
1x Personal Reserves: +300% Crew EXP (Duration: 1 hour)
1x Large Repair Kit
1x Large First Aid Kit
1x Automatic Fire Extinguisher
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