[Sale] Rare Tank Spotted: M4A2E4 Sherman


The  V M4A2E4 Sherman  returns to World of Tanks and is available for purchase at the Premium Shop! Add this rare American tank to your collection of Shermans before the sale ends on 19 March. This medium tank is a versatile and reliable ally that you can deploy to pressure to enemy lights and mediums.

M4A2E4 Sherman Offers

Available from 12 March, 2023 at 13:00 UTC+8 through 19 March, 2023 at 13:00 UTC+8

The  V M4A2E4 Sherman  was an experimental medium tank, for which two prototypes were built in July 1943. The M4A2E4 is a variant of the M4 Sherman, with several differences in design. It has heavier armor than the M4, and sports straighter angles for better deflection of incoming rounds. It also balances well between mobility and firepower, enabling it to pressure enemy light and medium tanks. This tank also enjoys preferential matchmaking.

  • M4A2E4 Sherman: Collectors Gem
  • M4A2E4 Sherman: Best Buy
M4A2E4 Sherman: Collectors Gem

Bundle Content:


M4A2E4 Sherman: Best Buy

Bundle Content:

  • V M4A2E4 Sherman
  • Garage Slot
  • 100% Crew
  • 6,000
  • 30 days of WOT Premium
  • 10x Personal Reserves: 300% Crew Experience and Free Experience for 1h
  • 10x Personal Reserves: 100% Experience for 1h
  • 20x Missions Experience for each Victory


