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[SG] Sign up for World of Tanks Training Camp 2014! [UPDATED]

28/04/2014 Onground Events

Singaporean Tank Commanders!

How many times have you stared at your personal stats and wished it were much higher? Maybe you've thought about asking for tips, but there's only so much you can learn from others in forum threads. It's one thing to say 'don't aim at the IS-3 here', but we all know it's easier said than done.

Your friends aren't much help either. Most are still getting the hang of the game - some of them are even learning from you! The better ones are pretty much at your skill level too, and can't offer much besides joining you in platoons and doing their best.

Seems like there's no other choice but to keep watching those tutorial vids on Youtube. Or is there?

Singapore Training Camp 2014 Pilot Program

We're pioneering a new training camp concept which is designed to give you what you truly need: an expert that will teach you the ins and outs of World of Tanks. Comprising of three sessions (3rd May, 17th May and 31st May), the training camp will be held at the Command Centre by Wargaming, where they'll provide you with the exact training and advice that will increase your knowledge of the game and help you break out of your skill barrier several times over.

At the end of the last session, each participant will be awarded with free gold, as well as a certificate of completion for having attended the Training Camp.

Register now



Please note that once registered, players will be signing up for ALL three sessions. You will only receive your free gold and certificate after attending all sessions and modules, so remember to turn up on time!

[SG] Training Camp 2014
Date: 3rd May, 2014 (1st Session), 17th May 2014 (2nd Session), 31st May 2014 (3rd Session)
Time: 12pm to 4pm (local time)
Command Centre; by Wargaming, 60A Orchard Rd @The Atrium #B1-01/02/03, Singapore
(Dhoby Ghaut Xchange, basement of Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station)

Your Trainers

Trust us when we say we're particular about the choice of tutor for our Training Camp - we're not exactly going to hire the first guy we see at a random void deck. In fact, the people we chose are tournament veterans that know the drill and have fought amongst the best teams in Asia, if not the world.

Team Insidious Gaming (ISG) will be the ones teaching you what, when, where, how and why your tanks should be played at any combat situation. As local eSports superstars with close ties to the community, they have the experience needed to teach you the best strategies and the enthusiasm to do so.

You may already be familiar with their performance, but as a recap, their accolades include:

  • WCG Singapore Qualifiers Champion 2013
  • Singapore National Finals 1st Place & Runner Up (Team 2)
  • TanksAsia Masters Season 1 Runner-up
  • TanksAsia Masters Season 2 Runner-up

Team members Deathskyz, Nisa, SickTank, AVTR, Cepheus, Seahchye, Monoceros, Cetus and Elite will be your tutors for the entire three sessions, the first of which will be held on 3rd May 2014.

Program Modules

Each of the three sessions in the Training Camp is tuned for specific difficulties and learning curves, and is suitable for players of all skill levels. The modules in each section are comprised of different categories too:

  • General: Covers the topics that will be useful no matter which tank you choose to specialize in
  • Light Tank: Covers topics that focus exclusively on the Light Tank
  • Medium Tank: Covers topics that focus exclusively on the Medium Tank
  • Heavy Tank: Covers topics that focus exclusively on the Heavy Tank
  • Tank Destroyer: Covers topics that focus exclusively on the Tank Destroyer
  • SPG: Covers topics that focus exclusively on the SPG

Read on for more details about each session's modules, along with a small description of what they offer.

1st Session: Basic (3rd May 2014)

Module Name Description Trainer in-charge
General - Tank Types and what they're good at A short intro on the types of tanks in WoT and the roles they play Deathskyz
General - Being an effective player: Low tiers in high tier games Teaches players how to help their team in high tier games even when they can't damage opponents Deathskyz
General - Say no to YOLO: How not to die so often Tips and tricks for staying alive in matches and avoiding the lemming mentality Deathskyz
General - Disruption: I thought I was hidden?! Basic nuances of camouflage Nisa
General - Aiming: Bigger circle is better, right? Guides new players on the aiming reticle and how it's affected by dispersion and movement Nisa
General - Peek-a-boom A basic gameplay method that is invaluable to new players Nisa
Light Tank - Why scout? I haz dee pee ess! A basic scouting guide SickTank
Medium Tank - How to Brawl and look like you know what you're doing Maximising DPM as a medium tank AVTR/Cepheus
Heavy Tanks - Angling and you! How to side-scrape and angle your tank to bounce shots Seahchye
Tank Destroyers - I can't turn my turret! Basic TD gameplay tips Monoceros/Cetus
SPG - I hate buildings Positioning as an artillery piece Elite

2nd Session: Advanced (17th May 2014)

Module Name Description Trainer in-charge
General - Critical hits and weak spots General weak spots that are easy to find across all tanks in-game (e.g. tracks, cupola, engine) Deathskyz
General - Crew skills and the how-to A rundown on what skills are better for which type of tanks. Tips on how to maximise your crew effectiveness Nisa
Light Tank - Scouting and you, being effective Learn the when and where of scouting, falling back and pushing when necessary SickTank
Medium Tank - Flanking 101 Finding the opportunity and knowing when to dive AVTR/Cepheus
Heavy Tanks - Being THE tanker Protecting teammates and pushing the line Seahchye
Tank Destroyer - Stay in the bush, become THE bush Learn how far from the fight you should be at to avoid detection and picking the right bush Monoceros/Cetus
SPG - Leading and pot shots How to hit moving targets while blind, and looking for disruption opportunities Elite

3rd Session: Expert (31st May 2014)

Module Name Description Trainer in-charge
Light Tank - I am BATMAN Evaluation on his playstyle, and how to apply it SickTank
Medium Tank - Hunting as a pack Effectiveness when moving as a pack, how to raid AVTR/Cepheus
Heavy Tank - I'm da juggernaut! Baiting and pouncing, giving teammates the opening Seahchye
Tank Destroyer - Being a defensive anchor Holding the line alone and punishing an advance Monoceros/Cetus
SPG - The Zen of Countering Theory on counter-artillery and how to put it into practice Elite

Register for the Training Camp now!

Ready to bump your tanking skills to the next level? Join our Training Camp now and learn what ISG has to teach! The whole three sessions are totally free-of-charge; you don't have to pay a single cent to receive invaluable advice, no matter what skill level you're in.

But don't wait too long. We only have enough space for 150 slots and we can't expand it anymore, so don't delay!

You can register your place at the Training Camp by putting down your details in this forum thread here.

Referral Bonus: Bring Your Friends

We're also extending a referral program bonus for all signups, where we reward players who bring friends along for the Training Camp. If your friends register for a game account during the course, we'll credit your account with 300 per friend. Each of them will also receive 500 per account.

But of course, there's more! If your friend reaches Tier 5 within a month after the last session (31st May 2014), you will receive an additional 500 as a reward. The more friends that attain Tier 5, the more rewards you receive!


Hope to see you at the training camp!

Roll out!

Register for the Training Camp NOW
