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[Results] [VN] 14-15 Jun 2014 Cybercafe Challenge

17/06/2014 Onground Events
In other languages: vi

Tank Commanders in Vietnam!

Thank you for turning up for the Cybercafe Challenge on the 14th and 15th of June! We've had a great turnout on both days and we're sure that everyone had a good time.

Although many of you proved yourselves to be formidable opponents in the battlefield, there were six Aces in particular that showed outstanding skill. Similar to the first Cybercafe Challenge, each player that completes the challenge will receive 1,000 gold, while Aces will be awarded with even more. Check the list below to find out who they are!

The next Cybercafe Challenge will be held this weekend. If you think you're good enough to earn some gold for yourself, we invite you to join us!

See you again soon!

[Results] [VN] 14 June 2014 Cybercafe FREE PLAY & Challenge

1st place — Lucky_luke_pxn —Reward: 5,000+ 1,000

2nd place — zzBo0Zz —Reward: 3,000+ 1,000

3rd place — 2Vz —Reward: 2,000+ 1,000

These players will be rewarded with 1,000
Tanker Viet, BoSSKiNGPr0, cryptlord6, xxryujintakkaxx, prothu14441, liteordie, Sahra, Real_steel_No1, ItigerkidI, arnothing7410, locphung1, Andyparker, LadiesKiller, tientieuphatcau, T9012, huuvinhtn, heoconbeomap, o0oSkyMano0o, NTLOC, Al_Capone1899, Hungluxubu, huuvinhtn2013, TEAMAIRP1, SG_Q5_HMT, Red_Rocks, Red_Ribbon, Batman1408, rhino00121, haidang91na, 7anker_

[Results] [VN] 15 June 2014 Cybercafe FREE PLAY & Challenge

1st place — zZo0Zz —Reward: 5,000+ 1,000

2nd place — oOo_nObiphuc_oOo —Reward: 3,000+ 1,000

3rd place — 2Vz —Reward: 2,000+ 1,000

These players will be rewarded with 1,000
TankerViet, minhchua, TriSnoopySenculy_VN, Sahra, rhino0012, TTigerkidT, Hung_Lanh_pro, SuperStar_tanks, sanshogunsoo, stun, Red_Ribbon, TigerCTrafficPolice, lucky_luke_pxn, huuvinhtn, khuong_pro, haidang91na, liteordie, eli_thompson1985, lucky_luke_pxn, baobim90, Boy_super, Al_capone1899, arnothing7410, Trong_de_nhat_VN, tekka01, xXRyujinJakkaXx, SG_Q5_HMT, cryptlord6, NTLOC, Andyparker, T9012, huuvinhtn20113, Real_Steel, thanhvu1, HYA_ParacelSpratly_ofVN, tientieuphatcau0

