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[MY] World of Tanks Training Camp 2014

19/01/2014 Onground Events

Greetings Malaysian Tank Commanders!

Do you aspire to be an eSports star and participate in the next World of Tanks tournament, or simply be the best player in any battle you join? Maybe you're looking for a way to teach your clan members better tactics that will help you dominate the Clan Wars Global Map?

Whatever your motivations are, one thing's for sure: you want to step up your game, and we're happy to help!

[MY] Training Camp (Advance + Expert Training)
Date 25 January 2014
Time 5PM - 10PM
Internet Core, 15-1, Jalan Rampai Niaga 3, Medan Niaga Rampai (Opposite Serendit Photo Studio)

The second ever training camp held in Malaysia

This weekend on 25th January, we'll be holding a Training Camp specially for World of Tanks players in Kuala Lumpur. You'll be interacting with some of our best players in the country, who will teach you everything you need to know to succeed in battles. Learn how to plan your movements around specific maps, the strengths and weaknesses of the more common vehicles, and how to deal and take damage effectively.

Specialized Training

We'll also be covering most of the game formats that any serious player would want to study further! In addition to general tactics and guides, we'll also teach you about what to plan and expect for in these situations:

  • Team Battle (7v7) Mode
  • Tank Company Battles
  • Clan Wars Strategy
  • Tournaments


What's a training camp without getting some 'live-fire' exercise? At some point in the event, you will be divided into teams and participate in a mini-tournament where you'll apply all your skills at once. Try to do well!

Sign up to attend the Training Camp now!

There are only 50 Spots available for this training camp, so if you're interested in joining, there's no time to lose! Click on the button below to get to the forum thread to RSVP, and we'll see you there.

Roll out!

Sign up for the Training Camp Now

