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Watch History Come Alive with New Panoramic Video

02/05/2016 General News
In other languages: th zh-tw ja

Tank Commanders,

Having released the “Virtually Inside the Tanks” series and “1941 Battle: 360° Reenactment”, we are now glad to share a new project: “War Knows No Nation” video in 360° format. Inspired by numerous stories of war veterans, this video will transport you into a sequence of historical events that occured in WWII. Follow the memories of 3 tankers and watch dynamic tank battles as we introduce CGI tank battles in panoramic format for the first time.

About the video

Filming involved 7 different locations in 4 countries: Russia, Belarus, USA, UK.

The video itself features 3 war veterans, all of whom were former tankers, including:

  • Alexander Fen (Belarus) – retired Major General who served in the 84th and 31st Tank Brigades; took part in Stalingrad and Kursk battles
  • Tom Sator (USA) – served in the 4th Armored Division; took part in battles in Belgium, Germany, Czechoslovakia.
  • David Render (UK) - one of the very last surviving Second World War tank troop commanders to have participated in the D-Day landing; served in the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry.

Viewing the 360-degree video

In order to enjoy the 360⁰ feature of the video, all you need is a PC or a smartphone or tablet with the YouTube mobile app. The free Littlstar app can also be used to view the video on your smart device (available for both Android and iOS).

Special thanks to Alexander Fen, David Render and Tom Sator for their contribution.

Note: Both Youtube and Littlstar videos will work on desktop, although Littlstar is more mobile-friendly.


For the best immersive experience, you can use your smartphone together with Google Cardboard. Android users: VR mode for Google Cardboard experience available both in YouTube and Littlstar apps; iOS users: install Littlstar app (YouTube app does not support VR mode for iOS)

More panoramic videos from Wargaming can be found here.

Interested in how was that video made? Stay tuned for ‘The Making of’ video, coming soon.
