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Video: BRW Episode #8

28/02/2014 General News
In other languages: th zh-tw ja

Tank Commanders,

We've all been there: loss after loss even though you played your heart out, or an early trip back to the garage while your team goes ahead and wins the round without you. But don't worry - just take a little break and watch the newest episode and BRW before charging back in. Who knows, maybe the epic plays may inspire you a little!

Enjoy the video!


Submit your replays to BRW!

Had an amazing round that had you carrying your team? Played a scout so well that you spotted everyone and lived to tell the tale (with huge assist points, too)? We want to see it!

If you think your replays are so good that the whole world should see your skills, let us have a look; we just might put you in our next BRW video. Check out the video tutorial below to learn more!
