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Video: BRW Episode #5

17/01/2014 General News
In other languages: th zh-tw ja

Dear Tank Commanders,

Happy Friday! If you're feeling grumpy about the string of losses all day, don't worry - they say laughter is the best medicine, so we're prescribing some of the Best Replays of the Week for you!

Take a little break and watch the silliness that goes on in the servers - we're sure you'll feel better about yourself soon enough.


Submit your replays to BRW!

Saw something weird happening in your battles recently? Teammates drowning one after the other while you get blown up by the pros in the other team? We want to see it!

If you think your replays have the most hilarious scenes that the world should see, let us have a look; we just might put you in our next BRW video. Check out the video tutorial below to learn more!
