Update 9.22 Starts the New Year with a Bang [Updated]

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It’s the first update of 2018, so we’re making sure it’s a good one! 9.22's release is set for 13th February; here’s your look at what’s to come. There are changes to USSR medium tanks, new Soviet heavy tanks rolling into battle, a second Soviet tank destroyer line, matchmaking improvements, and a new season of Ranked Battles.


World of Tanks servers will be down 13th February [Updated] from 03:00 to 10:00 UTC+8 to get everything in order.

Additionally, all Strongholds battles will be cancelled for 24 hours at this time.


Current Premium players will be credited an additional 24 hours of Premium Account time to make up for the maintenance period. If you’d like to make any in-game purchases, please wait until the servers are running again.

What’s New

As you remember, our initial design was to replace rear-turret medium tanks, add rear-turret heavies, and update the Object 263 line, thus bringing consistency into the three branches.

We thoroughly analyzed community feedback and stats gathered after a series of tests, and decided to take a step back with the original plan on the MT line. As a result, rear-turret mediums will keep their place in the USSR tech tree, while the Object 430, together with the brand-new Object 430U, will form a full-scale branch of assault vehicles.

In addition to our usual tools, like following up Common Test forums and reviewing live data, this time we also conducted several surveys of CT participants to ensure we are doing what is right for the game.

As for the additions to heavies and tank destroyers, the additional data we received has proved that the two lines are a good fit and will have a positive impact on the game balance.

Let’s now take a closer look at the changes that Update 9.22 brings.

Changes to USSR Medium Tanks

We announced changes to both medium and heavy lines a little while ago, and, following a series of playtests, the A-44 line has undergone a series of adjustments, including several shifts and the inclusion of the Object 430U (that we’ll get to in a moment).

As part of this shift, we moved the 430, which has been overshadowed by the T-62A and Object 140, to Tier IX of the traditional layout line so now it’s the successor to the T-44.

The T-44’s powerful 122mm gun will mark a new line of Soviet medium tanks with great alpha damage. And it’s important to note that the A-44 line won’t have a top tier tank for now. We’re still figuring out which vehicle will fit best and will share this information after a series of tests.

ProTip: save the XP accumulated on the Object 430 II until the new tank makes its debut.

Object 430U

The purpose of the 430U is to be a good damage dealer with its 122mm gun, capable of shaving off 440 points per shot. While it may take a while to reload, it’s a terrific addition to any MT Platoon.

Its upper front plate and turret can reach up to 320mm and 380mm of effective armor, respectively, with well-defended hatches to boot. This doesn’t make your impervious, though. An enemy tank destroyer or heavy can still send you packing, especially if they hit you in your 180mm lower front plate.

Speed-wise, the Object 430U isn’t the fastest medium at 50 km/h. But it’s got a decent kick of acceleration and good dynamics to make it maneuverable in the heat of battle.

In short, you’re best off using your mobility to exploit the alpha damage on offer.

New Soviet Heavies

One of the issues the Soviet heavy line had was that some top-tier vehicles didn’t feel unique enough when viewed as whole. To remedy this, we introduced a heavy-armored close-range fighter in the Object 705A.

The vehicle crowns the new alternate line of Soviet heavy tanks, which begins with the IS-M at Tier VIII, continuing to the Object 705 at Tier IX. What ties these three tanks together is their rear-mounted turrets, which define their play style.

The classic IS will act as the foundation for an upcoming branch, so start amassing your XP points to be up for exploration.

Object 705A

The 705A put us in a unique position as there’s nothing quite like it, but it’s not too difficult to pick out its hulking frame on the battlefield—especially its 152mm gun. This barrel can crank out 650 alpha but will only remain effective at short and medium distances.

This tank is no sniper with 390 meters of view range, so you’re best off just getting stuck into battle. The 705A excels in head-on fights, able to withstand a lot of punishment with its upper plate of 340mm effective armor. However, your lower plate is only 244mm, so it’s best to angle away or dive behind some cover.

The Object 705A weighs in at around 100 tons, so its mid-range in terms of acceleration. But there’s enough power under the hood to get the beast where it needs to be.

Updated Soviet TDs

With a revamped TD line, USSR vehicles can play a few more roles on the battlefield. The line kicks off with the SU-100M1 at Tier VII, then the SU-101 through to the Object 263. Capping it off at Tier X is the Object 268 v.4.

Like their medium and heavy tank counterparts, these TDs also feature rear-mounted guns and good mobility offset by low maneuvering skills, and robust frontal armor. Being natural-born attackers, they live life on the frontline where they can make a positive impact on battle.

Object 268 v.4

The new top TD exemplifies the new line. It’s a pack animal that’s effective in group attacks. Its top speed (50 km/h) and good acceleration will let you take superior positions, but low maneuverability means you’ll depend on the support of your teammates, so that enemy medium tanks won’t run rings around you. Lead your group, but make sure your allies have your back.

Matchmaking Improvements

9.22’s update will improve the matchmaker to allow tankers to encounter different Battle Modes (in your preferred list) more often.

This means, in your next Random Battle, the mode (Standard, Assault, Encounter, or Grand Battle) has less chance of reoccurring if you’ve already fought one.

This will help avoid encountering the same Battle Mode several times in a row (more often with Grand Battles). But entering a Grand Battle every other match is still possible.

To get the most out of the new mechanic, the matchmaker needs data on the last 50 matches played after 9.22’s release. It works best when you’ve played 50+ battles after the update.

When it takes too long to assign a player to a battle, the matchmaker may add extra Battle Modes to those you’ve marked. If the wait takes more than 50 seconds, you’ll enter the first available match in any mode.

Ranked Battles Ready for a New Season

The last season of Ranked Battles has been rather successful and engaging, and we’re ready to kick off with a new one—more exciting and fun.

Starting from 19th February [Updated], a season will only have one stage— now it’s just 21 days and a 15-rank ladder to climb. Ranks 5, 10, and 13 will grant you special protection from losing a rank in case of defeat. Rewards have been supercharged, too: reaching Rank 9 will grant you 1500 bonds, with bigger numbers given for higher ranks.

We hope you take the new vehicles in the Soviet line for a spin and get a kick out of the new matchmaker settings. Don’t forget to stop by the forum to let us know what you think!

Full List of Changes
