Update 1.26: Common Test 3 Is Live!


The third Common Test of Update 1.26 is here. This Test is available for technical purposes and doesn't introduce new content. However, it is the perfect opportunity to test drive all the vehicles you don't have on your account yet and experiment with various equipment setups.

How to Join the World of Tanks Common Test

The Common Test offers a sneak peek at the upcoming game version before its official release. We're eager to hear your initial thoughts on the upcoming features, new game modes, vehicles, game changes, and more. This way, we can understand how the community feels about the next update and catch issues ahead of time.

  • How to Participate in the Common Test
  • New to Testing?

To take part, you'll need the Wargaming.net Game Center (WGC), the latest Common Test game client, and an active World of Tanks account created prior to the cut-off date (see below).


All active World of Tanks accounts created before July 30 at 04:00 UTC+8 can participate in the test.

Download and Install the Test Client


  • Run the test client installer.
  • Choose a different installation folder from where your regular World of Tanks game files are.
  • Select the freshly installed test client from the drop-down menu at the top of the WGC.
  • Roll out—and remember to pass on your feedback!

You can find more details about the WGC in the dedicated Wargaming.net Game Center guide.

Check out our handy public test guide with all the details about Common Tests, Sandbox Tests, and Supertests.


Patch Notes


Main Changes

Onslaught, Season of the Azure Manticore

The Artillery Strike Tactical Skill has been changed:

  • Damage caused has been increased from 350 HP to 400 HP.

Role Skills:

  • Focus on Target
    • Reduction to reload time between shots has been increased from 0.45/0.6/0.75 to 0.6/0.75/0.9.
  • Inspire
    • Crew efficiency bonus has been increased from 17.5/30/42.5 to 20/32.5/45%.
    • The number of Prestige Points required to level up the skill charge has been decreased by 45/33/28%.
  • Fire Cover:
    • Damage caused has been increased from 70/135/225 HP to 90/150/250 HP.
  • Juggernaut:
    • Cooldown time has been increased from 5 s to 8 s.
  • Second Wind: 
    • HP restored has been decreased from 100 + 35/60/85% to 100 + 35/55/75%.

Prestige Points System:

  • Changes have been made to the system for accruing Prestige Points.

Changes to Technical Characteristics of Vehicles

  • Fixed a minor traverse speed issue that affected the following vehicles: AMХ ELC bis, Bat.-Chatillon 25 t AP, Bat.-Chatillon 25 t, A-44
  • Fixed the issue of autocannon shells behaving incorrectly when hitting armor at ricochet angles.

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • Fixed the issue of vehicles not being highlighted after a random event.
  • Fixed the issue of the Discount Cost tooltip displaying incorrect prices during Commander retraining.
  • Fixed the issue of the Free XP card being blocked for crew members who were 5 XP or less short of being able to train a perk.
  • Fixed the issue of one crew member replacing another of the same qualification when both of them were retrained.
  • Fixed the issue of the number of additional free perks being calculated incorrectly in a tanker's infotip on the vehicle preview screen.
  • Fixed the issue of the XP gained by a tanker with low perk efficiency not being displayed on the Quick Training screen after a Personal Training Manual was used.
  • Fixed the issue of the counters on the Missions section and Daily Missions tab showing different numbers of unviewed missions.
  • Fixed some sound issues.
  • Fixed some localization and interface issues.