Great news, Commanders!
Season 5 of Referral Program 2.0 kicks off on 26 August and runs until December. Before the new Season launches, we've decided to adjust some of the terms of the current Program to make it more accessible to a wider range of players. There will also be less time required to complete each stage, and you'll be able to receive cool rewards with less effort.
Get the lowdown on the changes below!
Season 5 is Here!
Let’s start by talking about the upcoming Season. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to recruit your friends and earn a bunch of sweet prizes, including two high-performance Premium vehicles! This time, you’ll have a chance to get your hands on:
- The
T26E3 Eagle 7 , a Tier VII American medium tank (Recruit’s reward)
- The
Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 , a Tier VIII German tank destroyer (Commander’s reward)

Bonds: a game currency introduced into the game as a unique reward for the most effective and active players. Bonds can be spent on Directives and Improved Equipment that increase crew efficiency and vehicle characteristics.

A camouflage pattern that is received for completing Stage IV of the Referral Program.

An all-season style awarded for the successful completion of the Referral Program.

Received for completing Stage II of the Referral Program.

Received for completing Stage IV of the Referral Program.

Received for completing Stage VI of the Referral Program.

Badges are given for completed Referral Contracts. One completed Referral Contract is rewarded with the Class III badge, two completed Referral Contracts are rewarded with the Class II badge, and three completed Referral Contracts are rewarded with the Class I badge.
Just like in previous Seasons, you can choose to be compensated for the value of the tanks in credits instead.
Don’t forget that a Commander can also:
- “Adopt” a novice who has played 200 or fewer battles
- Invite friends who last played more than 60 days prior
To join the Referral Program, the Recruit should follow the invitation link sent by the Commander. After that, the Commander will receive a Recruit card in the appropriate window.
Fewer Battles for Commanders
To invite your friends to become Recruits, you now need to have played at least 600 battles instead of 1,000. That way, you can become a member of the Referral Program sooner, since you will already have enough game experience to train your Recruits.
As for Recruits, the conditions for them haven't changed. They can be recruited by a Commander if either of the following conditions are met:
- They are a newcomer to World of Tanks or have played 200 or fewer battles
- They haven't played within the last 60 days
More Stages During the Season
According to the new rules of the updated Referral Program 2.0, there will be 6 consecutive stages instead of 3, but each stage will require only 50% of the original number of points. The prizes will remain the same, but the increased number of stages means you can get them with less effort and avoid long breaks in the game. As it will take you less time to complete each stage, it will be easier to track your progress as you receive each set of valuable prizes.
Stage | Referral Points (per Stage) | Referral Points (Total) |
I | 250 | 250 |
II | 250 | 500 |
III | 250 | 750 |
IV | 250 | 1,000 |
V | 250 | 1,250 |
VI | 250 | 1,500 |
Check out how the rewards will be distributed with the increased number of stages.
Stage | Recruit’s Reward | Commander’s Reward |
I | 100 bonds | 100 bonds |
II |
200 bonds Inscription Medal for completing Stage II of Referral Program 2.0 |
200 bonds Inscription Medal for completing Stage II of Referral Program 2.0 |
III | 175 bonds | 175 bonds |
IV |
275 bonds Camouflage Medal for completing Stage IV of Referral Program 2.0 |
275 bonds Camouflage Medal for completing Stage IV of Referral Program 2.0 |
V | 300 bonds | 300 bonds |
VI |
450 bonds Emblem Medal for completing Stage VI of Referral Program 2.0 |
450 bonds Emblem Medal for completing Stage VI of Referral Program 2.0 |
After completing Stage VI |
Tier VI-VII Premium vehicle of the player's choice from the following list:
2D style |
Tier VIII Premium vehicle of the player’s choice from the following list:
Badge 2D style |
How Recalculation Works
With the transition to the updated stages system, your progress in Referral Program 2.0 will be recalculated.
Example: If you had 751 points before the update, then you have already received prizes for Stage I (500 points) but not for Stage II (1,000 points). When the new system goes live, your progress will be recalculated and you will receive rewards for Stage III (750 points) as part of the new system (under the new system, Stages I and II are equal to the old Stage I, and their rewards have already been credited to you). Any subsequent points earned will count towards completing Stage IV.
Platoon Bonuses for Recruits
To encourage Recruits to play more battles in Platoons with their Commanders and master the basics of tanking, we’re introducing special bonuses for completing single missions. Thanks to these bonuses, Recruits playing in a Platoon with their Commander will be able to earn twice the Referral Points they normally would on their own.
Requirements for Earning Referral Points
The key to winning a battle is the active participation of all teammates, each of whom should contribute to the outcome. To earn Referral Points, both the Recruit and Commander should rank in the top 12 on their team by Battle XP earned. This condition applies to both when the Recruit is playing in a platoon with the Commander, and when the Recruit is playing solo.
Daily Referral Points Limit
To help the Commander and Recruit work together in battle and keep in touch on a regular basis, we’re introducing a daily limit on Referral Points earned. Starting from Season 5, you can earn no more than 100 points per day. We're also taking this step to avoid situations when some players enter battle and simply do nothing, thereby spoiling the game for responsible commanders. Most players won’t be affected by this restriction.
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Recruit your friends, fight shoulder to shoulder, and redeem cool Premium vehicles together!