The last time we offered the Recon Mission mode, we saw how many of you joined in and became actively involved. In fact, more than two million tankers played the mode, and well over one million of you completed the questionnaire. We’re very grateful for your input, and, to show our appreciation, we have some good news: Recon Mission will be returning soon for two whole weeks.
Recon Mission 2022
June 13, 2022, at 18:00 UTC+8 through June 26, 2022, at 23:59 UTC+8
Cease-Fire Periods (Daily):
00:00 - 18:00 UTC+8
More time means more opportunities to try out all SIX map prototypes, which will each be available from the very start. Based on your feedback, we’ve included three improved prototypes of the maps from the previous iteration (Canyon, Airshipyard, and Far East). The other three (Anykeyyevka, Aquila, and Klostertal) are entirely new.
Your favorite map from the previous round (based on player votes), the Outpost map, has officially “graduated” Recon Mission and is almost completely ready, gameplay-wise. We just need to add some finishing touches to its visuals before it enters Random Battles in September 2022. Here’s how the release version of Outpost will look:
The second most liked map, Oyster Bay, will be the next in our pipeline. It should hit Random Battles around the beginning of 2023.
Recon Mission: The Basics
- Getting there: You can access the Recon Mission mode via the mode selector, a special window in your Garage, and the Missions interface.
- The rules: Recon Mission is played 15v15 in Tier VIII–X vehicles by Standard Battle rules only. The map is randomly chosen from the pool of six prototypes.
- The questionnaire: This will become available for each new map once you’ve ranked top 12 by base XP in six battles played on that map. Make sure to complete as many Recon Mission map questionnaires as you can to help shape the game’s future!
- Participation pays off: Ranking within the top 12 by base XP in a Recon Mission battle will add to your progression bar. To win all of the available rewards, you’ll need to get into top 12 by base XP in 50 Recon Mission battles.
- You can also complete Daily Missions to earn Battle Pass Points and bonds in the mode. The results of Recon Mission battles will not contribute to your Personal Missions but will count towards your overall personal statistics.
- *You cannot complete clan missions in the mode but you can use Clan Reserves in it.
Map Candidates: Preview
Take a look at what we’ve improved in the prototypes from the previous Recon Mission:
- Canyon, a 1,000x1,000 m map set in a rocky desert with a rugged landscape
- Airshipyard, a snow-covered and mostly open 1,000x1,000 m location
- Far East, a fairly open 1,000x1,000 m summer map with some buildings and an airfield

The distance between tank destroyer positions was increased. The greenery was reworked to better cover vehicles with tall hulls from the enemy.

The distance between TD positions was increased. The greenery was reworked to better cover vehicles with tall hulls from the enemy.

The central hill has become less steep, meaning vehicles can reach the top faster. There are two new firing positions there, which face the southern base (symmetrical to those on the northern side). You can bypass the hill at its foot near the bridges without going down to the riverbed. There are more bushes around the latter, plus some new cover.

The dunes are much larger now, with cover and shrubbery on them. It's now safer to approach and leave the dunes.

Medium tank positions were reworked by the edge of the map, and both teams can now use them to control this direction.

Arty now has more options when changing positions, plus there’s extra vegetation to provide more cover.

Arty now has more options when changing positions, plus there’s extra vegetation to provide more cover.

Small indestructible cover was placed into both base capture circles (from the city side). Destructible structures that provided no cover were removed.

Small indestructible cover was placed into both base capture circles (from the city side). Destructible structures that provided no cover were removed.

The part with the airstrip received some small cover near the bases to help with moving between the runways without getting blasted.

The part with the airstrip received some small cover near the bases to help with moving between the runways without getting blasted.

The central zone was reworked. More possible routes and more covered positions were added in order to prompt the sides to use this direction more actively.

Covered positions in the center of the town were modified to create more opportunities to halt enemy attacks.

The ramp out of the water that gave an advantage to the “north” team was deleted.

The direction for medium tanks was completely redesigned, increasing gameplay synergy with other directions and making the landscape more rugged and covered with more vegetation. You can choose between multiple new firing positions or brawl by the new concrete structure near the edge of the map.

The landscape was reshaped with new cover added (and the existing cover improved) to make playing in light tanks more enjoyable here. Plenty of trees and shrubs were added to help hide vehicles assuming firing/spotting positions.

The terrain and covered positions near the bases were reworked. Driving from the bases at the start is now a less perilous journey.

The terrain and covered positions near the bases were reworked. Driving from the bases at the start is now a less perilous journey.
Take a leap into the unknown! These three map candidates are our latest creations:
- Anykeyyevka, a 1,000x1,000 m map with a Soviet setting, featuring diagonal symmetry, varied elevation, and a combination of cityscape and wilderness
- Aquila, an extra-large 1,200x1,200 m location based on Southern Europe, featuring mostly countryside with a small town
- Klostertal, a 1,000x1,000 m map set in Central Europe and consisting largely of city blocks with a spacious park in the middle

Here’s the main spot for clashes in heavily armored vehicles. Lots of defensible positions here with different elevations and firing distances.

From here, you can pin down opponents in the neighboring zones. You can also try to drive through into the enemy's rear.

A high-risk zone for medium and light tanks that offers a high reward, granting you control over a large portion of the map.

From these sniping positions, you can prevent excessive maneuvering by the red team.

From these sniping positions, you can prevent excessive maneuvering by the red team.

A zone for medium tanks that are able to play hull-down or even by exposing their "body" (provided they're sturdy).

A corner for the operators of super-fast light and medium tanks who play sharp. Little cover but plenty of excellent firing positions.

The battleground for heavily armored machines, with plenty of great defensive positions. From here, you also can contain enemy attempts to raid your rear.

This zone is great for spotting, especially when the battle begins, since you can track where the enemy vehicles are heading from their base. Lots of firing positions here that allow you to control the middle of the map.

This zone is great for spotting, especially when the battle begins, since you can track where the enemy vehicles are heading from their base. Lots of firing positions here that allow you to control the middle of the map.

Hold this point with medium tanks to spot and to fire at the enemy, maintaining your grip on the center of the location. Use cover, as return fire is to be expected.

Another place where medium tanks will be efficient. If your side wins here, you’ll control most of the map.

These sniping positions will suit weak-armored vehicles just fine.

These sniping positions will suit weak-armored vehicles just fine.

These sniping positions will suit weak-armored vehicles just fine.

These sniping positions will suit weak-armored vehicles just fine.

These sniping positions will suit weak-armored vehicles just fine.

These sniping positions will suit weak-armored vehicles just fine.

These sniping positions will suit weak-armored vehicles just fine.

These sniping positions will suit weak-armored vehicles just fine.

The prime direction for well-protected vehicles. Good positions abound. Choose one with a convenient firing distance so you can thwart any enemy attempts at rushing you.

You may try flanking enemy heavies from here, but that’s almost guaranteed to be risky.

The park has lots of firing positions, cozy bushes, and terrain folds for light and medium tanks.

These spots are great for preventing fast enemy breakthroughs and controlling their movement over most of the map.

These spots are great for preventing fast enemy breakthroughs and controlling their movement over most of the map.

These spots are great for preventing fast enemy breakthroughs and controlling their movement over most of the map.

These spots are great for preventing fast enemy breakthroughs and controlling their movement over most of the map.

These city blocks are ideal for some hidden (and thus unexpected) maneuvers near the end of the battle.

These city blocks are ideal for some hidden (and thus unexpected) maneuvers near the end of the battle.

These city blocks are ideal for some hidden (and thus unexpected) maneuvers near the end of the battle.

These city blocks are ideal for some hidden (and thus unexpected) maneuvers near the end of the battle.
Please take note that the maps in Recon Mission are prototypes designed for Random Battles. While their gameplay experience is almost finalized (to be fine-tuned with your help), the visuals may undergo more significant changes before the official release.
Questionnaire: Reworked
Your thoughts about the proposed World of Tanks maps have been very insightful, so we’ve decided to give you more ways to share your opinion in the questionnaire. Our new upgraded questionnaire is more user-friendly and responsive. Most importantly, it allows you to point out problematic points on a minimap if you mention that the positions of the teams are unbalanced. You can also provide detailed descriptions for up to three positions and explain what exactly is out of order. We’re sure this will help make your feedback more valuable than ever. If you change your mind about any Recon Mission map, you can fill out its questionnaire again at any point before the end of Recon Mission.
Rewards: Doubled
Making it into the top 12 by base XP (for both teams) in Recon Mission battles contributes to your progression bar. You’ll need to meet these conditions in 50 Recon Mission battles to complete the progression bar. Among the rewards (given when you reach certain thresholds as shown below) there are Personal Reserves, directives, days of WoT Premium Account, medals, and a unique 2D style.
However, note that the progression will be reset after the first week (on 20 June 2022 at 1700 UTC+8), so you can try to earn the entire set of Recon Mission prizes twice!
Remember that participating in Recon Mission, providing feedback, and voting for your favorite map prototypes are the best ways to directly influence the future of World of Tanks.
Recon New Map Challenge Tournament
Watch as your favorite Community Creators break in the new maps by going head-to-head against WG staff!
Four community teams will clash in a 5v5 format across all six new maps in this 3-round mini-tournament. Get a quick look at the new maps, how they play, and maybe get an edge over your opponents when you jump into Recon Mission yourself.
Tournament Start: Monday 13 June, 17:00 UTC+8
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make World of Tanks the best it can be!