Results: Ranked Battles Season X

Thank you for participating in Ranked Battles Season X and sharing your invaluable feedback, Commanders!

Based on your response to this test season, we plan to implement the current format in the 2021-2022 Seasons of Ranked Battles, and will continue to work on improving it even more before release. Stay tuned for more details to be announced in the coming months!

For now, the key changes to the Ranked Battles format are as follows.

  • 10v10 battles
  • No more than 1 SPG and 2 light tanks per team
  • Seasons run for two weeks instead of three
  • Number of chevrons required for ranks reduced from 83 to 70; distribution changed accordingly
  • Updated Role Experience system

In the meantime, you may wish to review your performance for this round on the leaderboard, and look forward to claiming your hard-earned rewards!

To the Leaderboard!

NOTE: All rewards will be distributed in the next 14 days. Tickets regarding the positions on the leaderboard and rewards will be accepted only within 30 days of the end of this Season.

All accounts suspected of game rules violations have been penalized accordingly and removed from the Ranked Battles leaderboard, so they will not be receiving any rewards. Please be sure to read our Fair Play Policy and Game Rules, and help us keep this mode enjoyable for all players!

See you again next Season, Commanders!
