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Introduction to Strongholds

29/05/2014 General News
In other languages: vi th zh-tw ja

«Strongholds» — is a new mode designed for clan members. It is readily available in the client and has no connection to Global War or any activities on the Global Map. “Strongholds” represents clan property consisting of a virtual military base, directions that it may be approached from, and auxiliary buildings. Clan commanders may create “Strongholds” for free.

Please keep in mind, that strongholds can only be created by clans with at least 20 members.

Considering this new mode as a sort of browser strategy is a faulty approach. All features of this mode are free of charge; the resources may be earned in tank battles.

In order to develop your Stronghold and achieve various bonuses (Orders) you will require industrial resources that may be earned in the following battle types:

  1. Raids
  2. Attacks on enemy Strongholds
  3. Defending your own Stronghold

Important note: the first test version of the mode will be featured by only “raids” available; the battles for strongholds will be added in further updates.

Defending and attacking Strongholds become available from certain levels – this is done to protect new players. Every clan may increase the level of its stronghold at their own discretion. On the other hand, the higher the level of your Stronghold, the more and higher quality bonuses are provided, whereas its increased size requires more forces to be defended.

Raid represents a 15 vs 15 fight, where teams are randomly matched from the overall number of those who joined raid mode. Such companies may be created by any player. Before joining such battles you’ll need to define the raid type: this will define maximum allowed tier for vehicles. Currently there are three types of raids:

  1. Medium (Tier 1–6).
  2. Champion (Tier 1–8).
  3. Absolute (Tier 1–10).

The battles are ruled by standard principles similar to company mode. Their results define the amount of industrial resource, earned by each participant and team on the whole.

The resources acquired may be spent on building structures and their modernization. The buildings then issue Orders — temporary in-game bonuses that affect all clan members in all game modes, including random battles.

Table of Orders, available in first iteration of “Strongholds”

OrderBonus typeMaximum value*Produced by
«Battle Payments»
Addon for all battles (credits) Up to 50% Financial unit
«Tactical Training»

Addon for all battles (exp)

Up to 50% Tankodrome
«Military Exercises»
Addon for all battles (free exp) Up to 50% Military School
«Additional Briefing»
Addon for all battles (crew exp) Up to 100% Training unit
Addon for all raids (industrial resource) Up to 50% Quartermaster unit

*The values may be altered based on test results.

There will be plans to introduce new type of Orders in further updates.

You may try the new mode during a special common test, which we will announce in the future. Watch out for the news!
