[Winner Announcement] Holiday Ops Stream: I AM THE LUCKIEST ONE

We've got our winners! Congratulations! Don't miss the Bonus Code streams to get your festive rewards! Follow these Community Contributors on Twitch to get notifications for their giveaway streams!

Language Name Channel
English 9_9  Twitch
Mandarin cksBB  Twitch
Korean Aarkong  Twitch
Thai wowwinyey  Twitch
Japanese known_issues  Twitch


It's the season for gifting Festive Boxes, receiving them, and of course, opening them! Perhaps your presence in their streams will give them the luck they need to earn a special bonus code for viewers.

Join our Community Contributors and WG Community team on streams from 01 - 10 December and wish them the best of luck. Because the Community Contributor winner will receive 10 bonus codes to share with viewers! 

Don't miss the WG Official stream on 01 December and get rewarded! Watch our official stream for 90 minutes and get a mystery drop - including the Type 5 Ka-Ri, T26E4 SuperPershing, TOG II*, and more... Come and try your luck! 

Can't join us? Fret not! You can get the mystery drop from Community Contributor streams too.

Once you've got your mystery drop, log in to World of Tanks to see what you've got!

Stay tuned to streams from the WG official Twitch channels too! There will be giveaways and you might just be the lucky one!

Stream Activity: I Am The Luckiest One

December 01 at 11:00 UTC+8 through December 10 at 23:00 UTC+8


May the luckiest win! Each streamer begins with 50 Large Boxes. Obtaining a vehicle scores them points based on the vehicle's tier. For example, a Tier VIII reward vehicle gives them 8 points.

The streamer with the most points at the end of this streaming period on 10 December will win the Large Boxes bonus code for their viewers.

Find out who's THE LUCKIEST ONE on Community Contributor streams and Discord on 12 December!


  • The winning CC will receive 10 bonus codes to share with viewers. Each bonus code consists of 1 Large Box.
10 Large Boxes

Follow us on Facebook for more!  

Participating CC list

  • English
  • Mandarin
  • Korean
  • Thai
  • Japanese
Name Channel Stream Schedule
bossdog Twitch 02 December
15:00 UTC+8
Ziggy Twitch 05 December
14:00 UTC+8
9_9 Twitch 01 December
10:00 UTC+8
stewiejp Twitch 01 December
18:00 UTC+8
EggWhiteGaming Twitch 08 December
20:00 UTC+8
General_Hans98 Twitch 08 December
21:00 UTC+8
CrazyTankersVN Youtube 01 December
22:00 UTC+8
K9 Youtube 01 December
22:00 UTC+8
jpxerxes Twitch 08 December
21:00 UTC+8
Napalmer Twitch 03 December
20:00 UTC+8
TVBee Youtube 03 December
20:00 UTC+8
Botek9 Twitch 03 December
22:00 UTC+8
Name Channel Stream Schedule
EatingMosquito Twitch 02 December
18:00 UTC+8
TTCF Twitch 02 December
18:00 UTC+8
Sigh Twitch 02 December
20:00 UTC+8
I_Will_Wait_For_You Twitch 02 December
19:00 UTC+8
XuanGaming03 Twitch 01 December
20:30 UTC+8
StarET Twitch 03 December
12:00 UTC+8
cksBB Twitch 04 December
20:00 UTC+8
Name Channel Stream Schedule
Aarkong Twitch 02 December
20:00 UTC+8
cav1ar Twitch 01 December
17:00 UTC+8
Ratten Twitch 01 December
15:00 UTC+8
Livese Twitch 01 December
18:00 UTC+8
_cherry_picker Twitch 01 December
17:30 UTC+8
Name Channel Stream Schedule
Nicky_Chal_ Youtube 02 December
21:00 UTC+8
teysanook Twitch 03 December
21:00 UTC+8
wowwinyey Twitch 01 December
21:00 UTC+8
TheReturner_ Twitch 01 December
21:00 UTC+8
CTkz Twitch 01 December
22:00 UTC+8
n4VaHO___ Twitch 01 December
21:00 UTC+8
iTerran_ Twitch 06 December
21:00 UTC+8
Name Channel Stream Schedule
0miki0 Twitch 02 December
19:30 UTC+8
Aramoso Youtube 02 December
12:00 UTC+8
hirolog123 Twitch 01 December
19:00 UTC+8
youhey_k Twitch 02 December
12:00 UTC+8
Teppei_game Youtube 02 December
12:00 UTC+8
purple67k Twitch 02 December
11:00 UTC+8
irodori_dango Youtube 01 December
21:00 UTC+8
known_issues Twitch 03 December
11:00 UTC+8
kei_kkr Twitch 01 December
18:00 UTC+8