Spaghetti vs Meatball Asia CC Tournament!

It’s time for a little friendly competition among our Community Contributors! This Saturday the 27th of February at 6PM UTC+8 (9PM UTC+11) Team ANZ will vs Team Asia in the Spaghetti vs Meatball Italian Tournament. This tournament will be casted LIVE on our Official Twitch Channel by Napalmer and Assassin Gaelic, where they will be giving away 15,000 throughout the night! You’ll also be able to watch the participants stream on their own channel where they’ll be giving out codes that redeem missions awarding 1 Day Premium Account Time, 3x XP for Victories and 20,000!

Tournament Format

The Tournament will have eight total rounds. One team will play exclusively Italian Medium Tanks and the other team exclusively Italian Heavy Tanks for two rounds, teams will then switch to playing the other line for two rounds, before four rounds of mixed Heavy and Medium teams.

The first four rounds will be played on Lakeville to see how each team handles the same map with different tanks, before switching to two mixed rounds on Himmelsdorf. The last map will be decided by the viewers live! So make sure you’re watching to vote on the last map!

Here is your full list of participants and their links:

Your Casters!


Hosted on the Official WOTANZ Channel

Assassin Gaelic

Your Teams!

Team ANZ


Team Asia












So make sure to be watching your favourite CC, cheer for their team, and check in on the official cast on our ANZ Twitch Channel for your chance to win codes, up to 15,000 gold and witness the first interregional CC tournament this Saturday night at 6:00PM UTC+8 (9:00PM UTC+11)!
