Greetings, Commanders!
The festive season is behind us, but we still have enjoyable new content for you. Today is a special day, as the long-awaited double-barreled vehicles are heading for the Supertest! In addition to the new sub-branch of double-barreled Soviet heavy tanks coming out in Update 1.7.1, we're testing a new feature, the Demount Kit, which we aim to release with them. It will save you gold when unmounting Complex Equipment. Let’s take a closer look.
The Supertest is the process of testing a project at the early stages of implementation, if necessary. The test involves checking the concept of a new feature or version and searching for critical issues. In World of Tanks, Supertests are divided into production tests of individual features, performed during feature development (testing a new map, balancing a new vehicle, etc.), and version tests of full releases.
The purpose of Supertests is to test the game content in a live environment with a limited number of players (supertesters) before the final release. If the Supertests prove that the content is ready, Common Tests are then conducted.
You might already have seen the extraordinary
Object 703 Version II
, the first-ever Tier VIII Premium double-barreled vehicle in World of Tanks, in Random Battles. It provides its fortunate possessors with fresh, dynamic gameplay and instantly draws attention on the battlefield.
Now, it’s time to introduce some friends for this pioneer of double-barreled tanks — the highly anticipated sub-branch of these steel colossi.
The new sub-branch of double-barreled Soviet heavy tanks will start with the KV-3 at Tier VII. You’ll be able to move along the heavy branch or research these new double-barreled predators. In Update 1.7.1, the following three new vehicles will storm the battlefield:
The Crew of all three double-barreled vehicles consists of five crew members:
As you go up the new branch, you’ll find that you have more armor, more firepower, and more fun driving these tanks. But their most important feature is their multiple shooting modes, and each has its own peculiarities. Let's take a quick look at them.
After shooting the active gun, perhaps the left one, it starts reloading. The second one (the right gun) now becomes the active one. When the left gun is loaded, you can take a shot with the right gun. Then the right gun starts reloading, the left one becomes active again, and the cycle repeats.
After shooting the active left gun, the camera shifts, but you can’t fire the second gun right away. The timer on the left shows when you can shoot. When it finishes, you can fire from the second gun. Remember though that the loading of the first gun will be interrupted, and the sequential loading of both shells will start over.
You need to hold the left mouse button to prepare the shot (this takes a few seconds). Your reloading progress is displayed inside the scope area. When reloading is complete, a double shot automatically occurs. If you release the left mouse button before the reloading process ends, the process will reset.
Note: you can reassign the double shot button in the control settings menu using the Double-Shot key.
Starting with Update 1.7.1, it will be possible to unmount and send Complex Equipment to the Depot for free without spending 10. To do this, you need to use the new Demount Kit. It has varying chances to drop from the large Reward for Merit in the fifth round of this special in-game reward.
Each Demount Kit can only be used once, to unmount a single piece of Complex Equipment. You can still unmount Complex Equipment for gold if you prefer – just select the option from the menu on the equipment screen. But why not simply remove it for free and save your gold for something else?
Earned Demount Kits will be stored in the Stock section of the Consumables tab in your Depot and automatically debited after use. Remember: these items cannot be sold!
There’s a lot of interesting content ahead of us, including exciting new events. Stay tuned for more information, and good luck on the battlefield!
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