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[Special] Top of the Tree: Grille 15

31/08/2016 In-Game Events
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Tank Commanders!

The 'Top of the Tree' special is back! For the whole of this month, we're giving you temporary discounts for arguably one of the strongest TD tech tree branches in the game, which terminates with the Tier X Grille 15 German TD.

This little beast comes packed with a truly monstrous gun and the strength to reposition in decent time, allowing you to strike foes from afar with devastating fire. Its weakness lies in its inability to defend itself in close quarters, but once it gets into the perfect position, expect enemies to fall before you!

grille 15 2

Click here to view the complete technical specifications for the Grille 15.


Interested in owning one but don't have enough credits to purchase it at full price? Good news - this Top of the Tree special grants a 30% discount for all purchases of the Grille 15, as well as a further discount for the other TDs that share the same tech tree branch. In addition, a mission rewarding bonus Crew EXP will also be available for every battle participated while using the featured vehicles on sale.

Want another reason to get the Grille 15? Another set of missions that run all the way from now until November will reward further Crew EXP and Personal Reserve rewards... but only if you use that TD in battle.

Roll out!

Note: Tier X vehicles rarely go beyond a 15% sale; the Top of the Tree special is one of the only occasions to offer a 30% discount!

[Special] Top of the Tree: Grille 15

Event Start: 1 September, 2016 (Thursday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)

Event End: 1 October, 2016 (Saturday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)

Top of the Tree: Grille 15

50% off for the following:

  • Tier II TD Panzerjager II
  • Tier III TD Marder II
  • Tier IV TD Marder 38t
  • Tier V TD Pz.Sfl. IVc

30% off for the following:

  • Tier VI TD Nashorn
  • Tier VII TD Sturer Emil
  • Tier VIII TD Rhm. Borsig Waffentrager
  • Tier IX TD Waffentrager auf Pz. IV
  • Tier X TD Grille 15

Crew EXP Bonus

All featured regular vehicles in this special will be eligible for a x1.5 Crew EXP bonus for all battles.


[Special] Top of the Tree: Grille 15 Reward Mission

Event Start: 1 September, 2016 (Thursday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)

Event End: 1 November, 2016 (Tuesday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)

Mission: Top of the Tree - Grille 15 #1


Win a Random Battle while being in the Top 10 in your team in terms of EXP.


  • Must use a Grille 15
  • Available 50 times per account only


  • x2 Crew EXP


Mission: Top of the Tree - Grille 15 #2


Win 50 Random Battles while being in the Top 10 in your team in terms of EXP.


  • Must use a Grille 15
  • Available once per account only


  • 10x '+100% EXP' Booster (Duration: 2 hours)
  • 10x '+300% Crew EXP' Booster (Duration: 2 hours)

