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Tier X Player's Choice: E-50 Ausf M

06/03/2014 In-Game Events
In other languages: th zh-tw ja

Tank Commanders,

Our next Tier X special is ready to go! This week, we present you with the German E-50 Ausf. M, a clear favourite among the community.

As always, we're not just slapping discounts on the featured tank and calling it a day - in fact, we're slasing the prices and adding bonus income perks for all the tanks sharing the same tech tree branch with the E-50, all the way from Tier II onwards. So go crazy and get the E-50 Asuf. M now!

Roll out!


7 - 21 March: Tier X Player's Choice: E-50 Ausf. M

Event Start: 7 March, 2014 (Friday) @ 13:30 - 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)

Event End: 21 March, 2014 (Friday) @ 13:30 - 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)


Please note that timings are not fixed and may vary within that range.


Enjoy 50% discounts and increased profits of 1.5 credits on the following tanks:

Note: Only the Top 10 players for EXP gained on their team may be granted the bonus credit income.

Tier II LT Pz. II
Tier IV HT D.W. 2
Tier V HT VK 30.01 H

Enjoy 30% discounts and increased profits of 1.3 credits on the following tanks:

Note: Only the Top 10 players for EXP gained on their team may be granted the bonus credit income.

Tier VI MT VK 30.02 M
Tier VII MT Panther
Tier VIII MT Panther II
Tier IX MT E-50
Tier X MT E-50 Ausf. M
